Truths and betrayals of a young man's heart chapter 9

sex stories

It's finally Saturday and 10 a.m. in the morning. Mom, Denise, Helen, Mina, Maxine, and Lina have already left to Uncle Gus and Aunt Cindy's ranch. Mom and Denise had us sleep in separate rooms. Mina slept in our room and I slept in the guest room. Zan made Will and Dusty keep me in the guest room until the ladies left. I was going to be taken in another hour to give everyone else that was going to the wedding time to show up. Will, Dusty and I got ready in our tux. Zan was going to wear a simple suit that I think he wore for his wedding to Helen. After getting ready and down to the living I am sitting in my chair waiting. Uncle Damien showed up while I was getting ready upstairs. He is wearing a suit , but also a leather jacket with his Lone Wolf patch on the back of it. What catches my eyes is he has another leather jacket in his lap. I ask him about the jacket and he gives me a grin. He says that the one in his lap was my dads for when they rode together to just get away from life in general. I give him a wide eyed look with gets him to laugh a bit. Zan catches my look and laughs also. Uncle Damien tells me the jacket is for his surprise that I will get after the reception. I give him a curious look in which he says I will just have to wait. Will announces it's time for us to get going as the time reaches 11 a.m. Mina and I wanted our wedding to be early so our honeymoon could start early enough. Will suggest I ride with Zan for Dusty was going to led and he was going to be in the back as the caboose of our convoy. Uncle Damien was going to ride behind Zan and I on his bike. It was summer so I understood. The drive to the ranch was one of talk. Zan told me Mina and I were in for a few surprises today which a few were from our families. I gave him a curious look and he smiled.

Once at the ranch I noticed a lot of car's, trucks, and a few van's. I gave my future father-n-law a glance and he just shrugged his shoulders. Will and Dusty came up behind me as I stood just staring at all the vehicles. I heard loud voices coming from behind the house. Will noticed my expression and told me it was about time and we needed to get in our places. Him and Dusty went in the house to escort their ladies down the aisle. Zan follows saying he is going to walk his Daughter down the aisle. Uncle Damien walks with me around the side of the house and I stand frozen seeing people I have seen the past few months. Courtney from the resort, Sheila the jeweler, and others. Some deputies that were at the Christmas party and a few families. Uncle Damien gives me a push and I start walking to my spot by the arch. I see Mom and Denise coming out to sit by Uncle Gus and Aunt Cindy. The preacher Mike tells me to relax and I will be alright. I tell him easier said then done. We both laugh for a moment. The wedding march starts to play and everyone that is seated turns to watch the aisle. I watch and see Dusty and Lina walking first down and then behind them is Will and Maxine. Both Lina and Maxine are wearing long blue dresses with their hair up. Once Dusty and Will are in their spots by me, and both Maxine and Lina are in theirs. My eyes go wide as I see Mina wearing a beautiful elegant wedding dress. Her face is covered with a veil and what I can see the train goes to the ground and back a bit. Her bouquet as red and white roses. Zan is walking next to her and his face is all smiles. Once Zan and Mina get up to the arch I hear Mike speak.

" Who gives the bride away to the groom?" He asks with a smile

" Her mother and I do." Zan says smiling

He places Mina's hand in mine and gives me a pat on the back before taking his seat next to Helen. Mina and I turn to Mike as he starts in on the wedding.

" Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to witness the bonds of love and matrimony of Alex and Mina." Mike says with happiness

Our families and friends clap then Mike speaks again.

" Love found it's way into two hearts that were destined to be as one, and may that love always grow beyond time itself. I was told that both Alex and Mina wanted to say their own vows to one another. Alex when you are ready please begin." Mike says nodding his head to me

I turn and place both my hands on Mina's that was placed in mine.

" Mina Irene Chou, You came back into my life when I thought the start of it was going down. You never left my side being my friend from the start. Through the months that I felt my life was hell you brought me out of the dark and the flames. The times we shared and the times you placed those loving arms around me to give me assurance that my life would get better. When others turned away you stayed right there knowing I was needing a shoulder to lean on. Mina you are my sun and moon, you are the stars that shine so bright that guide me at night. The kiss we shared under that shade tree all those years ago was a start to something wonderful and rare. As the day I asked you to be my girlfriend, I knew there was another step that needed to be taken. On that cliff with the beauty surrounded us that moment was the next level of my love for you. Mina I vow to honor, cherish, be faithful and loyal. To always protect you in every way I can with my arms that desire to embrace you. From this moment on, I Alex Heath Cartwright take you Mina Irene Chou as my beautiful, sexy, and amazing wife to Love forever and beyond time." I expressed my love with a smile

Everyone was clapping and crying as to my vows. Mina had tears going down her face and smiling.

" Mina when you are ready you may say your love to Alex." Mike told her with a smile

Mina gave him a nod then looked straight into my eyes. She calmed herself and took a deep breath.

" Alex Heath Cartwright, You have been the man I have wanted for so many years. The night we spoke again my stomach had butterflies and stars. That night I so wanted us to talk for hours and hours. When the next day came and my eyes saw you hurt and beaten I made a vow to protect you as much as I could. Alex you are my heart and my soul, without you I could not go on. My life as been so wonderful with you and when you asked me to be your girlfriend my heart melted. That night was so romantic that we shared bringing in the new year was amazing. And when you asked me to be your wife my heart felt warm and my soul was on fire. That day was so beautiful that we shared it with those that I call mom now. Alex from this day on I vow to honor, cherish, be loyal and faithful to you. I will protect you with my heart, body and soul. I will always love you until the end of time and beyond. I love you Alex my love." Mina said with tears

All the women were sobbing even a few of the men were also. Mike smiled and began again asking for the rings. Mina and I turned to get the rings. I from Dusty and Mina from Lina. We turned back facing each other and Mike began.

" Alex, Mina these rings symbolize the love that you both give to one another. They are symbols of infinite love that can't be broken. Alex place Mina's ring on her finger." Mike exclaims to me

I placed the ring on Mina's finger with a smile and few tears.

" Do you Alex Heath Cartwright take Mina Irene Chou to be your loving wife from this day forward?" He asks with a smile

" I do." I answer with love from my heart

" Mina place Alex's ring on his finger." He instructs Mina saying

Mina placed my ring on my finger with a smile and few tears.

" Mina Irene Chou do you take Alex Heath Cartwright to be your loving husband from this day forward?" Mike with a firm voice and smile asks Mina

" I do." She exclaims telling him

" Then by the power invested to me by the state of Missouri. On this day the 5th of July I declare you Alex Heath Cartwright and Mina Irene Chou husband and wife. You may kiss your bride." Mike announces whole heartedly

I step up to Mina and lift her veil. we look into each others eyes and we kiss our lips pressed against each other as our tongues come for the other. As we kiss we hear Mike announce.

" To everyone here I give you Alex and Mina Cartwright." He proclaims to everyone

Everyone are yelling cheers and clapping. I place my arms around Mina making sure my cast doesn't get bumped. I feel a pat on my back and see that Zan, Helen, Mom, and Denise have come up to us. They give their congratulations to us with tears and smiles. Mina wants pictures taken of us and everyone in the wedding, plus pictures of our families and friends. Will yells for Ashley who is all smiles coming over with camera in hand. Dusty asks Zack to start with the music until pictures are done being taken. Both families get situated as to where to sit and stand. Mina gets help to take the veil and train off so she can sit. So the seating gets straighten out and is as follows. Mina seated in middle with me behind her, On her right is Helen then Mina's aunt and female cousins. Mina's left is Mom, Denise, Aunt Cindy, and then Beth. On my Right standing is Zan, his brother, then Mina's male cousins. On my left standing is Uncle Damien, Uncle Gus, then Trace. After a few family pictures are done its switched up with Wedding party. Will on my right and Dusty on my left. Maxine on Mina's right and Lina on her left. Mike is standing by his son Will. My hands stay on Mina's shoulders the whole time. As my family and friends start to rearrange the backyard people come up to us saying congrats and they are so happy for us. Courtney comes up and gives Mina a hug and then me. She says it was a honor to have come. She explains mom and Denise called and wanted her to be her to share the moment with us. Mina told her she was so happy she came to our wedding. She says it will be a day to always remember. Sheila comes up after Courtney and tells us it was a beautiful ceremony. That all she saw was us glowing the whole time.

The reception starts and Mina and I take our first dance as Husband and Wife. At that moment the song that plays is ours, but it's being sung by two people I never knew could sing. Mina and I look over and see Dusty and Lina with mic's in their hands. Both of them are singing different parts of the song and looking at us and then each other. I'm just staring into Mina's eyes hearing the words being sung. And I start singing some to Mina who has tears in her beautiful eyes. As the song gets to the end Dusty and Lina sing it at the same time.

Yeah I would fight for you. I'd lie for you
Walk the wire for you yeah .I'd die for you

You know it's true
Everything I do. oh .I do it for you

As the song ends I pull Mina into a tight embrace and give her a deep, passionate kiss. We hear everyone applaud to Dusty and Lina for their wonderful singing. Mina and I sit at the spots we were given at the table. Her family on one side and mine on the other. The tables are like a U with us at the top. Mom and Denise are on my left. Zan and Helen are on Mina's right. It seems Mom, Zan , and Helen decided on a catering service for the reception. The food is great and after being so nervous Mina and I are eating big. Were getting laughs from our family and friends. After everyone was done eating Mom stood and announced she had a few things to say. She said she was so happy that Mina and I found one another. And she was happy to finally have a daughter-n-law she could talk to and hang out with. She told everyone that we were a lot like her and my dad always showing our love to no end. Mom looked at me and said she was so proud of me that I never gave up months ago when things were out of my element. At that moment I felt my eyes water and Mina squeezed my hand she was holding. Mom took a few steps and handed Mina and I a envelope each. I noticed Denise got up and went to Will, Maxine, Dusty, and Lina.
We all gave Mom and Denise odd looks. Mom noticed and spoke.

" The envelopes you six are holding is a token of Denise and My appreciation and Love. Dusty, Maxine you both have been like my own children. I have seen you both grow along side my own son. Will, Lina the past school year you both have come around and shown me how much you care for these two sitting in front of me. What you are holding is graduation gifts, but for Mina and Alex it's also a Honeymoon. You may open them." Mom says with a hand on my right shoulder and Mina's left with a smile

We all open the envelopes and our eyes go wide. Inside are tickets to Hawaii. Mina and I look at each other and then at our closest friends as they look wide eyed at us. Mina and I get up to hug Mom. She gives us a hug back and then I feel other arms around us and it's our four friends. After the girls stop screaming we hug Denise also. We all sit back into our seats and then Zan and Helen stand up and walk behind Mina and I. He places his hands on Mina's shoulders and Helen places hers on mine. We turn to look at them both as they are both smiling. Zan looks at me and starts to speak.

" Alex when I first met you my eyes saw a young man that was on my door step telling me he was my daughter's date. I thought to myself hmm wonder if he is the guy Mina talked about. As we started to talk you showed me you were. Alex through these many months you have changed from that young man that came to my door for a date. Now you are the son my wife and I never had. It makes my heart smile knowing my daughter is in the right hands. Helen and I have a gift for you both." He tells us and then looks at Helen

Helen hands me a envelope that feels a little heavy. She smiles and tells me to open it. I do and as I pull a piece of paper out some keys fall in my lap. Mina notices and covers her mouth with her hands. I look at the paper and see it's a house deed. I look up at Zan and Helen and notice them smiling. Mina asks what is it, I hand her the document and her eyes go wide. She yells out loud ' A HOUSE ' . Zan says yes that for a married couple should have a house of their own. I look over at my mom and see tears in her eyes, but she is smiling. I lean over and see where the house is. I look at Mina, then my in-laws and back to Mom. The house is two doors down from Mom and Denise. Mina and I stand up and give them both a hug and say our thank you's. We get back in our seats and that is when Uncle Damien stands and comes up behind us he is holding the leather jacket in his right hand. He places his left hand on my right shoulder.

" To those that don't know me I am Alex's dad's twin brother. As some know my brother was in a accident and lost his life. My brother left me if this day was to come. He was the type of man to think ahead of time. So with all that said." He explains and has me stand

He hands me the jacket with the back towards me. I look at it in great detail. The back has a lone wolf patch like my uncle's and the name Cartwright at the top. But what catches my eye is Mom's name and my name. I look at his face and see a smile.

" Alex this jacket was your fathers when him and I would ride." He states to me

" But I don't have a motorcycle to ride Uncle Damien." I state back at him with a confused look

" Alex, that's what your father thought you would say. As I speak your dad's bike is being delivered at your mom's house so when you get back from your honeymoon you will have a chance to ride with me." He tells me smiling

I look at him and then everyone else. Mom has a big smile on her face. I guess her and dad rode at times which I never seen them do. Uncle Damien and I hug and a few minutes later get back in our seats. I notice Uncle Gus and Trace stand and come up behind me. Trace hands me a envelope and I accept it. Then he starts to speak to Mina and I.

" Mina, Alex I know that one day you both will start a family and give Beth and I little cousins to protect as they grow up, but we want you both to be protected driving them here and there. So dad and I pinched in and got you both a vehicle that will do the job , plus has plenty of room. In that envelope is the title and keys. It's already tagged and licensed. Aunt Terra helped with your information all you have to do is sign and send it in." Trace declared to us

" Alex my boy your car was beyond fixing. And we know how much that car meant to you. So Trace and I found the perfect vehicle that will always stand up to what may come. We had a few let's say custom things done to it. My future nieces or nephews will be protected as well as you and my new niece." Uncle Gus tells us explaining with a smile

I open the envelope and see the title. I am floored at what the title states. The vehicle they got Mina and I is a 1992 Chevrolet Suburban 2500. I show Mina the title and her eyes go wide. We both stand up and hug them both. After the hugs again we sit and that moment I feel so much emotion after what our family has done for us. I take Mina's left hand with my right and give her a soft squeeze, she to is full of emotion her eyes are watering. I stand up and look at everyone.

" I want to say thank you to everyone here. Mina and I never knew so many cared and loved us. Before this year my life was a nightmare at a time. I felt hurt and unwanted, but the beautiful young lady at my side came into my life when it all started and never did leave me. I want you all to know you are my family and closest friends. So I have to say I love you all and thank you for coming and witness our love become one." I proclaimed from my heart

Everyone cheered and applauded. Mina stood up and hugged me tight and we kissed. The reception went by and some started to linger. Mina stopped everyone and said she still had to throw the bouquet. Zan and I helped her up on the table, and all the non married young ladies got in the center and Mina turned straight with her back towards them. She counted to 3 and threw the bouquet behind her. We watched the bouquet fly through the air and it was caught by two of our friends. Maxine and Lina stood there holding each side of the bouquet. They both looked at Will and Dusty who both had wide eyes and jaws dropped. Mina smiled when she saw two of her best friends with the bouquet. Uncle Damien yelled ' Garter Garter". Mina and I had blushed faces. Mina nodded so I reached under her dress and pulled the garter down and off. I turned as all the non married guys get in the center. I noticed Will and Dusty standing by each other. A crazy thought came to me and I did the garter like a rubber band and it went in the air. And like the bouquet, the garter met in both Will and Dusty's hands. they looked at the ladies they loved and smiled.

Once the reception was about over Mina, Will, Maxine, Dusty, Lina, and I were standing and talking about the tickets. They spoke on how it was going to be cool and fun. Lina asked where are we going to stay and how we going to get the money to pay. I guess Mom and Denise weren't far for they walked a few steps to us and Mom started to explain. She said everything was taken care of. She stated she got Mina and I the honeymoon suite and the others Bridal suite. We all stared at her wide eyed. She looked at her watch and noticed it was 2 p.m. and said our flight leaves at 6 p.m. that night. We all again looked at each other and Mina, Maxine, and Lina started jumping up and down. Us guys just smiled at each other. Mom reached in her purse and handed Will, Dusty, and I envelopes. We each looked in them and found a credit card. Mom said there was 10,000 dollars on each. And for us to have fun and enjoy our trip. We all looked at Mom and Denise standing there and gave them a big group hug. I looked in my mom's eyes and saw so much love and smiled as she smiled back.

Our honeymoon was going great and so relaxing. It's the 4th day and it has been a blast so far. To sum up the last four days and the flight. Well on the way to Hawaii on the plane Mina wanted to join the mile high club. She had me follow her to the bathroom while no one was watching. Although I think Will and Maxine did. Well after Mina and I got done joining we stepped out and the stewardess was standing there. It was fun trying to explain to her my wife felt sick and wanted my help. She just gave us a smirk and just nodded. First class was fun as Mina and I had a few chairs to lay down and cuddle. Once we landed there was a limo waiting for us with Mina and my name on the side saying Congratulations. We all got in and was driven to the hotel. Mom didn't hold back it was a 5 star hotel real fancy too. We all thought it best to get something to eat and relax in our rooms. Once we checked in we went to find a place to eat and did. We got a chance to taste the local cuisine. The food was great and refreshing. After we ate all of us went back to the hotel and went to our rooms. Our bags were already in our rooms once Mina and I walked in our mouths dropped. The room had it's own living area, big t.v., and kitchen. The bedroom had a big bed which Mina jump into smiling. That night Mina and I made love four times. The second and third days were fun. All six of us learned how to surf. Mina caught on fast so did Maxine and Lina. Will, Dusty, and I learned and caught on after a hour. Scuba diving was nice. Mina and I held hands under water looking at the ocean floor. The nights were full of us in bed expressing our love for one another. As I said it's the 4th day and the women decided we all go to the beach and just relax. Will, Dusty and I agreed so after lunch we all went to the beach and watched the local surfers. A few of the local guys kept staring at Maxine, Lina, and Mina. Will, Dusty, and I just kept our guard up just in case. Mina noticed my face and told me no man could compare to me and for me to not to even worry. She cuddled up to me on the blanket and held me close. A few of the guys that were staring came over and asked the girls if they wanted to go surfing. Mina, Maxine,and Lina just looked at each other and then us. Mina put her left hand up to caress my face and gave me a kiss. She turned to the guys and said she didn't think her husband would approve of it. A big looking guy standing 6'3, 220 lbs, short black hair gave her a smile and said he could convince me. I guess him seeing the cast on my arm gave him a bit of confidence. Mina just smiled and said that I was all the man she needed and that we were on our honeymoon. He gave her a wide eyed look which made his buddies laugh. One said that no woman as ever brushed him off. Mina said she was sorry , but she vowed she would always stay faithful to me and intends to stay that way. Maxine and Lina said the same about Will and Dusty. The guys gave their apologies and said Congrats to Mina and I. They were nice about everything saying we were on the right path of being married. That love is hard to find in life.
It was a week since Mina and I have been married. It's 10 p.m. and i'm in bed waiting for my beautiful wife to come out of the bathroom. She told me to get comfy and relax, so I did by taking my cloths off and getting ready for what she has in store. After about 10 minutes Mina comes out of the bathroom wearing a short robe. I look down between her legs and see she is wearing pink panties. She walks over to the bed and crawls over to me. She leans down and places a sweet passionate kiss on my lips. I place my right hand behind her head and return the kiss. after a few heating up moments she breaks the kiss and gets on her knees and smiles. She reaches into a small pocket of her short silk robe and hands me a plastic circle container. I give her a raised eyebrow in which she smiles explaining.

" Baby, since we got married I haven't been taking those." She confesses to me

" Ok um…what are these the container looks full." I tell her confused

" Baby, that which you have in your hand is my birth control pills." Mina finally states to me

I give her a wide eyed expression then it hits me.

" Mina darlin are you saying what I think your saying." I exclaim to her without confusing me

" Alex my love, what do you think I am thinking." She answers with a question

I look at the container then into her beautiful face, her eyes are sparkling bright.

" Are you saying you want to have our baby already?" I state asking her with a raised eyebrow

" Uh huh I am. It's a romantic moment, you and I here on a island that feels like paradise. Baby I want our child and I checked and I am fertile. Alex I love you and I want to conceive our first born here and in your arms." She says to me with watery eyes and a smile

I give her a smile back and get up on my knees and embrace with my arms around her. I look in her eyes and see her love looking me in the eyes. We place our lips together and let our tongues find one another. I feel her hands on my waist as mine go to her sexy ass. She moans in my mouth as I squeeze her ass cheeks. She slides her left hand down and finds my manhood. She starts to stroke it getting a moan from me. I find the sash on her robe and pull it so the robe opens to bare her body. Mina shrugs it off and keeps stroking me until I am hard in her beautiful hands. A thought comes to me and I smile while kissing her. After breaking the kiss I have her get on her back. Mina gives me a seductive grin and does as I ask. I get over above her and start kissing my way down her body. Starting at her neck and slowly to her collarbone. Next is her left breast followed by her right. I slide my tongue down the center to her belly button in which I lick around it and inside. Mina gives a soft moan as I slide my tongue in and out of her belly button. I feel her spread her legs inviting me to go lower. I take it and go further down. I get up on my knees between her legs and place my hands on each of her hips. Taking the hem of her panties I pull and she lifts her butt so her panties can come off better. she lifts her legs together so I can slip her panties off better. She lowers her legs again and spreads them wide. Again I get down between her legs. I can smell her sex and know she is so aroused by my touches. I kiss the top of her pubic hair and then kiss down each side of her slit. The sweet smell of coconut fills my nose. I let my tongue out to taste her labia lips and taste a hint of her nectar on each one. She gives out another soft moan. I look up and see her hands up on the head board. Her head is tilted back a little. I take my whole tongue and lick her whole slit getting another moan from her. I spread her labia lips apart to slide my tongue licking her inner lips getting another moan from her. She taste of coconut and so sweet. I place my right thumb up on her hard clit and start rubbing. My tongue sliding in her lovely canal. she is moaning deeply. I curl my tongue up and focus on her g spot. She is going frantic at my inner and outer touches. Her hands are placed on my head and running her fingers through my hair. She lifts her legs with knees up to her breast. She wants my tongue deeper inside her juicy pussy. My tongue is going wild on her g spot as my thumb rubs faster.

" Oh Mina moans in between words

I keep going getting her over the edge. I look up the best I can to see her eyes closed. Mina starts grinding her pussy on my tongue and thumb. I smell her arousal getting stronger. Her juices starting to flow. She starts jerking wildly.

" Mina moans announcing

Mina does a long hard gush comes as I open my mouth to catch all her sweet tasting cum. I lap at her juices that are flowing. She grabs the sheets with both hands tight. I ease off a little to help her ride her orgasm out. Her breathing is heavy as her chest goes up and down fast. I stop all that I am doing and get on my knees. I look at my beautiful wife and smile. She looks so amazing after she has a strong orgasm. She slowly opens her eyes and smiles. She tells me she needs me inside her to embrace her. She exclaims that our love is strong and wants more. She places her arms around her legs bringing them to her. She looks her hands together and smiles to give her what she needs. I take my hard shaft in my right hand and line up with her sexy love spot. Mina nods her head with a smile and at that moment I thrust deep inside her. We both let out a moan that fills the room. I place both my hands on either side of her head. I start thrusting slowly at first so she feels every inch of me go in and out of her wet, warm, pussy. My cock is throbbing so much that it wants her so much. Our moans are getting louder. She proclaims her love to me as I to her. Mina undoes her hands and places them on my sides. Mina tells me faster and harder. I start pounding faster and harder increasing the pace we share. Her hips are going upward meeting mine. I feel my own orgasm building to the point of release. Mina slides her hands up and down my sides making this moment feel electrifying. I get up and place my hands on her thighs as leverage and start pounding her love canal more.

" Mina moans loudly to me

" Me toooo…." I tell her moaning
" Yessss….cum in me…..cum with me…." My beautiful wife tells me

At that moment both Mina and I erupt on each other. She squirts on me as I erupt deep inside her. I pull her tight against my cock. Feeling her cervix and my cum sporting into her womb. We stay locked in that moment feeling each others love flowing between us. After a few moments Mina drops her legs back on the bed. I get pulled down as she embraces me with her arms around my back. I lay my head on her right shoulder breathing hard on her neck. Were both panting catching our breathes.

" Mina says to me panting

" I say panting on her neck

After a few minutes and our breathing getting under control Im on my back and Mina is cuddled up to me. I ask her if she needs to keep her legs up so my love seed takes affect. She is quiet for a moment then gets on her back and lifts her legs. We talk about the next week and she says she wants to spend every single moment with me. That night we made love three more times. Mina wanted to make sure we conceived a baby. Sleep took us around 3 a.m. the next morning.

The following week came and went everyday bringing fun and excitement to us all. The flight home was uneventful with Mina and I cuddled on the way home. Our return was heartfelt with our parents meeting us at the airport. Hugs were given around and kisses on cheeks. Mom drove Mina and my Suburban so I could drive us home. Loaded up and saying our goodbyes to our families and friends I drove Mina and I to our home. She smiled knowing we be in our own place soon. The drive was active with Mina talking about all that we did. I drove listening and agreeing with her sweet words she was saying. Once home I helped her out the passenger side. Once at the front door I lifted her up in my arms as she unlocked the door. The door opened and I walked in carrying my beautiful wife in my arms. I shut the door with my right foot and it shut. Mina was worried about my left arm , but I reassured her it felt great it didn't hurt so much. It was around 5 p.m. as I placed her on the couch that Zan and Helen bought us. I sat beside her and we cuddled.

" Were home baby." Mina said smiling from ear to ear

" Yes we are and it's all ours." I stated looking in her beautiful green eyes

" For now my sexy husband." Mina said rubbing her tummy smiling

" True but you still have to see if you are pregnant baby." I exclaimed to my beautiful wife

And that my beautiful Mina did. That Monday after our return home Mina and I went to a gynecologist mom told Mina about. The doctor's name was Serena Carter. She was 6'0, 178 lbs, look blonde hair. She took some test and gave Mina a physical to see if her body could take being pregnant. After the whole physical Serena had Mina and I wait for a few moments. While we waited Mina wanted to know what I wanted. I told her boy or girl I would be very happy. Mina gave me a smile then hugged and kissed me right there in the waiting room. Doctor Carter came out and had a smile on her face. She sat next to Mina and took her hand and then one of mine.

" Mina, Alex, I have good news." She says with a pause then added " Mina you are indefinitely pregnant. I would say about a week and a few days."

Mina and I went wide eyed looking at Doctor Carter then each other. I guess Serena noticed and asked what was wrong. Mina told her and Serena smiled and then gave a small laugh. She told Mina that she must of miss calculated on the days in which Mina agreed reluctantly. The Doctor told us to come back in 6 weeks for a follow up. We agreed and said our good byes. Later that week my cast came off with the doctor saying my arm healed real good. It was strong and he said I just needed to keep working it out.

The days and weeks went by and it was the middle of September. I'm driving Mina to her appointment. She looks over at me seeing my face and speaks.

" Baby what's wrong?" Mina asks me with concern

" Just thinking that this time last year we were just friends and now look we are husband and wife." I tell her smiling

" I know baby today that as been running through my mind also." Mina tells me smiling then adds " But think we have a lifetime to be together and think upon the days that lead us together to tell our children."

" True and those days I can't wait to tell our little ones." I exclaim to the love of my life

We arrive at the doctors and are in the waiting room. After about a ten minute wait Mina and I are in the examining room. Doctor Carter is giving Mina a ultra sound to see how far the baby has grown. She shows us the little baby growing inside my beautiful wife. She shows us the babies head, feet, hands, but I have to ask where the babies little manhood is.

" Alex, I hate to tell you the baby doesn't have one." She proclaims to me

Mina and I give her wide eyes.

" What you mean." Mina with wide eyes asks

" I mean your having a baby girl and here is her heart beat." Serena says pushing a button on the machine

At that moment we hear a heart beat. Serena says such a heart is a good sign. I hold Mina's hand and give her a deep passionate kiss. Later that day we called our family and friends over to announce the great news. Everyone showed up and kept asking what was wrong. Mina and I stood up in front of everyone and smiled. Mina spoke first to our family and closest friends.

" First off thank you all for coming. Second you all know that Alex and I are pregnant." Mina stated with a smile

" Yes sweetie so what is the big surprise?" My mom asked concerned

" Mom's , Dad, uncle's, aunt, Trace, Beth, Will, Maxine, Dusty, Lina." I said taking a deep breath then added " Mina and I are happy to announce that were having a.."

" A what don't leave us in suspense son." Zan tells me excited

" Dad my hubby and I are having a baby girl." Mina states to them all

Everyone got wide eyed then looked at us. It was a sight to see as our whole family and friends got up and ran to us hugging and congratulating on a baby girl. Our Mom's and Aunt Cindy started talking about clothes, where Dad ( Zan ) and my uncles started talking about baby furniture. Trace and Beth started talking about protecting our unborn child. Will, Maxine, Dusty, and Lina gave talks about babysitting so they can get use to a baby. Mina and I talked about who to ask to be god father and god mother. After awhile we decided on both Will and Dusty as God fathers and Maxine and Lina god mothers. I looked at Mina after everyone got settled again.

" Will, Dusty I have a question to ask." I stated to my best friends

They both nodded confused.

" Would you both be willing to take on being God fathers of our daughter." I asked smiling

They both looked at each other and then Mina and I. Next I knew I was being tackled to the floor.

" Bro you already know that answer man." Dusty told me smiling

" Dusty's right you know better then to ask man." Will agrees to Dusty
They help me up and hug me accepting. Mina sits in my chair to brace herself.

" Maxine, Lina will you care to be God Mothers?" Mina asks both our best friends

Maxine and Lina both look at Mina and go at her. Both don't tackle her, but hug her tight.

The weeks and months go by. Thanksgiving and Christmas were at our house. It was very nice to have our family and friends around us. Everyone started buying Mina and I baby stuff since they already knew what we were having. Winter was rough , but the Suburban got us through all the snow. Mina and I were closer then ever. Our love making was turned into a whole new level. Mina was afraid of hurting the baby so she wanted us to pleasure each other with our hands and mouths. I told her I understood and I didn't want to hurt the baby either. Mina was getting bigger then ever. Aaron would come over ever so often to make sure I didn't need police escort to the hospital for he knew in May we might. But as they say being to cautious can backfire. For the second week of May it happened. I woke up feeling the bed wet. I opened my eyes and noticed Mina not next to me. I yelled her name and heard her in the hallway. I got out of bed quick and was out in the hallway in no time flat. I saw Mina against the wall and her legs spread she was doing her breathing exercise. I got to her and asked her what is going on. She answered that her water broke and was trying to get downstairs to call the ambulance. I asked her why didn't she wake me up. She answered saying she would of after she called the ambulance. I helped her up and slowly got her down stairs. She said her contractions were close and needed to get to the hospital. I got her on the couch and went back up to get dressed in record time. Afterward Mina was in the back seat of the suburban while I drove going fast with flashers on. Mina said to hurry and I was. Then she yelled she is coming. I was panicked that I pulled over into a parking lot. I was glad it was morning and there was plenty of light. I opened the passenger back door and got in to help Mina get comfy. I planned ahead having pillows and a blanket in the back. With pillows under her head and a blanket between her legs I knew I had to act quickly. I had a bottle of water and had her take a drink to moisten her mouth. I knew she was in pain , but she wanted to experience natural child birth. She kept up with her breathing exercise. Mina said she could feel our daughter coming out. I looked and yep the head was showing. Mina had a grip on the front and back seats. I asked her to push and she did. I looked up and saw Will drive by and reached up and honked the horn from the back seat. I noticed him slow down and pull in. I hoped Maxine was with him. And my hope was good because she was. At this time the babies shoulders was showing. Maxine ran up to us after Will parked and was about to ask what was wrong until she looked in the vehicle.

Maxine got in on the driver side in the back to help Mina with her breathing. Will went to call a ambulance and tell them to hurry. All this time I was seeing my baby girl being born and I was delivering her. Mina was in so much pain, but Maxine was massaging her back and helping. I looked and thought of all them classes we took helped me. I told Mina to give another good push. She did and that was when our baby was born. I took one of Mina's shirts out of the suit case and started cleaning out my daughters mouth. And when I did she started crying. Maxine said we needed to cut the cord. Will was back and had his clean knife out and handed it to me. I cut the cord and gave him back the knife. He said he would always keep his knife in his pocket as a memento. I covered our daughter up in a clean shirt and handed her to Mina who had a tired expression. She took our baby in her arms and smiled. Will said the ambulance was here. I looked and it was pulling in the parking lot. The paramedic were on Mina getting her and the baby in the ambulance. Maxine said she would ride with them to make sure Mina was ok to the hospital. Will told me to follow him and he make sure I got there.

I am standing beside the hospital bed holding Mina's hand while she holds our daughter in one arm. Our parents come in and are wide smiles. Both mom's walk up quick to see their granddaughter. Dad comes up to me and pats me on the back looking at his granddaughter. They ask what her name is. I look at Mina and she smiles up at me. I look at them as they look at me waiting. I tell them Maya Madison Cartwright. They smile and tell us congrats.

At that moment I think of my dad and say to myself. ' Your granddaughter dad she so beautiful', I feel goose bumps run through me as if he was very happy. After awhile I am sitting in a chair holding Maya. She is sleeping with her little hand around my finger. Mina is asleep which she needs. I look in Maya's face and smile. She is squeezing my left pinky with her eyes open with a little smile.

" My little Maya I love you." I say to her smiling


Writer's thought's

I know some wanted the last chapter to be it, but some thought it be best to keep it going. There will be one more and it is the last chapter for this series. I would like to say thanks to those that appreciated my chapters, as I appreciated them for reading them. To my supporters thank you it's been fun writing this story. Take care everyone and have a good day.

story by: Hawkrider

Tags: fiction asian consensual sex teen male/teen female romance oral sex wife pregnant sex story

Author: Hawkrider

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