The "thing" that she cant resist

sex stories

Just so you know–His penis is normal size-Her breasts are B's-Are are those of Phil and Janet.-They do not do ANAL-None are cruel to another-Birth control is practiced by all.

My son Don and I always had an easy going and fun relationship. His father died when he was ten leaving us well fixed financially. He had also been a guy who kept things light and open. Don picked this up and also learned that when daddy said NO that it was time to stop.

We adjusted mainly by adopting that same attitude about things and in that vain keeping the mourning light. For example one of us might sneak up behind the other and poke them in the ribs then look innocent and say Ghost is back". As time went on Don might also pinch my behind lightly as his father used to do then get all innocent looking.

On Don's 18th birthday I had a swim party for him and about twenty friends. They left about midnight having been perfect guests and pretty much straightened things up first. Don and I sat on the screened in porch and I got out some wine coolers and we proceeded to get just a little bit high.

About one in the AM after I had locked up and changed into my oversized sleep shirt I came back out to say goodnight. Don apparently was in his room and I stood in the dark looking at the moon reflecting on the lake and feeling quite content.

A moment or two later Don came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Thanks for a wonderful evening mom." As he spoke I leaned back into him.

I could feel the outline of his penis which may have been slightly engorged but was not anywhere close to being erect. Don nuzzled my neck and kissed me just below my ear. It was a very pleasant embrace. After another minute as we made ready to separate Don slid his hands upward and cupped my breasts. He made a very gentle pinch through my night shirt in the area of my nipples.

"Oh. Oh." He said. "Dads ghost is back again."

I turned around within his arms locking my hands around his neck. I pushed my pelvis against his feeling him become erect as I did.

"No Don. That was you and you alone. Thanks for the />
With that I kissed him full on the lips putting a little tongue into the kiss then separated and went toward my room.

"What compliment mom?"

"Son. A real woman is always complimented when a desirable man becomes erect for her. Good night." I added firmly.

I was horny but this was not the time. I would solve my horny problem with my fingers not with my son. He was too immature to handle that problem at this stage of his life.

Well Don went off to Emory Riddle in Florida getting a good education and learning how to fly with the best of them. I hardly saw him until he finished. He had signed up for the Air Force getting a direct commission and was to report for indoctrination in mid September when he graduated in May.

I was not exactly sex starved while Don was away. I did have my friends Janet and Phil. About once a month we would get together at either their place or mine. Usually our first encounter would be he, she and me. Our second some variation of the same.

By then Phil would usually be done for a while and after a short respite it would be Jan and me. Because of what went before that encounter might be quite sloppy however having been waiting a month it was usually well worth the wait.

After sleep and a shower and some food it was time for me and Jan to do something different that we had dreamed up during our month apart. It usually involved a toy or toys. As departure time approached Phil would be ready and waiting and either she or I or possibly both of us would close the weekend having received a mouth full of cum.

The pleasant memory would hold me for a week sometimes two. Then it was time for busy fingers and my toy collection. About two weeks after Don's graduation and his return home Phil and Janet came for the weekend.

We three stayed chaste over Friday night. On Saturday Janet begged Don for a boat tour of the lake and a picnic on one of the numerous islands. Phil and I were in, or rather on, the bed by the time the boat was a quarter mile off shore.

I learned later that it took Janet less than an hour to get Don's cock inside of her. Being young he scored three hits followed by a home run scored when he came deep in her throat.

As summer rolled on Don and I quickly settled down to a routine. There was a lot of man's chores to be done and Don took them on with vigor. I had a part time job which left me with enough time for my household chores. One interesting tid bit of information came to light.

Meanwhile while doing Don's laundry I found that almost every pair of underwear was stuck together with dried cum. When he had first begun this habit years before I had made him wash his own but after a year or two I had relented telling him that I preferred he use them than to mess up something else.

The thought of him masturbating in his bedroom as I was masturbating in mine soon had me thinking thoughts of doing things with him that society did not condone. I had finally made up my mind that if my son made another pass that I would catch it, but several weeks went by during which nothing happened.

It was a Wednesday night. We had just gone to bed. I was lying there with two fingers plunging in and out of my wet pussy and my skinny vibrator tickling my clit when all hell broke loose.

It was dark and raining when lightning struck a nearby tree exploding it into pieces some of which were raining down on the roof. At the same instant the lights went out. On the bedroom side of the house which faced the woods that was virtually total darkness. Still naked I ran to the front of the house.

In the hall I collided with Don. We tangled limbs and fell to the floor. As we fell to the floor I found out two things very quickly. First, he too was naked. Second, his hard prick was jabbing me in the side. I grabbed it and said.

"I see what you were doing when you were rudely />
It took him a moment to reply then he said back to me.

"I know that you don't sleep naked so just was it that you were doing?"

As we spoke we somehow got upright and strolled to the window. The trunk of the tree which had been struck was still glowing but in the hard rain it didn't seem to pose a danger.

I stood on the screened porch which was dry although a bit chilly. My arms were wrapped around myself and I began to tremble. I couldn't tell if I was trembling with fright or from the excitement of knowing that my naked son was close by. The memory of a previous encounter filled my mind. Just then I felt his arms encircle me.

Suddenly it was four years earlier. His hard prick was standing upright pressed between his belly and my lower back. I took his hands in mine and guided them upward. They seemed to need no guidance as they found and cupped my breasts without hesitation.

My nipple jumped to attention. Don's thumbs and forefingers began manipulating them. They grew even longer and harder, just like miniature penises. I slid his left hand across my body to my right breast. I urged his right hand downward to my quivering pussy.

Again I felt no resistance. In just seconds his middle finger was sliding up and down between my slippery pussy lips. After several ups and downs his finger stopped to pay homage to my clit. By then my knees were weak as my body quivered.

Don pulled me back several steps turning me around as he did. He came in contact with a double wide cushioned wicker bench. He sat guiding me to sit facing him on his lap. My knees on each side of him and my dripping pussy poised over his hard cock.

There was no argument from me as I held his penis to guide it to it's target. Feeling it at the cave's entrance I let it go and lowered myself slowly enjoying to the fullest the sensation of it sliding into my aching vagina then onward to the entrance of my uterus.

It certainly was not entering virgin territory but it was producing sensations through my body which were seldom felt. An image flashed across my brain of a glorious fuck with my first love in the total privacy of a cabin cruiser floating free in the Long Island Sound.

I held my breasts up to Don's lips to be suckled as I began to ride that wonderful instrument of pleasure. He did just that for several minutes until my body began to signal it's need to orgasm. I put a hand on each of his shoulders as we found that rhythm of glorious intercourse.

The speed of our movements increased as did the length of our strokes. Then as they say we got to the short strokes. Those rapid short strokes which signal the approach of orgasm. Then I felt Don's hot cum fill my insides then my own orgasm as my greedy cunt tried to milk the last drop from the end of that wonderful appendage.

We kissed as we came down from our highs then snuggled as sleep almost over came us. We aroused ourselves and found our way to my bed where we fell asleep with our arms and legs intertwined. It was barely light when the need to pee awoke me.

I climbed slowly and carefully from the bed. The blinking clocks told me that power had been restored but not what the time was. It didn't really matter. I showered, as I did I rinsed away the copious amount of cum which had dripped down my legs.

I was reminded of a session with three guys back in my late teens. They left my pussy and my stomach full. A very pleasant memory. I returned to the bedroom. The sheet had slipped down and Don's cock was standing straight and hard. The desire to take it into my mouth was almost more than I could bear.

Then I realized that it was a work day. I needed to find the correct time. "My watch." I thought. "Where is the stupid thing? On the dresser dummy."

That's where it was and I was happy to find that it was only 5:05 AM. I heard the bath room door close then the sounds of the shower. I ran to the kitchen to start the coffee then returned to the bedroom and straightened out the bed sheets. I was posed on the bed when my son re-entered the room.

"Hi mom." He said sheepishly. "Are we OK?"

"More than OK my handsome son come here and let me see that thing rapidly coming erect as we speak."

I held my open hand crotch high as Don approached the bed. When he was close enough I cupped it in my hand before tightening my hand and pulling him closer.

"I'm so happy that we have time before you leave to do all those thing I want to try with you. And you sir, do you have a list too? You must have had various />
Yes I do but right now I just want to crawl between your legs and screw you missionary style. May I?"

"Silly question, please do."

By the time my son positioned himself my pussy felt as if it had swelled to at least double it's normal size. As his cock head touched the correct spot I thrust my pelvis forward encasing his entire length inside of me. Don stopped for a moment apparently savoring the feeling before he said.

"God mom. I've never felt anything like this. I feel like my penis is in a molten pool of hot liquid."

"Part of that are my hot juices part is your own hot cum. There's still some in there. I cleaned off the excess that drained out but part of it is still in there."

With that I locked my ankles behind my son's rump and began fucking. I have a favorite action which doesn't always work out but in this case we got into it without and adjustment. It's kind of circular. First I like to lift my rump off the bed a couple of inches.

Then impale myself with my partners cock hard and deep. Then as we separate to start the next stroke I drop my ass back down which causes him to massage my clit. So it's round and round and round we go faster and faster until someone or hopefully both of us come.

Well Don came first. His cock pulsed and my cunt was suddenly warmed as his cum filled it. Just as I sensed his final spurt my body reacted. And how it reacted. I trembled and shook and gyrated and made noises which made no sense whatsoever. When we finally were quiet I knew that I had been thoroughly and completely fucked. We were a good team.

Now I was going to be late for work. I called in as I started coffee and pleaded a flat tire. Then put out some cereal and fruit and milk for a quick breakfast. I spread a kitchen towel under me as I sat to protect the chair from my leaking pussy. Don came in and after a passionate kiss joined me for a quick breakfast.

That afternoon just about five minutes after I got home I was kneeling on the bed with my naked ass hanging over the side. My son was behind me with his cock stroking in and out of my hot cunt. I dropped my head to the mattress and let him do all the work. He didn't have to work hard or long.

It was over in seconds, at least our first orgasms were, but that didn't stop us. The second took longer, perhaps five minutes followed by total collapse side by side across the king size bed.

A couple of hours later I awoke. As I arose to attend to my bodily functions I took a minute to enjoy a look at my son's semi erect penis. I couldn't help myself. I bent intending to kiss the tip but instead took it into my mouth and lick and sucked it to it's full size.

As Don came awake I greeted him saying. "That's just a promise of things to come. The operative word being come."

Fifteen minutes later as I had the shower water just right Don entered the bathroom and joined me. We rinsed and soaped and kissed and petted until the water began to run cold. Later we sat on the porch in our altogether sipping a cold beer and watching the boaters enjoy their time on the lake.

The phone rang. It was Janet inviting me to join them for a weekend cruise on their cabin cruiser.

"Of course." I said. "Can I bring Don."

"Is that going to work? It's pretty hard to keep a secret on a forty foot boat."

"No secrets needed." I replied.

A few seconds went by before Janet said. "Do you mean that you and Don How exciting. Yes, yes, yes. Bring him by all means."

It was about ten that night that we turned off the TV and met in my bed. Once there my son's tongue and fingers caused me several orgasms as I swallowed his cum for the first, but by no means the last time.

As the trip approached I was totally horny visualizing the various activities that might ensue. With that in mind I made some calls and changed the arrangements. The proposed 48 hour trip ended up being five joy filled days.

The five days were indeed a sexual blast. We each enjoyed each of the others. Then we tried the various combinations of three and finally those of four.

It was a summer to end all summers but there was no more.

story by: aspenfox

Tags: fiction blowjob cum swallowing incest older female / males sex story

Author: aspenfox

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