The sex tutor

sex stories

My husband Frank and I have a great relationship. Just let me give you a little background. I have known Frank since we were young teenagers. We lived in the same neighborhood, and hung out alot. Back then we liked each other as friends, but since I was just a bit older than he was, that was all it was…for then. As we grew, we saw each other off and on, even hooked up for a great fuck a few times, but we were always going our separate ways and getting into plenty of trouble on our own. I was quite the little slut. I would fuck just about anything that had a dick, and he had his fair share of pussy as well.

Around 3 years ago, we finally hooked up permanently. It has been a wild ride ever since. You see, about 3 weeks into our relationship, Frank told me that he was Bi-sexual, which blew my mind because I was as well, and knowing that we both had that in common seemed to take our relationship to a whole new level in an instant. I have always had fantasies about two men fucking. Call me weird, but the thought of my husband with a hard cock shoved up his ass while I am sucking on his dick, makes me so wet I want to explode. He also likes for me to order him around, and make him my little bitch. The only problem I had was that I have never been a dominant person, so getting started with my new role has been a challenge. I do believe that is about to change. You see a few weeks ago, I met this woman Lacey at work that was, oh my god, HOT could not begin to describe her. She has long brown hair, and soft white skin. Her eyes are the color of the sky and her breasts make me wish I was a baby all over again. I just want to take her home and suck on that sweet pussy while Frank sits there helplessly tied to a chair watching. She had just moved to Florida from LA and She told me the other day while we were having lunch, that she had been a professional dominatrix before she moved, and was looking to build her “friends circle” now that she was settled in her new home. I was very interested in what she had to say of course and she gave me a few pointers to hold me until we could get together. I asked her if she would like to go out to dinner one night with me and Frank so we could all get to know each other a little better. Of course she agreed and we started making plans for the following weekend.
That night when I got home, I prepared Frank’s favorite dinner, and set the table in a nice elegant atmosphere. Candles, light music, wine… you get the picture. When Frank walked in from work, he asked me what the occasion was. I didn’t tell him, just asked if he wanted dessert before or after dinner. He smiled real big, and said “before, of course.” I took him by the hand, and led him to the living room, where I had a blanket laid out on the floor with the bottle of lotion nearby. I instructed him to take off his clothing and lie down. He did as he was told and as I poured the lotion into my hand, I saw his cock begin to grow in anticipation. I began massaging his legs, working my way up his thighs, and every time I would get to the junction between his legs, I would run my hands down and around his ball-sack, just teasing his anal opening with my fingers. As his dick grew harder, he let out a frustrated sigh… “You are killing me Julie. I need to be inside of you NOW!!” Of course since I was being the boss for the night, I slapped his upper thigh with my hand, leaving a red whelp, which of course made him even harder, and told him to shut the fuck up, that he was my toy slut for the night and I would let him inside of me when and if I felt like it. I slowly lowered my head an engulfed his dick in my mouth, careful not to touch the sides too much until I had it all the way in, then all at once down my throat he went, my lips and tongue swirling and sucking. I could feel it, he almost blew his load right then and there. I told him to reach his hand down and feel the pussy juices flowing down my leg… and as he pulled his fingers away, I pulled my mouth off of his dick long enough to suck them clean, which of course put me over the edge, and I quickly sat up and climbed on top of him, impaling his rock hard dick balls deep in my hot pussy. As I began to ride him, harder faster, he grabbed my tits in his hands. Nibbling, pinching, just a little bit of pain mixed in with the erotic feeling of his dick hitting rock bottom every time I went down.It didn’t take long before he was screaming out my name…oh my god Julie… I’m cumming…oh fuck, fuck, baby I’m cummmmmming!!!!! That did it…electric current ran through my body as I exploded into wave after wave of pleasure.
As we lay there afterward, I began to think that maybe I failed this test, and that Lacey would probably be disappointed since I did not stay in control the whole time, but that is what she is going to teach me, so maybe next time I will be able to see it through. Of course next time she will be there to watch and give me some “hands on” training, and to tell you the truth, I can’t wait!!!

Please be kind in your criticism, as this is my first post. I hope you enjoyed it and would like to hear the next adventure. Of course the more we practice, the better it will be 😉 and we will be practicing a lot!!

story by: gypsyflame4u

Tags: spanking fantasy bi-sexual romance domination/submission oral sex sex story massage

Author: gypsyflame4u

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