The old house and the four girls part1

sex stories

In one weird house there was four gourgous girls that wasn't ever aloud out of the house ever,and was home schooled by their foster father who was almost never home. When he was he spent only a few hours with his thirteen years old daughters.They where starting to mature into beautiful young women.He just sat down and whatched television,but when they where alone they started having their on sexual experiances.They discovered that they where acutually very horny girls,but thanks to their dad they never got to meet any boys to mess around with them.They just had to mess around with each other.Their was a boy who lived with his grandmother down the street and he had a friend named casey who was spending the night.They where walking down the street and came up to the old house,and they seen this man leave that house at 11:00 p.m John thunk that house was deserted,but apparently wasn't. Casey said hey fat ass i dare $500 dollars that you won't spend the night in that house.
John replied your on bitch.As John started to that house he had to climb threw the window.As the girls where in their on bed rooms in their part of their house doing different things,but one girl named katie was in one room that looked like a step in shower half way threw it drop in to a hot tub that doubled into a bath tub.She was was taking a shower washing her young tanned body body as well as her perky c cup breasts and her beautiful shaving virgin twat.John was walking threw the house he found a set of steps and he began walking up them.At the top f these steps he found a door and walked threw it.He found the girls personal living room.Up another set of steps there was six rooms four bedrooms,a step in closet/gym.In the bath room he walked in there and said oh fuck i'm sorry i didn't think anybody lived here.Katie said it's ok don't be loud my sisters will hear you.John said there is more of you.she then said yes,do you wanna have some fun she asked seductivly,what kind of fun John said.
Katie replied just take your close.John almost ripped out of his clothes and he went up to katie and they kissed passiontly.Katie then jumped and put her long lucius legs around his waist,katie said lets go to the hot tub.John carried her to the tub and walked down into the tub.He asked her what her name was she replied mines Katie and whats yours,John said mine name is John.He said i live down the street and i have never seen you or your sisters.Katie said my stupid basterd of a father won't let us outside.Katie looked over at John and said hey you know what i want so give it to me. Katie crawled over and John just sat back and said let's take it slow and let the good times roll babe.She strateled him and started to kiss him.Sheslid down and in a blink of an eye his cock started to enter her tight virgin pussy.She started to slid up and down like a natural.She let out a little scream as his gigantic cock penetraded her pussy.She rode his cock like she was a fucking mechanical bull.She was riding so hard that bubbles started to come up from under the water.After five minutes of fast pace fucking she cumed so hard that it felt like pressure was on his cock.That made him say fuck yea.It started to feal like he was about to cum.He said to Katie baby i'm about to cum she said i don't givea fuck i ain't getting off.He started to cum he cumed a little and managed to push her off in time since they didn't have protection off any kind.He finished cuming and she went back for more.He said give me a damn minute that made me tired.She said well hurry up.John then said next time unlike the french army I will not pull out.

Chapter 2
The Old House and the Four Girls
"So Fine Sophie"

After John got done with Katie it was midnight and he was headed down the hall and one bedroom door was open.In that room he saw another girl,and she was masterbating and John knocked on the door and she said come in so John came in and she said who are you and he said my name is John whats yours.She said my name is sophie,not stoppin fingering herself.She asked where you the one fucking my sister katie.He said yes and she was a very good fuck.Sophie said im a lot better at fucking than she is plus i lost my cherry when i first fingered myself but im still a virgin if that counts.John said yep you are still a virgin by my count.She said if you want you can have your way with me.John replied im not like that i treat women with respect,but tonight fuck that it's not everday i get a hot girl in bed.He climbed onto the bed and said hey babe that little star shaven out of your pubic hair is cute.She said thanks i try to make myself sexy.He said from my first look at you i knew you are so fucking sexy i could fuck you all night long.Well you can my dad won't be home till 4 tomorrow afternoon.John started at Sophie and pushed in and sophie said damn boy i like dat.
John grabbed her ankles and went in and out.Sophie said oh fuck yea fuck yea fuck yea and started to orgasming and John hasn't even cumed yet. Sophie lost control and rolled over and got on top of John and started hopping up and down with a big slap sound coming from her pussy.Her D Cup tits flopping up and down. John started moving around and said So Fine Sophie is so mine as he whamed his cock as far as he could fit in and released his man juice into her sex pot. When he came out of her pussy he came to relise what he has done. He cumed in her with no protection so he thought.He said Sophie i cumed in you.She replied so what i am secretly on birthcontrol and so is my sisters. He said well thats a load off my mine seriously. They both laughed as they were still naked on the bed .

story by: mr.5150

Tags: young consensual sex erotica exhibitionism first time fantasy teen female/teen female sex story

Author: mr.5150

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