The corruption of lisa part 1

sex stories

I had been married twice. I have four kids that are all off on their own either in college or career from my first wife. But no kids with my second wife. She had four kids of her own from her first marriage. My first wife was and still is a bitch. It was just a big mistake. I am grateful for my kids though. They are the best I could ever hope for. The challenge with my second marriage to Lisa was not sex or anything like that. The problem was the two of us with 4 children under 6 when my kids were all off. I thought I wanted to do it again, but going through that again was painful. We had disagreements. She really didn’t know how to discipline her kids. It was just chaotic. It got a little easier as they got older but the whole situation was very different in reality than what we thought it was going to be. It wore on both of us and after 3 years of dating and 2 years of marriage, we called it quits.
I really loved her. I thought that was enough to get us through the trials ahead of us. A lesson I learned the hard way that a blended family has its challenges and if you are not willing to work together on those issues, it is doomed to fail.
Lisa was a striking 5’1” brunette. Slim figure with 34C breasts that were still perky at age 38. She had legs to die for. Perfect shape and nice and long. She kept herself fit with Yoga. She had this girl next door look with beautiful brown eyes. She had a great smile and worked as an elementary school teacher. At the time of the divorce, she had an 11 year old son, Bobby with ADD issues. Kind of high functioning autistic. The triplets were 9 years old. Kit, Heather and Jarrod.
Bobby had blonde hair and blue eyes and a light complexion. The triplets were brown hair with brown eyes and a darker complexion. Kind of a like a cup of coffee with 3 creams. Kit kept her hair in a bob and had a kind of plain face, but she made up for it with personality. As the kids grew, Kit had the healthiest appetite. I don’t know if that had anything to do with the reason why she was so much taller than the other two (about 2 inches at age 9), but it also gave her kind of a cute chunky butt. She was a little hellion and always got on Lisa’s last nerve.
Heather was a little cutie and she knew it. Skinny little butt, beautiful doe eyes and cute little smile. She liked to keep her thick hair long and she had a sense of style from an early age. Jarrod was a good looking kid as well. Typical boy, but always pushed his sister Kit’s buttons. He and Heather hung out together when Jarrod and Bobby were not. This left Kit to run between all of them and annoy them. They just didn’t really understand her. Sometimes I felt I was the only one who did.
Lisa had a sexless first marriage as did I so we played catch up while we are together. It was exciting and different and she would get a little kinky sometimes. She liked anal sex. She was my first experience with it. Some guy did it to her while she was dating after her first marriage before she met me. She had a nice tight ass and her pussy was perfect. She left a close trimmed bush on top of her mons in kind of a landing strip, but her labia were completely shaved. The fleshy labia were nice and puffy and her inner lips were perfect. She was always wet and we never needed lube. Her skin tone was closer to the triplets than she was to Bobby.
I was in pretty good shape from my time in the Air Force but had a little beer belly. I am 6’4” 239 pounds. I am bald and I have a good sized member, an 8.5” long cock and an inch and a half wide. Next to me she looked tiny and I used to love to watch her pussy open when we fucked.
To add to her girl next door look she always wore skits. Nice flowing skirts a little above the knee. I own my own consulting business, so I work from the house sometimes. Toward the end of the marriage, the sex fell off a bit and the stress levels went a lot higher. We had a couple of conversations regarding how hard it was taking care of the kids and me working so much. I kind of got the hint that we either needed counselling or we were headed toward the end of the marriage.
One Saturday, she went with a couple of friends to a musical event and I stayed home and took care of the kids. When she came back home I could tell she had a couple of beers. She was wearing one of those sexy skirts again, but she also flashed me. She was not wearing any panties. She flashed her perfect cunt in my direction. The labia were all puffed out and I could just barely see the tip of her hood. I can’t resist a beautiful pussy so I dove across the room and started /> I had this strange idea pop into my head while I was munching. She definitely wanted me to do it, but she was looking at me a little funny. Given everything that was going on with the marriage I had this vision of her going behind a bush at the event and having some stranger pound her pussy. I focused on the taste of her soaking wet cunt trying to discern if I could taste either some cum or some lubricant from a condom. I got this little salty taste on my tongue that was a little different. That whole thought, for some reason, went right to my cock and it was probably the fastest hard on I had since I was 30. I whipped out my cock and fucked her really hard. She loved being fucked hard. She described her favorite position as “being thrown around and having my tits bounce all over the place”.
“What got into you?” she said.
I didn’t tell her what really went through my mind. I just said “I saw that beautiful pussy you flashed and couldn’t resist.”
“Well I like it. You haven’t fucked me that hard in a few months.”
I mentioned to her early in our relationship that sometimes I got a little tuned on when I fantasized about her with other men. She just said that it was and thought about it a little, but never brought it up again, so I assumed it wasn’t something she was interested in.
Didn’t really matter. A few months later I moved out and a few months after that we divorced. Because there were no kids between us, it was more of a dating relationship ending instead of a marriage.
I miss that pussy.
So I bought a house on the other side of the river and started calling up a lot of my guy friends. I went and bought some new furniture for the house and did a typical bachelor thing. I found this really nice octagonal table that the top flips over for a nice poker table. We used to have weekly games before I met Lisa. We started them up again. My best friend Marcus was as big as I was but washboard abs instead of a beer belly. He had been divorced for 7 years and was dating a nice girl pretty seriously. Steve had been dating the same woman for 6 years. We worked together before I started my company. He was short in stature but kind of handsome. All the other guys were more acquaintances of drinking buddies that were either married or dating. All in all, there were 8 of us that played every other week at my place.
We started talking about getting some carnal entertainment on poker night. In the past, some girls would come over and a couple of guys would get lucky every now and then. Especially Marcus. Most of the old crew of girls went off and got married or lived too far away from the new house.
“That ex-wife of yours is kind of hot. Do you think she might be asked Marcus.
“I’m not sure. She can get horny enough that she would consider it, but we haven’t talked since the divorce a year and a half ago.” I said. “Besides, I have to think about that. We had a clean break and I still have feelings for her.”
Marcus lived on the same side of the river as Lisa. A week later, he saw her at the supermarket. They talked a little bit. Apparently Lisa had some financial problems right now since I moved out. She was tutoring for $20 a half hour, but it was always hit or miss with that. “I need to find something either a little more stable or that pays a lot more.” She told Marcus.
Marcus called me up right when he left the supermarket. “Dude, just saw your hot /> “Yeah, how does she look?” I said.
“Still hot. I talked to her a little bit. I think there may be a way to be our poker night he said.
“Oh, really?” I asked.
“She is having some financial problems. I think if we ask the guys, they can each bring an extra hundred bucks to the game and we could pay her for services rendered, “he said very matter of factly.
“You are talking about turning my ex-wife into a I shouted. nuts man. I still have feelings for her. She knows most of the guys too. It might be weird for her.”
“Well think about it. Our game is Thursday.” He said. “We have 3 days and the guys are really looking for a little extracurricular activities on guy’s night.”
“I don’t know. I will call her later and ask her. What do I have to lose at this point? It’s not like she can withhold sex from me or divorce me again”, I said.
the spirit, dude,” said Marcus
Late that night after her kid’s bedtime, I gave her a call. It started out as me just wanting to check in.
/> “Hey Lisa, its Mickey.”
“Hi. I haven’t heard from you in a while,” she sniffed. I caught the drift that she was crying.
“Are you OK?” I asked.
“No not really. We are still trying to find the right ADD medication for Bobby. The stuff he is on works pretty good during the day, but the poor kid can’t get to sleep at night. Kit is driving me crazy as usual and I caught the other two playing doctor. On top of that, I am broke. I don’t know how I am going to pay the rent next month. My teacher salary is just not She sobbed. I let her go on a little bit and just listened to her. My heart was breaking.
“I haven’t dated anyone since we divorced,” she said. “I have no time with tutoring, the kids, sports, homework… I need to get laid!” she said.
I chuckled a little bit. “You always had that problem. Even after we fucked 3 times on the same day, you still wanted more.”
I got her to stop sobbing and I could hear a smile on the other end of the phone as she continued. “Yeah I know. I just need some me time and get out for a night or two. I really can’t afford a babysitter either.”
Then there was a long pause. “Mickey, is there a way I can borrow some money? I can pay you back.” She asked.
Normally I would just do it, but with the new house the business and other things, I just could not give her what she needed.
“I really can’t afford it right now, Lisa.” And I explained why.
“I She said. “I just really need some money.”
“Well, there is I said.
“What? I’d do anything!” She exclaimed.
“It’s a little awkward to say.”
/> “Do you remember those poker games I used to hold before we met? Well I started them again. Some of the guys were asking about the girls who used to come and suck them off every now and then.”
she said tentatively.
“Well Marcus kind of stated that it would be great if Lisa could do that. He always thought you were kind of hot.” I said. “The guys were going to pool 500 bucks to get some professional I low balled.
“Eight hundred”, she said almost immediately.
I asked shocked.
“”For eight hundred I can suck them off. I know it sounds really slutty, but I really need the money.” She said.
“Do you understand what you are getting into here? You know these guys.” I said.
“Actually, it is kind of a fantasy of mine. I know it is one of yours too.” She said.
We went over the details. And that she would be at my place a little before the game Thursday.
I called Marcus and had him tell the guys to bring more money for the entertainment. He later called back and said that Steve was really excited.
“He is a horn-dog anyway,” I said.
When I had time to think about it, I got really turned on. There was still this kind of jealous feeling. How can I let the woman that I still love go fuck all my friends? They are going to cum inside her… That last thought caused my dick to twitch.
“That was weird.” I said to myself. Why would my dick twitch at the thought of my friend’s cumming into that perfect pussy? I pictured it dripping out of her. I pictured them on top of her pounding that pussy with those gorgeous legs wrapped around them. It was so dirty. So not girl-next-door behavior. My sweet, innocent looking elementary school teacher was going to get ripped apart by my friends.
There is also something about seeing cum dripping out of a woman’s cunt that is so mesmerizing. I also started picturing the look on her face when she came.
I looked down and saw my rock hard cock pitching a tent in my pants. “Hmm. That’s /> Thursday night came quickly. Game started at 8, she showed up at 7. She was wearing one of her skirts she wears at school. So sweet looking and beautiful. She was nervous. She was visibly shaking.
“I don’t know if I can go through with this.” she said.
“Here, let me get you a drink. We have some time. We can talk about it and if you want to leave, I will make your excuses and you can leave before they get here,” I promised.
I got her a glass of Cabernet, her favorite. “OH you she cooed.
“You know I am still in love with you. I still care about you. The whole extended family thing and the new business made it very difficult for us. We were great while we were dating. We fucked it up getting married.” I said.
“Totally agree. I care about you to. You were really great with my kids and they miss you. You are the only male figure in their lives that they truly love and trust.” She said tearing up a little.
“I miss them too.”
“So about she said. “I am afraid and nervous. What if it gets out of hand with one of them? I’ve never been with more than one man in my life. What if it gets out that I am doing this? I could lose my /> “I will be there and take care of anyone that gets out of hand. I will set the ground rules. They will follow them or Marcus and I will toss them. We have fucked a lot Lisa. You are insatiable. I don’t think it will be a problem.” I said, she kind of shrugged and nodded to the last part with a little smile.
“As far as it getting out, I have an idea if you trust me.” I said.
“Of course I trust you.” What did you have in mind?” she asked.
“Well, I could always record what is going on. Most of the guys are married. The rest are in serious relationships. This can be leverage and I will be the only one who has access to it.” I said.
“That could /> She downed the rest of her wine in a couple of gulps. “Uh, I needed /> “So what about you,” she asked. “Are you going to be OK with this? I know it was a fantasy, but you also felt you would feel jealous. I know we are not together anymore, but you still care about me.”
“And I still fanaticize about you with other men. Especially since the divorce. I kept thinking, ‘Who is she dating?’ Is his cock bigger than mine? Will she love him more than she loved me? Then I picture it in my mind and jblow my load in /> she asked. Her eyes lost focus a little bit. hot. I kind of had a similar fantasy after the divorce. You with another woman that /> The wine was having the desired effect. She took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. “So the guys know what to expect?”
“To a certain extent.” I said. “We told them to bring extra money for and that you would be providing it. That’s all.”
“Uh oh,” she said. “They are going to want more than blow jobs. Especially Steve”
“Well we can set that as the ground rules. Just blow jobs.” I said.
“Yeah let’s do that. OK I’m ready.” She said steadying herself. “I brought something to change into. Can I use your /> I said.
The guys started showing up. “Is she here yet?” they all asked. “Yes she is in the bathroom getting ready.” I returned.
Once we started, I spoke up.
“OK guys, here is the deal. Put your hundred bucks on the table…. Good. Ok. Lisa will provide blow jobs. You will ask her where she wants you to come.” I looked around and got nods in general agreement.
“Next, if you get out of hand, she will give me the word and I will forcibly remove the offender.” More nods.
“I will be recording this as well. It is for Lisa. She wants some memories,” I fibbed. They all chuckled.
“Finally, you know she is a teacher. If this ever gets out her career is over. She is in a tough situation right now so I need you to promise your discretion. Everyone agree?”
I went around and made sure everyone of the 7 men said yes.
“OK then, Billy, your /> While they got the chips out and shuffled the cards I went to knock on the bathroom door. “Lisa, ready when you are. I set the ground rules and they all agreed.”
She opened the door and what I saw took my breath away. She had these black stockings going up her long sexy legs up to her mid-thigh. She wore a black garter and black silk panties that hugged her ass and gave a little camel toe up front. She wore this boos tier that covered part of her upper abdomen with a push up bra at the top. The bra part though did not cover the nipples. It just her already firm titties. Everything was accentuated by some black high heel shoes that just made her legs look longer than they already were.
“Wow! You look amazing. Why didn’t you wear that when we were married?” I said.
“I actually bought this for myself after the divorce. I wanted to jump in and start dating again to spite you a little bit. I was angry. But, I have never used it… so I didn’t have to go buy anything. “She Said. “Can I ask you /> /> are your expectations? You know… with me?” She asked tentatively.
“Are you uncomfortable with it?” I asked.
“It is a little weird as we are divorced. But no that’s not what I meant.” She looked me dead in the eye and her whole demeanor changed. “You don’t get it for free. You want me to suck you off, you have to pay too.”
My dick twitched in my pants. “Um… yeah. I planned on it…” I stammered.
“Just making sure.”
With that she started walking down the hallway with an exaggerated ass wiggle. Doing that slow model walk where the legs cross over each other with each step. I followed a couple of steps behind staring at her ass. She got to the dining room where the guys were and they all started whooping and hollering. I came around the corner and saw her walk around the table and sit on Ed’s lap and put her arm around him. Ed was a pretty big guy as well. He was married. He was 6’0” and 210 pounds. He had a full strawberry blonde beard that was closely trimmed. He was getting hard and by the looks of it, Ed was well endowed.
“Hey guys.” Lisa spoke up in her meek voice. “I’m looking forward to sucking all of your cocks tonight. You guys can cum wherever you want tonight. So let’s get started. Who’s first?
She took me a little by surprise with that one. I tried to be considerate and make sure that the guys would ask her where they could cum. Apparently she didn’t care. She came out with attitude I don’t remember seeing when we were married. I also saw that there was a little wet spot showing on her silk panties. She’s getting into this. And if I knew my ex-wife like I thought I did, she was not going to be happy with just blow jobs. She may come across as meek and demure in public, but when she is excited she can turn into a freak. Something else I loved about her.
Ed bent his head over and licked the closest exposed nipple. I looked over at Steve and he could not keep his eyes off of Lisa’s tits.
Billy spoke up. “I’m first!” Billy was short compared to the rest of us but built like a brick shit house. At 5’9 and 195, he was bald and a body builder.
Marcus spoke up then. “Hey guys, we got poker to play too. Lisa can go under the table while we play. I need to win back the money you fuckers won from me last time.” We all chuckled.
Billy moved his chair back a bit, stood up and pulled his pants and underwear down and sat on the wood chair. His dick was maybe 6 inches but had a real thick base. Maybe 3 inches thick maybe more. Lisa got up and walked around the table and knelt down in front of Billy. I got the camera going and Steve grabbed the cards to start dealing seeing Billy was now busy.
Lisa grabbed Billy’s cock with one hand and darted her tongue out at the tip of his dick. It brought back a trail of clear fluid. She sucked it back and licked her lips. She then proceeded to go down on Billy taking a few inches in her mouth. Then came up and then back down a little further. With each up and down motion she was able to get more of his cock in her mouth.
She started stroking him with her hand and moving a little faster. It brought back some memories. That girl could really suck some cock. Billy didn’t last long. Lisa stuck her tongue out and licked his balls a little bit. Taking one in her mouth and pulled on it gently until it out of her mouth. She then licked up the underside of his shaft right up to the head and then placed her lips over the head and squeezed a little as she withdrew. That was it for Billy… I’mmmm he moaned.
Lisa kept her mouth on his dick and started pumping his cock dumping his huge load in her mouth. I saw her cheeks bulge out a little with each of Billy’s orgasmic thrusts. A little leaked out the right side of her mouth. When Billy was done, Lisa slowly moved off of his dick and closed her mouth. With everyone looking, she tilted her head back and swallowed all of Billy’s load.
said Ed. “That was fucking awesome” said Billy. A couple of guys hooted and clapped. Lisa started to get up and put her finger on the right side of her mouth to get the bit of com that leaked out and slid it into her mouth sucking her finger. She smiled as she looked around and any of the nervousness that was there at the beginning of the night was gone.
said my ex-wife cum slut.
Steve spoke up first. “Me!” he said. Steve and Lisa always got along well. He made her laugh when we used to go out to dinner. “Man Lisa, that was so hot.” He knew her as the sweet innocent elementary school teacher so he was doubly turned on.
We finished our first hand of poker. Marcus was happy that he won. It was a small pot, but it was a start to him recovering his losses.
Lisa walked over to Steve nice and slow. Steve wanted her to undo his pants and for Lisa to take his dick out. Lisa did an exaggerated waste bend to Steve’s crotch and started undoing his pants. As she bent over, her ass was pointing directly back at the poker table so everyone could see her hot ass.
“Let me see your pussy!” Steve said excitedly. Lisa looked back at me. I didn’t get the signal that it was too far. She just smiled and stuck her thumbs under her panty straps and started pulling them down slowly and seductively.
I got my first look at the pussy I loved in nearly 2 years. It was just as perfect as I remember, but this time she was visibly wet. As she bent back over she slipped a finger up her slit. When she pulled it away, she actually dripped fluid onto the floor. She is really getting into this.
She got Steve’s cock out. It was really long for such a short guy. It was a little on the thin side, but at least 7 inches. It also had this kind of banana curve up. Lisa hungrily took Steve’s dick in her mouth. He reached over and tweaked one of Lisa’s nipples. She let go of a little groan. As Lisa worked his cock like she did Billy, Steve was encouraged to start touching more. He reached back as far as he could to try and reach Lisa’s dripping snatch. He was able to get a finger on her clit. She visible shuttered and arched her back a little to bring her hips a little closer to Steve’s probing hand.
Steve now had more access to her pussy and started rubbing up and down on her slit. Lisa’s hips were gyrating… It didn’t take long for Lisa to have a nice long cum. She groaned loudly around Steve’s dick in her mouth. Her knees buckled a little bit and her ass hit the top of the poker table. The involuntary movement bumped her forward on Steve’s dick. The length of it and the thickness actually allowed his cock to enter her throat. Lisa could never really get past the gag reflex with me, but she managed to take Steve’s cock deeper in her throat.
Steve was in heaven and put his hands on the back of Lisa’s head and started face fucking her really hard. Carry was making groaning sounds on each withdraw that Steve made to her throat.
It didn’t take long before Steve loosed his load down Lisa’s throat holding her there until he finished his deposit. Lisa pulled off of his cock as soon as Steve loosened his grip on the back of her head with loud and rapid breaths.
“That was Said an appreciative Steve.
Marcus spoke up. “I’m next!”
Lisa said. “Give me a second to catch my breath,” as she walked over to Marcus. She sat on his lap and opened her legs. She grabbed Marcus’s hand and put it right on her pussy. I secretly believed that Lisa had a crush on Marcus since the day I introduced them. Marcus was younger than us. He was 31 and his current girlfriend was a blonde-haired blue eyed hottie that makes my dick stir.
Lisa was getting worked up again as her breathing slowed down a little bit from the suffocating effects of Steve’s actions. He stopped rubbing Lisa’s pussy long enough to take his dick out of his pants. His cock was pretty big. Bigger than mine. Nine inches if not more and definitely thicker than mine. It looked like Lisa nearly fainted when she saw it. “That has to be the biggest, most perfect cock I have ever seen!” she said with a glassy faraway look in her eye. I swear she was drooling. I felt this little twinge of jealousy. At her comment. She’s not mine anymore I had to remind myself. Deep breath.
Lisa nearly dropped to the floor and hungrily shoved Marcus’s dick in her mouth. It was almost as if she wanted to inhale his cock. She tried to fit it down her throat but it was just too thick. She changed her pace and started to suck him off slowly. Like she was truly making love to his cock. That jealousy twinge flared up again.
Slow stokes, licks, kisses went on for a while. Marcus was showing his pleasure all over his face. We could all see Lisa frigging her cunt. Rubbing her clit in quick movements, reaching down a little further and making her finger disappear deep in her snatch. Lisa was licking the base of his shaft when Marcus finally let go with his load. Fuuuuuuuck! He screamed. The first rope flew up about 3 feet from his siting position and landed on Lisa’s cheek. She quickly picked her head up and hovered over Marcus’s cock with her mouth open moaning loudly. Some cum went in, but most ended up all over her face. Forehead, chin, nose, eyes, hair… all covered. As the first shot in her mouth Lisa had a huge orgasm. “oooooh fuuuuuuuck! mmmmmm” She was shaking visibly. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her ass slumped to the floor from her kneeling position.
When she recovered mostly she said “That was amazing. I love your cock. Phew, I need a minute.” She got to her feet unsteadily and reached for her wine glass that I refilled and walked into the family room and sat on the couch.
We were about six hands in and I called a break. Some of the guys stood up to stretch and then walked in to where Lisa was. I went in to make sure she was alright.
She was slumped on the couch with her hips forward and her legs open displaying her pussy for all of the horny men that were gathering around her. There was something so sexy about her like that. When she wears her cute skirts she is all about proper posture and crossed legs.
“OK” she said. “I’m ready… “The rest of the guys, except for Ed, gathered around where Lisa was sitting in a semi-circle with their cocks out and stoking them. Lisa got this hungry look in her eye. Three dicks were staring her in the face.
She slid off the couch onto her knees. She stuck one dick in her mouth and started stroking the other two. She rotated around all three cocks stroking them with her mouth or her cute little hands. Before too long, the first of the three started to groan and I knew he was close. He pulled out of her mouth and started stroking his cock. He unloaded rope after rope of cum onto her face along side the load that Marcus blew that she did not clean up.
Seeing this, the other two guys started stroking their cocks and aimed right at Lisa’s face. She tilted her head back and opened her mouth. The guys unloaded at the same time. One shot a huge blast that splashed against the top of her eye socket. The other guy didn’t have the distance, but he more than made up for it in volume. He got most in her mouth and when done, Lisa closed her mouth and swallowed.
“mmmmm, I love cum. It’s soooo yummy and hot.” She said as she started scraping the cum off her face with her finger and then putting it in her mouth. I handed her a face cloth when she was done. She wiped the remaining cum off her face and looked up at me and smiled.
“How are you doing” I asked.
“This is awesome! I have never had so much cum. I don’t know what has gotten into me. You know, I usually take it in my mouth and then go spit. Now I need to drink it. I need to feel it go down my throat.” She said with a dreamy look on her face.
“You are turning into a real cum slut.” I said.
“I know, isn’t it /> After a few minutes she looked around and spotted Ed in the corner. “One more and then I am going to try and get that monster cock of yours down my throat!”
“What a little whore!” I said. She just looked at me with a twinkle in her eye and a smile on her face.
“Ed, are you ready for me?” Lisa said with a smile.
Ed was being a little shy, which is totally unlike him. “I’m not sure about this Lisa” he said. I’m married and… well… I’m married. That’s it.” She sensed he was hiding something but didn’t want to push him to hard.
“How about you watch me play with myself and jerk off?” Lisa said.
He was thinking about it. We all could tell by the bulge in his pants that he wanted some release. “Whacking off isn’t cheating” I said.
“Well, I don’t know. Lisa, do you think we could do it in another room?”
“Sure Ed. Let’s go.”
She went over to Ed, grabbed him by the hand and led him back to the table in the kitchen. Lisa sat on one of the stools at the breakfast bar and pulled her knees up a bit and spread her legs. She slowly rubbed her pussy.
“Take out that cock of yours Ed.”
Ed began to unzip his pants and took out a monster of a dick. It had to be 11 inches long and 2 inches thick… Lisa’s eyes nearly popped out of her head. “Holy fuck! That is the biggest cock I have ever seen!”
The guys in the dining room heard the screech and came into the kitchen. Ed started to get embarrassed. “See this is what I was trying to avoid.” As he looked around at the guys staring at his dick.
“THAT is nothing to be ashamed of.” Lisa said. “Guys, give us a little privacy.” The guys filtered back. I had to stay and keep recording but I tried to stay out of sight.
“Ed, is the size what you were concerned about?” Lisa asked.
“Yes, I didn’t want to hurt you or anything. I am married, but my wife and I have an He said.
“Ed, I have to touch that thing. Will you let me try and suck you off?” Lisa said while not taking her eyes off of Ed’s monster cock. I swear I could see her drooling.
Ed just nodded. Lisa stood up and almost ran to Ed’s crotch. She grabbed it with both hands and started stroking it up and down. She tried to suck that dick into her mouth. She got down at most 4 inches. She was a trooper. She really tried. She was really enjoying the monster cock though.
After a few minutes of trying she looked at Ed and said “I need this cock in my pussy Ed!” her eyes were nearly crossed. She did not wait for approval and stood up and started rubbing his cock head up and down her soaking wet slit. She didn’t even look over at me.
I thought it funny that she was worried about the guys getting out of hand!
She finally started to push that cock into her box. She adjusted her labia with her fingers and sat down hard on the cock. She got about 8 inches in initially. Then she started riding that cock up and down as her natural wetness soaked Ed’s dick. Seeing her lips open to engulf that cock was so amazing.
I could not believe what I was seeing. I had a mild stiffie every time she blew a guy except for Marcus, but now my cock was rock hard and uncomfortable. I reached down to free my cock and start stroking it. Pre-cum was flowing freely from my piss slit and dropping on the floor.
Watching Lisa’s tiny body enveloping that huge cock was amazing. She started moving and then started to get more vocal. “Oh yeah. Give me that huge fucking cock! I want you deep inside my fuck hole!”
Once the guys heard that coming from the kitchen they all got up and went to see what was happening. Lisa didn’t see it but they all got instant hard ons and started stroking their cocks. She couldn’t see because her back was to the guys. We all had a great view of Lisa riding that huge cock. “Shove that huge cock into me all the way! I need it deep inside me. Fuck me Ed. Fuck me!” She screamed.
Hearing this, Ed grabbed Lisa’s ass and picked her up while he stood. His entire demeanor just changed. “You want my cock slut? I’ll give you my cock. He laid her down on the table in the breakfast nook and jammed his cock into Lisa’s tight pussy.
“Oh!” Lisa screamed. “Holy shit that hurt! it again!”
Ed backed up and slammed again. And again. Each time he did, she screamed. Tears started coming to her eyes and she started crying. Ed was in a zone and oblivious to what he was doing to her. I moved quickly to get to Lisa’s side. She saw me move and held up her hand telling me to stop. Then she looked at me with this mix of pain and deep desire.
“Oh fuck, you are tearing up my little pussy!” she screamed.
After that Lisa started cumming and she couldn’t stop. She was moaning words that appeared to be in a different language. No one couldn’t understand what she was saying. Her eyes were half closed and her head was rolling back and forth. But her body was convulsing with wave after wave of orgasm.
I saw Ed’s balls tighten up closer to the base of his cock so I knew he was close.
“Oh fuck!” he said “You ready for my load you fucking little whore? Want me to shoot it deep inside you? Yeah, that’s what you want you cum slut.”
Lisa started to come around after she heard the word and fully snapped out of it when he called her a ‘cum slut’. “Yeah spray your seed deep in my pussy. Let me feel that hot sticky cum shoot out of you!”
At that, Ed let loose. “Uuuuuuugh Awwwwww!” We could see his balls spasm. Lisa started screaming that she was cumming. Then I was cumming. I shot a load across the room
It took about a minute for things to die down. Lisa was shaking all over. Her legs were shaking. Her eyes were rolling back into her head.
When Ed finally got off of Lisa and pulled his softening cock out of her, so much cum poured out of her stretched out cunny and dripped on the floor. The stream turned into some long sticky drops before it stopped.
About a minute later, Lisa came around and looked at all the guys standing around looking at her stroking their cocks. She sat up and reached down to her pussy. Stuck a finger in and pulled it out trailing a long sticky line of cum. “Holy fuck!” she said. Then I saw the hunger take over her face when she looked up at the guys again.
“No more blowjobs guys. I want you all to fuck me.” Nobody moved. They all looked at me. screamed Lisa. All the guys jumped. Steve was the first one to run to her aid. He helped her off the table, got her on her hands and knees and started fucking her. Billy ran around to the front of her and stuck his dick in her mouth. Steve didn’t last long and shot his load in her pussy. Lisa was in constant orgasm mode.
Billy shot around to the back and tried to enter her asshole. “Yes! Stick that cock in my ass and fuck me! Fuck me like the whore that I am!”
The rest of the guys watched. My cock twitched back to life. Billy shot his load in her ass and stood up. Without any new attention, Lisa turned around with an annoyed look on her face. She stood up and started walking toward the guys. Cum was dripping down her leg from the three loads she already had inside her pussy and ass.
She grabbed two cocks and pulled them into the family room. She pushed one of the guys down on the couch and sat on his cock in an anal reverse cowgirl. She reached over to the other guy, grabbed him by the cock and told him to fuck her pussy starting her very first DP. “Oh my God, I feel so full. Oh… Fuck me hard!” She yelled.
The two guys picked up the pace. Lisa’s eyes rolled back into her head as another massive orgasm racked her body. This time she squirted all over the place. The guys were fucking her like the energizer bunny. The guy in her pussy let loose and then the guy in her ass.
She got off the guy underneath her and lied down on the carpet looking at Marcus. “I want you now!” she said pointing right at Marcus’s dick. Marcus moved over to her. Her legs were open and waiting for him. He mounter her and slid his dick into her cum filled cunt. Slowly he moved in and out of her. She reached up and kissed him and then wrapped her long legs around him in an embrace that was pushing his ass down into her. She looked longingly into his eyes and kissed him again. It almost looked like one of those X-Art porn videos.
That jealousy twinge was back…
Marcus started picking up speed. And started jamming into her. She started really getting into it. Her hips were moving with him. Gyrating. Her pussy was almost sucking his cock into her. Marcus was getting close. Lisa looked longingly into Marcuss eyes. cum yet” she said. She gently pushed him off of her and rolled him onto his back. She kissed her way down to his cock and started stroking it. Her face was so close to his cock. She was just looking at it and stroking it. She was basically worshiping his cock. She leaned over a little bit and started kissing it.
“I can’t hold off any longer!” said Marcus.
“Ok baby. Cum for me” she said lovingly. She continued to bring him off with a gentle and intimate hand job. She watched each rope of cum spew from his cock. I watched her eyes just follow each pulse of the hot sticky sperm. When he was done, she looked into his eyes and smiled. She kept looking at him as she stuck her tongue out and proceeded to clean the cum off of his belly and legs and her hand, slowly and gently.
God that was so hot. My cock was raging again.
Everyone took another turn or two with my hot ex-wife. Cumming in her pussy, on her tits, on her belly, up her ass, in her face. I lost count of how many times she got fucked and in what hole. The guys would take breaks from the game and go fuck her and come back to play another hand. Toward the end of the night when most of the chips got distributed, the guys started packing up their winnings or paid up with cash if they lost. Marcus lost again, but he handed his money over with a smile. “That was totally worth the loss…” he said. “That was so fucking hot.”
When everyone was gone, I lied down on the floor next to her and gently shook her. She opened a sleepy eye and smiled. “That was wonderful” she said. Then I could tell a thought crossed her mind and she frowned. She reached her hand over and touched my face gently. “You never had your turn.” She said gently.
“It was amazing watching you.” I said. She smiled. “It was a little painful watching you and Marcus. You really like him don’t you?”
“Yes” she gasped. “It can never be, but I enjoyed it while it lasted. And I would do it again in a /> “Now it’s your turn. Will you take me?” She asked with a look in her eye that I remember from when we were first dating.
“Let me do something for you.” I said gently staring into those lovely brown eyes. I removed the blanket and started kissing her face and then her neck. Slowly down her body. I licked her sensitive nipples. I kept moving down her body. As I got close to the top of her pussy, she picked her head up and looked at me.
“I still have cum all over me down there.” She said.
“I know” and kept going. A look of lust came over her face as she watched me lick the cum of her lovers off of that pussy I so adored and missed. I could see it still dripping out of her pussy. I stuck the tip of my tongue at the entrance of her love hole and licked a drop of cum. I brought it back in my mouth and savored the tangy taste.
“That is so hot. I didn’t know you were into that.” She said.
I felt a little embarrassed about it, but I liked it too much and kept going. I cleaned her pussy really well. Stuck my finger in her pussy to try and move sperm that was still in her to where I could get it with my tongue.
After that was clean I gently turned her over and started on her asshole and moved down her legs where it had dripped when she was moving around. Cleaned up the rest of her with my tongue. I don’t know exactly how much cum I licked up, but it was a lot.
When I finished I crawled back up next to her and looked in her eyes. She leaned over and kissed me. “The way you love me…. I don’t deserve it.” She said. “I loved you Mickey, but we went through so much that I just can’t be in love with you.”
I knew this. That was why we were divorced. “You were a big part of my life. I will never forget that. I still care about you and your kids. You know that right?” I said.
“Yes, I know that Mickey,” she whispered.
“Now” I said. “I need a little relief here. Do you think you can help me out?”
She laughed. “Yes. You paid for me and I don’t give refunds!” she said with a mischievous grin.
I made love to her and hit all the spots that I remembered. God I miss that pussy. We kissed passionately as I moved in and out of her wet snatch. We looked into each other’s eyes as I thrust into her again and again. I could feel my cock touching her cervix. Not hitting it, just touching it. Her hips started to move in a way that drew me in deeper. Her breath started to change. She was moaning while still staring into my eyes. God I could get lost in those brown eyes. I raised myself up off her so I can watch her tits bounce with each thrust.
“Oh God” she breathed. She tilted her head back and closed her eyes and came again. Once she calmed down, I withdrew and turned over so she could suck my cock. She took it in her mouth and stared into my eyes as she made love to my cock with her mouth.
That was all I could take. “I am going to cum” I said. She moved her mouth up to the top of my cock and kept stoking it. I released a huge load into her mouth. She blinked, but then re-established eye contact while I finished spurting.
“I miss that” I told her.
“Yeah. We were good once.” She said.
We got up. She headed for the shower while I cleaned up. When she was all cleaned up dressed she came out and I poured her some coffee and we talked for a bit.
“So what’s going on with the kids?” I asked.
“Oh, where to begin!” she said with an eye role. “You were so good with Kit. When we split I think it affected her the most. She misses you.”
“I miss her too. She is a unique little girl. It has been nearly two years. They must be shooting up like weeds.”
“They are. You wouldn’t believe it. Say, do you think you can come by my house this weekend? I would like to ask you a favor that may help all of them.”
“Sure. I’ll do what I can.”
“Thanks so same time in two weeks?” she said.
I laughed. “So we didn’t scare you away?”
“No way. I loved it. It was so hot being the center of attention for all of these men. It was so freeing to just be a total slut.” She said.
“Is this something you are going to try and do more often? You know, not just with my poker friends?” I asked.
“Not sure yet. It is intriguing. The thought of being a whore has its turn ons. At the same time, I am not sure if I can just give it up for anyone that can meet my price.” She said looking at her coffee. “By the way,” she said while looking up to me. “The 8 hundred covers blow jobs. I gave a free sample tonight of all they could have. Next time 16 hundred for fucking and blow jobs.”
“Well look at you turning all business savvy and I said jokingly. “Do you need a business /> She looked at me in false shock. “You mean you want to be my pimp?”
“You bet” I said. “For 20%.”
“For 10%” she countered.
“Meet /> /> “Alright. We can talk about some more this weekend. Can you give me any idea as to what you have in mind for the kids?”
She smiled. “I don’t want to spoil the surprise. I think you will like it.”
/> She smiled and left.

story by: Buano

Tags: fiction cum swallowing males / female group sex wife prostitution sex story

Author: Buano

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