The champion's companion 00

sex stories

Huntresses are coming!” Screamed a man on horseback bolting from the caravan’s vanguard.

Mokali the merchant shifted on his donkey. “Hey, I paid you good money!” He protested seeing more men flee.

From up front, two more men came running on foot. One was a man who drove his wagons. He was a married man who Mokali knew couldn’t fight. “Not for this. They’re wearing their loincloths. They’ll just kill us.” He yelled running past.

As if summoning a demon, a black haired Huntress popped out onto the road blocking them in. She was more than six feet tall and skinny. Her movements were graceful and lethal. She kept low as she moved forward towards them. In her right hand was a triangular blade about a foot and a half long. On her shoulders, she wore a circular leather mantle, and on her hips, she wore a light brown loincloth.

She wasn’t hunting for breeding today. They would have to get through her if they wanted to live.

“Aw! No!” The pair bewailed. Mokali cursed the bodyguards who ran away.

Mokali watched as the demoness came forward and cut his fleeing men down. His donkey under him balked at the smell of blood and stayed frozen as she came for him too.

From up on a hill, the Huntress leader had a clear view, and watched the ambush go off without a hitch. She had chosen the private place to watch men die so she could sit back and put her feet up while her second got in and licked her pussy.

“Yet another successful kill, Vellina.” She breathed. She chuckled as she watched a fat man on a stubborn grey donkey be cut down by Kassin as she moved forward. “Six dead, one got away. Kaarthen the slut cow is fucking slow again.”


In a city-state of Osmuun more than a hundred miles to the south, a man in black was enjoying the fruits of ‘the gateway of the west’. The inn had served him imported meat and wine. On the side were the vegetables, slave girls, and excellent cooking Osmuun was known for.

Getting a good slow suck from blonde woman in a land of mostly dark haired girls was always satisfying. The server for his table was also a blonde though slightly darker. She also wore the sexy diaphanous clothes of a courtesan unlike the slave under the table.

Unfortunately for Marcos, life intruded. “Lord Panthi, may we join you?” Called a chubby city councilman. Behind him was a small group of equally old gentlemen of means.

“Certainly, but I’m not done with the woman.” Marcos said slowly.

A richly dressed merchant shot forward and sat himself. “Well then you’ll like our deal.” He said loudly.

The blond under the table was slowing Marcos into one-word answers. />
The Councilman sat and looked at him entreatingly before speaking. “Lord Panthi, we need a service. A rogue band of huntresses is killing everything they find. We respect the Sisterhood />
The Merchant interjected. “They are not breeding. They are chopping down men from every group or caravan they find.”

The blonde seemed to like that news. “A Marcos couldn’t help it wasn’t his duty. Menthino, his home country, didn’t send him here to hunt bloodthirsty Amazons.

pay you.” The merchant announced.

Marcos smiled. “I’m not able to be He said softly and raised a mug to his lips.

The councilman looked dejected but the merchant didn’t even blink. give you the woman.”

“I…I see Marcos sat up, set the mug down, and cleared his throat. “I can’t actually kill them. Kill sport, which is what that band is doing, is illegal. However, it’s happening in open lands.” He said raising his hands. “Menthino has treaties with the Sisterhood. I can’t as a soldier of Menthino harass a band in open lands.”

For a moment, only wet sucks and slurps from under the table were heard as the men across the table gathered their thoughts.

The Councilman stepped in diplomatically. “Lord Panthi, Osmuun is just a City-state but several of the hamlets and farming villages of the interior depend on us for security. Menthino also signed combined security treaties with us. I believe, you, were there for the signing.” He let that hang in the air for a moment.

It was the diplomatic equivalent of a neighbor saying ‘let me know if you need anything’. Nobody fucking meant it. Now he would have to track some Amazons because Osmuun said it was in the fucking contract. All of this was becoming very distracting to the blowjob under the table.

The blonde bounced into the table a few times trying to keep his cock hard and ready.

The Councilman continued now that he had Marcos’ attention. “This band is heading north and will soon be entering the Northwestern passage. As you know, unless something fortuitous happens they’ll likely exit into Menthino’s northwestern border. Having a band run around in the chaos of a contested border, during the summer, would be a headache for your Crown correct?”

Marcos gave a sigh of exasperation. “Well, I’ll admit your second argument is better than the />
“And we’ll give you a woman!” The innkeeper said from behind him.

Marcos smiled. “Which one?”

“The blonde.” The innkeeper smiled.

Marcos knew she was pregnant. “Really? That’s awful charitable. It’s like a two for one />
Under the table the blonde stopped.

“Indeed. Let’s just shake on it.” The innkeeper said missing the subtlety of his words.

Marcos moved to take his hand but stopped. “Fine. I’ll also need a horse, tack, outdoor gear, her clothes, and perhaps some coin to get up to the area.”

The men all paused then turned and looked at the seated merchant.

He sagged and relented. “Fine, nothing fancy.”

Marcos stood out and saddled his new horse, a deaf tan gelding. Watching quietly was a short blonde who was sucking him off only an hour ago.

“What is your name by the way?”

“This girl has no name Master.”

Marcos looked at the small girl. Despite their earlier closeness, it was obvious she was uncomfortable with the situation. She wore three dresses and had a blanket stuffed with a few trinkets and other belongings at her feet. Only a few hours ago she awoke knowing what to do.

“Girl, do you know how to ride?”

“Yes Master, this girl came from far out west.”

“Good, try to keep up.”

He sauntered off. His short black robes making him seem a tear in the world walking down the road.

For several hours, the two were silent. The road was empty as they made their passage north. Well after dark, Marcos finally stopped her.

He took the reins and spoke softly. “Prepare to sleep. Make a fire if you are comfortable with one.” He then slunk off and disappeared easily into the darkness.

The girl worked quietly in the dark and prepared a sleeping roll for them. After undressing, she waited naked in the blankets for him to take her. Around her, the dark nearly moonless night made many noises of life. Unused to them, she only hoped he wouldn’t be worse then whatever was out there. After several long minutes alone, she realized he was gone and the clearing was empty.

For a moment she considered freedom, or of running. However, penniless, she would become a debtor slave and likely be molested as an indentured servant. Fear and hopelessness won out and she curled up and slept fitfully.


Miles ahead of her campsite Marcos cleared the road ahead. After a few hours of picking along, he came close to a town. Standing atop a rise, he saw the lights cluster around the quiet road. Further up movement caught his eye. Two men stood hidden in the brush along the road just outside of town. Standing still at this vantage point while actively searching for an ambush, allowed him to see the trap.

Marcos moved forward warily. He almost avoided them but as he crept by, he heard them.

“Hey, Corky, nobodies coming anymore lets get back. Mama is drunk again.” The man giggled to the other about some shared experience Marcos didn’t understand.

go do it.” The other replied gruffly.

Marcos watched as they hopped out onto the road and walked without a care up the street. Following them, Marcos saw they came to a large house obviously built to be a barn at one time. The building was well cared for however and didn’t smell of animal. The two went in through a tended garden at the front gate and entered the house.

Marcos followed from the window and saw them men come into the home’s main room. From outside, Marcos understood the wall with the window he was at also had a fireplace along it. In front of him were chairs and several benches for woodworking. A doorway to his right went back to what he assumed was a bedroom. To the left behind the chairs a stair way led to the loft above the house. To Marcos’ right something lured the men just out of his sight to the corner.

Listening, he heard at least three men laughing and joking with a drunk confused female. He figured the men to be brothers. After a moment, a scuffle was heard and two people fell to the floor before him.

The one on top was a man from the ambush site earlier. Under him, a bushy dark haired woman struggled. Her dress was open up the middle. Her breasts were exposed and just before her belly, the dress’ flap was splayed open showing the dark thatch between her legs.

The man on top had his pants down to his knees. He was moving in between her legs and started fucking her roughly. She fought with her arms and shook her head but her legs wrapped wantonly around him. Even after he stiffened over her, she fought until he stood.

After they finished the struggle, the woman got up onto a chair and started berating them drunkenly. She didn’t move to cover herself at all, in fact she sat with her legs splayed. Her left hand almost covered her modesty but then she leaned back and gave them the show.

“How many times have you all dug for water? Huh? We gotta go to the neighbors for water still. We aren’t going to live like that!” One of the brothers came over for his turn and just stood before her stroking himself. She tried to stand but she wobbled and fell back. “If you all can’t even dig a working well then who will marry you? Huh?”

A second man approached with his cock out already and moved onto her, but she struggled pushing him back and shouted again. “I am not giving you lazy asses anything. Nothing, you hear?”

He tried again getting her off the chair and they wrestled around until they landed on the floor. The two men roughly got atop her. One got control of her arms and lined up himself with her mouth. The other struggled with her kicking legs and got into position to mount. Near simultaneously they were settled, and without more then some grunting, they shoved their thick cocks into her. All the fighting and cussing stopped after that.

The man on her head thrust into her while arching his head back. She was obviously doing wonderful thing with her mouth down their. It must have made him forget about the other guy fucking her. He brought his feet up and caught the man behind him across the face.

“Oi! What the shit! Move!”

A small scuffle started inside the room. Outside, the first man had come out and walked right past Marcos. He walked to the back of the house where Marcos noticed there were three very deep conveniently placed holes dug into the sandy soil.

The one the man drunkenly used as a pisshole was reinforced around the sides with timbers. He used one of the beams to steady himself as he grumbled and emptied himself. By the sound of the splatters, it was a hole almost a dozen yards deep.

Stealthily, Marcos crossed over to him and grabbed his head. With a twist, he broke his neck and let body tumble into the hole.

Returning to the window, he saw the men had gone back to fucking and had the woman on her hands and knees between them. Marcos watched in disinterest for them to finish. They used the rest of their lives plunging into the woman in deep strokes. After several minutes, the men spurted their last loads onto the woman’s back and face. Both of them then rose as the woman fell over asleep.

The two came out and went over to the wells. The two used different holes. One used the shallower of the holes while the other unwittingly pissed on his brother in his open grave. Marcos watched them bemused and crept over to the one at the deeper hole. With a light tap, the man struggled and fell into the occupied hole. During the confusion, Marcos crossed over to the other man who was laughing too hard to notice him.

He snapped his neck as he laughed and tugged the body over to the pit. Finally disposed of, he went in and snatched the woman who didn’t even struggle. Once he dropped her in, it only took a minute for the two down in the hole to get very panicky.

Above them, Marcos walked around the hole using a shovel to break the supports keeping the former well from collapsing. Before he even got to the last support, the timbers snapped under the pressure up and down the inside of the hole. A cloud of dust hit Marcos in the face as the hole shimmered and fell in.

Looking around, Marcos couldn’t see any evidence of himself. He resisted the urge to burn the building down despite going to great lengths to make a place for the girl. He left and returned to the girl well before the sun came up.

Come morning the girl awoke with a weight upon her. She squirmed and found the man sleeping soundly. When she found herself being slept on, it was oddly comfortable knowing she fulfilled something for the man however basic. She felt immediately pleased to be so useful. Perhaps he wouldn’t find reason to hurt her.

By nearly midday, the man finally awoke. She scurried off quickly to use the bushes while he stretched and prepped the horse.

After almost a half day’s travel the man finally spoke. “Have you ever lived alone?”

“No this girl has never owned a thing. She has always served.” She said quietly.

“There is a house in a town up ahead that we will stay in tonight.” Marcos paused. “You should stay there when I leave. I will leave you money. The field was well cared for, and it’ll harvest well soon. Next season, you can get married or hire out your own />
“Master does She paused. “This girl can help fight. She has fought for her things when no one else cared.”

Marcos paused. “When you thought of it what was a pretty name to you?”

She blurted quickly.

Marcos pondered it. “That sounds like a family name. I shall name you Savriee Garalin, so your children keep the name.” He paused. a young merchant’s widowed />
“Yes />
“And remember your station.” He snapped.

“I am your manservant. My name is Marcos.” He mused looking off.

The girl went wide-eyed. “Yes />
“Perhaps we’ll say I was a fixture during your formative years. I taught you to be very Marcos chuckled. “The goal will be to buy the property and settle you in it so I can be off. You are free, Lady Savriee />
Savriee gasped. “Master, this />
Marcos boomed. “I will beat you in front of everyone and sell you to the dirtiest stable boy in town if you say that word again.”

The girl flinched and paled. and obeys.”

Marcos nodded. “Good, here is the town now.”

Roofs of straw tiled in wood planking poked out as they came out to stand over a wide clearing. The view let them see out over the slowly moving farming town. Several timber homes collected around a central road with several businesses. Compared to other villages it was large, and had two inns. Both were shoddy but clean.

Inside one inn that seemed the cleaner of the two, Marcos sat Savriee at a table and came to the front looking for the innkeeper. The man in question was a tall heavily built man with thinning hair. A greasy apron covered his front as he made a meat and pot pies for the dinner crowd.

Marcos squared up to him and leveled his shoulders back. Putting on airs sometimes helped. “Is there a He asked in a heavily accented voice.

The innkeeper looked closer at him and his fake high accent. “There is, I’m the town mayor.” He said whipping his gritty hands on his already soiled apron.

Marcos bit a chuckle. It wasn’t uncommon for innkeepers to hold the job. “Excellent! I am inquiring about open properties in the area.”

“We have a house around back.”

“A family lived there but they’re gone now.”

Marcos was happy people in small towns noticed so quickly. “Foul play?”

“No they just />
“Likely, they were a shady bunch, three men, and their mum who was the worst of the lot. I heard they tried robbing people on the road.”

“A pity.” Marcos lied. “Well Milady needs a house, and she can pay well for the />
“Well, I can arrange it. Her name?” He said pulling an old registry out from another counter.

Marcos spun his tale carefully. “The Lady Savriee Garalin. She is a recent widow from Leethon. We felt it best she lived quietly in the country until she got over the loss of her dear husband. Love only happens once in a lifetime, but Amazons sadly ended it for him.”

Marcos saw Amazons were a big topic for the innkeeper. “Oi? We got the same problem.” The innkeeper leaned in and covered his mouth. “The band around here isn’t breeding. You should watch />
“I most certainly will.” Marcos mused.


The house Marcos bought only cost a few gold coins. Marcos easily paid for it and the furniture inside. In the yard in back, the grave only appeared to be a disorganized supply pile for the other holes.

Inside the house, Savriee fluttered around her new home like a child discovering a gift. To make her more appropriate she found and wore just one dress that presented her as a wealthy if not high born lady.

Marcos stood in the center of the home and looked out the window he looked in last night. “You have this house in your name. People will come to you every once and a while in my name. You will provide them cover and aid them in whatever way you can.”

Savriee skipped over beaming and kneeled before him. hear and obey.”

Marcos continued. “I must leave now to find those troublesome cows. I have left money. Be sure to open a shop and sell your skills. Theses hamlets of the wild lands are excellent quiet places to get a start.”

He turned and moved toward the door. “Remember the master you serve.”

“Milord you won’t stay? Even for the night?” she blushed demurely

He said as she slid her hands up his frock.

He wriggled his hips to be as she unbuttoned and unleashed his cock. He stood still as she pushed her head up under his robe. The difference in what she did before and now were completely different. While few blowjobs were ‘bad', her previous attempts were intense, forced, and soulless. She likely learned in the midst of a terrorizing rape, or some other negative experience.

This was the natural blowjob a woman would give. With the playful exploration, tasting, and coddling. It was her instinctive way of sizing him up. He didn’t disappoint, his ten-inch cock backed to her throat and she helpfully gagged on it if it meant pleasing him.

She backed off finally and swirled him with her tongue as she used her hands to wring him until he shot a heavy spurt into her mouth. She clamped her lips across him for a seal. Under his robe, she was loud suddenly as she sucked out what she could and bobbed onto him with her hands on his hips.

He finally had to back off her to get out of her warm mouth. The robe pulled her down onto her hands and knees as he backed away which was good since seeing her would lead to a delay. Marcos turned, left, and came out onto the road quickly before she could beckon him.

He was several hours behind the band. His walking pace caught him up with several days. He started to pick along the recent kills. The deaths surrounding him strengthened him as he wound through the Huntresses’ ambushes.

The moved at night at a constant pace. They knew they wouldn’t be chased in the open lands between city-states so their goal was to pull hasty ambushes as they went north. By traveling at night, Marcos matched them. Slowly they all closed in on the mountainous chaos lands.

That night, as the band he tracked passed the last enclave in the are before entering the mountains, Marcos found a tree to sleep in before the sun came up.

A sound below woke him up. Hastily climbing down the voices of a woman drew him. The orange light of the rising sun lit the treetops. Below the light, the skinny pines of the forest were cast in a weird yellow. The light might as well have been red moonlight. The tranquility was only disturbed by the woman, nothing else moved in the eerie new day.

Marcos crept through the trees cautiously. Huntresses used ambushes to say hello, like so many other predators. They were damn good at it too since they weren’t otherwise guaranteed a fair fight trying to rape and kill men they fancied.

The singing slowed and fell into humming as he got in closer. Marcos came around the last tree to a clearing. Marcos froze literally on top of the Amazon. The spot was barely large enough to turn a horse around. A pond beyond it made the open spot seem larger.

Unlike any other Amazon he’d seen, she was pitch black like a drow. Her hair was black also. It came down in waves unlike the straight haired Amazons who had a mix of black and silver to their hair.

She was heavily breasted and topless. The udders swung pendulously with the mass of cantaloupes or warm round bread loaves as she stood up silently. Most Amazons wrapped breasts that big and wore leather mantles. Hers stood proudly, with impossibly dark nipples capping the jewels. Her breasts had a steady foundation on her broad shoulders and hard abs.

She wore a loose chain low around her hips with dense trinkets that dangled and covered her pussy. The curve of her hips was the sexiest part of her. Marcos could already feel his hands resting on them. Her thick thighs and legs looked similarly strong like her arms as she circled with him spinning her wood spear.

“We don’t have to fight.” Marcos offered knowing it was to late. lose.” He added lowering himself to a crouch watching her. She stayed silent staring at him for an opening as they turned around each other. Her steps crossed Marcos noticed.

Marcos taunted her. “If I get a hand on you, I will fuck the shit out of you woman.” She ignored him and watched his feet wide eyed. The huffing of deep breaths was the only noise she made.

Marcos leaned in and jumped for her as her feet crossed. Stupefied, she only swung the spear instead of a thrust as her feel tangled. She only caught his shoulder as he closed in and wrapped his arms around her. Her spear she held with both hands was trapped in her breasts between them. For a moment, he paused staring at the dark white-less eyes of hers that seemed to have catlike slit metallic silvery pupils. She took the opening to bite him savagely in the jaw.

Marcos roared getting his hands up and onto her face. One hand attacked the jaw joint and pressed under the ear for her nerves. The other hooked her nose with a thumb and pulled up and pushed back her face.

She released, and they danced away from each other. She looked at him smugly with amusement in her eyes.

Marcos didn’t taunt her again. He just dashed again while she basked in her little nip. This time Marcos was rough and ready. He caught her spear and reached over to jab her in the face. Her forged steel chin did her mother proud. Her grip loosened, but she only snapped her head back after his strike.

Quickly, he grabbed her head and shoulders pulling her down and brought his knee up. Solidly, the two connected and he gave her another one to keep her thoughts elsewhere. When he pulled her back up she was much more relaxed and unfocused.

With a struggle, he won over the spear and tossed it into the water. She continued to push off him and struggle and they fell flat. Marcos struggled for dominance and just as he got control, he saw her scooting for a long dagger he missed earlier.

“Fuck no.” Marcos said pulling her back between his legs.

“I fucking told you.” Marcos said pulling his cock out as she tried to buck him.

Marcos slid between her legs. His cock prodded into the chain’s curtain and felt her smooth soft skin underneath. As if a switch had been thrown, she went into overdrive under him. Panicked, she thoughtlessly scrambled to escape.

He let her roll over and for a moment, she paused before taking the risk and raised her hips getting up.

Marcos pounced onto her back.

He easily sprawled flat over her. His cock naturally found her pubic gap. As he slid along she bowed back, and head butted him in the temple.

“Fuck, you just don’t quit. Here, work this out.” He growled shoving up and into her ass.

She screamed and froze as Marcos muffled her and continued to push. He dropped his head flat and low onto her shoulder blades as he snaked his arms around her outstretched neck. His short quick thrusts inched into her taking more and more. He laid claim to her ass then backed out finally so he could take his enjoyment from it.

She reached back and fought him, pulling and pushing him pitifully with her hands from behind. For more then ten minutes she went from loud pained grunts to wheezes and moans. It wasn’t lost on Marcos the she had her bud rubbing in the grass whenever she bowed her back to get away from his thrust.

She bellowed in his arm when she came. Marcos felt her shift her hands away as she tried to get up under him and take his cock. The feeling was too much and Marcos came into her ass. He thrust deeply and she didn’t complain as his cock went as deep as possible to release into her.

They wheezed into each other for minutes in the otherwise quiet clearing. Quietly, they both tried to figure out the other’s next move.

Marcos tried to surprise her as he backed off. It didn’t work and she moved to stand the instant he was off her. He pounced as she turned to him and they fell back onto the ground fighting. She kicked and scratched as he wrestled to get on top and straddled her. Marcos didn’t notice at first her leg hooked into his open sided robe from underneath. He raised, up and intentionally caught the other leg so they both went out the armholes of his robe. With her legs mildly restricted, he dropped over her in between the open legs.

Finding herself tied to him again, she bucked and writhed. “Fuck no.” Marcos said letting his eagerness win out. “This is happening.” He said raising up, he started pushing her chin back while he straightened his cock and pushed into her pussy.

With a snap, she grabbed his extended arm and twist locked it before dislocating the shoulder completely.

Marcos screamed as he was rolled.

From atop him, she rained down hard fists of rage. For a moment, they pummeled each other. Marcos punched for her kidney to soften her up while she beat his face into the ground. Marcos tried to stay awake under the furious black creature savaging him. With a wide swing, he hooked her head and shoulders and brought her down tight to him in a parody of an embrace. With her down low, he slid down and brought up his robe around over her head, enclosing her.

She went wild as he rolled her and tightened his handful of fabric on her. Her caught up legs dangled uselessly over her head, and blocked in her arms as he tugged and tightened the robe. From on top he again pushed into her wetter hole free handed. The hole seemed to open for him. In her position, her body was very inviting.

Marcos couldn’t help but sigh. She had the tight wet pussy men deserved before they died. He felt like he cheated having it and walking away. “This is how it is.” He whispered into where her ear was.

Her smooth walls beckoned him deeper, and he gave her the cock her pussy wanted. As he thrust into her hard and fast, she stilled underneath him. Her instincts were protecting her body to Marcos’ benefit. He had to be glad those that submitted were the ones who bred. If she fought right now, he would be bitch-meat.

Marcos’ long thick cock, heavy balls, and renewed stamina held out as she came a few times. For the first climax, she roused only a little, and her pussy worked him over. The second orgasm made her moan in the build up and she released and writhed under him moving up her hips. She worked with him to get the third out. He couldn’t tell if she had any shame as he pushed into her as his own cock started to twitch and cum.

The Amazon fought anew as she felt him harden and swell. “Here we go. Here’s your seed.” Marcos announced as she protested loudly under him. As he spoke the build up crested and spewed. Unlike her mewls and whimpers, her body graciously took his spending and milked out his cock. The deluge his cock poured out into the receptive hole was exponentially mind blowing compared to the rather mundane struggle earlier.

His exhausted body started to betray him. His eyes wanted to close and sleep as his brain shutdown and concentrated on thoroughly flipping out his balls. He felt like a racing salmon in a white-hot flow of lava as he fought to keep himself centered in the still dangerous situation.

Finally the intensity ceased. He was still within the orgasm, and his ultra-sensitive cock head was making it imprudent to move. Fuck how was that baby?” Marcos couldn’t help but feel the affection successful breeding imprinted on him. His cock twitched and the muscle at its base pulsed, as he stayed deep inside her.

She thankfully stayed still as he very slowly pulled out and stood. Instinctively he looked at the holes dripping from his offers. He wondered idly as he stared at the thick gobs sliding out and down her crack what would happen next. Little men with metallic cat eyes running around would be interesting.

He thumbed his cock and mused as he looked at her. “I should take you with me. You lost your honor right?”

She started unmistakably laughing under the robe.

Puzzled, he stepped forward and tried pulling off the robe but as soon as it started coming off she fought again and stumbled back into the water while he fell.

The stunning jolt of hitting the ground awoke him. Marcos flipped himself over and looked up at his robe and the broken branch. The dream had been pretty real. His cock felt empty. Thankfully, his arm and face were undamaged. The other memories unblocked and came to him making him chuckle of what her did with her.

He would never admit it, but catching naked Amazonians out in the wild where ‘might is right’ was a favorite pastime of his. He was surprised but happy she had played his game with him, it was obvious she enjoyed it too. He didn’t know it yet, but a decision was already made, and this particular pursuit was only to be the beginning.

On another plane, a goddess stood in her pond by the clearing, looking through the waters of time. She idly dipped into her pussy and felt the warm share left with her. She would get more soon. The thought made her giggle as she watched.

story by: BlknMild611

Tags: blowjob male/female bi-sexual anal hardcore rape violence humiliation domination/submission bondage and restriction death murder interracial female domination male domination non-consensual sex cruelty extreme black science-fiction pregnant sex story

Author: BlknMild611

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