We lay there, the sunlight streaming over our naked bodies. Mine, young and growing, and Kays, mature and full, without a blemish. My hands running over her stomach, we shared light kisses as a question passed through my brain.
I asked,"Why are you on the pill? I heard that you were trying to get /> all of a sudden she rolled away from me and seemed to be angry. I wondered what I had said.
"That fucking son of a bitch!" Her voice was shaky " That fucking cunt!" It seemed as if she was sobbing. I was unsure of what to do. She kept talking, relieving me from having to talk.
"I do want one… but not that son of a bitch. All he does is fuck my tits. He gives me the pill so that they are bigger. He keeps telling me that we will have one sometime, but…" her voice fell away. She turned and looked at me, her eyes big and shining from recent tears, tears streaks that had fallen off her cheeks and onto her tits.
" But its okay now," she smiled weakly," I have you, and I can teach you everything I know."
I slid over and sat next to her on the bed, and slid my hand into hers, and gave it a quick squeeze. She pecked me on the cheek.
" You're sweet Matt. Let's go. I have to put on supper, and I'm sure Doe would like some attention."
We got up, her red hair turning strawberry blonde in the afternoon sun. As we walked back to the house I slowed my paced and let her walk in front of me, watching her naked ass sway in time with her step, relishing in the fact that it was ( in a sense) mine. Already my cock was starting to firm up again, flying at half mast. Thinking about Kay and Doe was driving me crazy. I walked up to Kay again and we talked for a few minutes about what we might want to do later. As we neared the house, Doe came bounding up to me, evidently expecting me to pay her some attention, so I gave Kays ass a quick squeeze and said I would see her in a bit. She gave me the fucking hottest wink I had ever seen as she turned away, and I told myself I would return to her the favor later.
I scratched Doe behind the ears and she followed me in through the side door of the house and into my room. I heard Kay dressing in the next room and then heading off to the kitchen. I sat down leaning against my bed, and Doe came to me, and pressed her nose against mine. Her mouth was open a bit, and as I breathed in she licked my mouth. I thought it was funny that I had never thought of kissing a dog before, but anyways, I went for it. I opened my mouth and slid my tongue into hers, and pushed my lips right up against hers. From that point on I must say that its hard to describe and probably awkward to look at, and you need do do it a certain way, but I must admit that it was pretty good. For starters, Does tongue is so much longer and smoother that a humans would ever be, and their lips were softer than even that of Kays ever-so-soft cunt. Having only made out with a human only a few times, I guess that my expectations probably were not in the same place that they would have been if I had spent more time making out with a person. After she was done licking out the inside of my mouth, and I hers, she turned around and presented herself to me, her pink slit just visible in front of my face. I gave it a quick rub with two fingers as I stood up, giving my cock a quick pump with my hand to "prep" myself. However, rather than fuck her doggy style as I had previously, I decided rather to see if I could fuck her with her lying on her back. I called her up onto my bed, and got her to roll onto her back.The way her legs were sticking straight up however, posed a dilemma as I could not simply lie down on top of her as I had thought I might. I instead had to kneel behind her with my knees on either side of her ass. I then leaned forward a bit and raised my ass off the bed, took my cock in my hand, and with the other I spread the fur from around her cunt and held it open.I slowly pushed my hips forward as I let my cock gently slide halfway into her smooth velvet underground. She stiffed ever so slightly as I stopped, and started to whine. Confident that I had enough cock meat in her to keep it from sliding out when I started to thrust, I leaned forward further, so that I was on my hands and knees. The warm fur of her cooch was rubbing against my balls, creating a slight scratchy feeling against my sack. I started to raise and lower my hips, pushing in and out of that soft pussy, letting it stay tight around my cock and give a gentle pulling feeling. Having only been fucked once before, by me, she was still incredibly tight, and it was not long before she started squeezing my cock back with her pussy, playing a game of catch and release with my cock. I was running my fingers through her soft belly fur, letting my hands run over her nipples, playing with them, which were incredibly firm and stiff, when I felt the slight vibrations in the base of my cock, I pumped a little harder, her tail wagging, smacking into my gooch as I came to that final peak of sensation. Since Kay and I had already gotten busy that day, there was not alot of come left in my balls, but I swear I could have put half a gallon of come into her if I could have. I stopped, my now ultra sensitive cock twitching from the after affects of the orgasm as I relished in the warmth now spreading to every part of my body. I felt my cock start to shrink and decided it was finally time to pull out. I rolled over next to Doe and put my head on my pillow, and looked up to see Kay standing in the doorway, smirking at me.
" That dog is gonna miss you when you leave." She said as she turned and walked down the hallway to the kitchen. I grinned.
End Part 3
A/N I know its been awhile, but its been rather hectic for me. I decided not to add a third character thanks for your replies. I will try harder to put a new one out sooner rather than later. I think this will probably end up being a 10 part series or so, so there will be plenty more for you to read on your laptop on the train. Yes weird guy, I'm talking to you. I'm flattered, but… WTF? Comments and Criticism welcome, suggestions considered. Next chapter will most likely be all Human/Human
story by: drhyde
Tags: fiction consensual sex bestiality male / older female wife sex story
Author: drhyde
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