Tales of ted chapter 4

sex stories


Barry bought some bread and a newspaper from the store, as we walked back to his caravan I told him that Dad and Jamie had gone into town to buy a new shower base and invited him into ours to play on the Play station. and he agreed to come.
My heart was racing, I was going to get him alone all to myself, oh thank you Dad buying this Caravan was the best thing ever. I thought to myself.
It was a very warm morning, the sun was blazing not something that we get a lot of in Scotland, but when we do we take full advantage of it, Barry said he would take the bread in to his mum get changed into his shorts, then he would get me at our van in ten minutes, I went in to ours and pulled on a pair of white nylon football shorts, then decided to be a bit naughty I pulled the shorts back off removed my boxers, then pulled the shorts back on, although the shorts had lining I had cut it under the balls part to make them loose, I don’t like tight things against my balls, but cut lining is also handy for two other things, it makes it easy to get your tackle out for a quick wank and of course deliberately exposing your self. ( Yip I was born a pervert )
Barry was true to his word and was at the door of the caravan 10 minutes later, he also had on a pair of Football shorts, his were green, topped with a white Nike tee shirt, we settled down on the floor in front of the TV and played Gran Turismo for about half an hour, sitting on the floor with your legs crossed under you is a great way to allow a stray ball to have a peek outside, as we chatted, Barry told me that he had a rowing boat and often went out on the loch for a row and a swim, I was very interested in this information, out on boat alone with him sounded good to me, I told him I had never been out on a small boat and would love it if the next time he was going out he would let me go with him, he said that he would take me out anytime I fancied it, I grabbed the opportunity and asked if we could go right away
“Yea why not let’s go” Barry replied.
I wanted to get away before Dad and Jamie got back, or Jamie would want to come with us. or even worse Dad might not let me go out on a boat without adult supervision, I scribbled a note for Dad telling him where I had gone.
Barry kept the oars for his boat under his caravan he pulled them out told his parents we were taking the boat out, and off we went with is mothers voice calling
" Be careful out there "

The mooring was only a short walk from our caravans, we got in the boat it was a typical fibreglass dingy, with enough room for four people two in the middle one at the back and one at the front, Barry told me to sit at the back of the boat and he would do the rowing, I had never been on a boat this small before, a couple of times I had been on ferry's, and a day trip boat once, but they were massive big things compared to Barry’s
This little thing was quite different to be honest I was a bit scared that it would capsize or sink or something, and although I can swim, I am not the strongest swimmer in the world, But being alone with Barry helped calm my fears, Barry was a fast rower and within 15 minutes we were a good bit down the loch, I kept glancing down between his legs in the hope of getting a flash at his tackle up the leg of his shorts, but his legs were pretty much firmly held in one place to give him resistance as he rowed, so I never got a flash, on the other hand I deliberately had my legs open and kept leaning my head back pretending I was trying to get a suntan on my face, but the truth is I was flashing my goods, I knew he would get a flash if he was interested in looking.
All of a sudden Barry pulled the oars into the boat and stood up, he pulled his tee shirt over his head taking it off, as he did so his package was almost in my face, and the shape of his cock was clearly visible through the thin material, I was sure that if not hard he at least had a semi, Fuck I just wanted to grab him pull his shorts down and get stuck into his cock, even though at this point I had never sucked a cock I was constantly fantasizing about sucking one, Barry had a light hair trail going down into the waistband of his shorts even that was a turn on to me, I was fucking rock solid in my shorts, and if I had stood up it would have been very obvious, thankfully it was pointing up to the waistband rather than down or it would have been popping out the leg of my shorts.
Barry sat back down pulled off his trainers and socks, he then stood up and jumped out of the boat into the water, shouting for me to join him, I pulled off my tee shirt kicked of my trainers took off my socks and did the same 30 seconds later I was beside him, The water was freezing it was honestly the coldest water I have ever been in, We messed about in the freezing water for a few minutes, but I was glad to get out of it, I tried to climb back into the boat but it was not an easy thing to do, I thought I was going to pull the boat over as I tried to get my leg up first then my arm hoping I could sort of roll my body up in to it, but that failed as well.
Barry told me to let him go first, he got back into the boat without to much of a struggle but he had obviously done it plenty of times before, Once he was safely in the boat he put his hand over to help pull me in beside him, His shorts were stuck against his cock the shape was clear to see, I was mesmerized. as he pulled one of my arms I pulled on the boat with the other to pull myself back on board, then just as my waist was clearing the water disaster struck, my shorts came right off, I tried to catch them with my legs then my feet but they escaped I was now half in, half out the boat, my shriveled up tackle on the edge and my bare arse exposed to the sun, I was totally mortified as Barry gave one last yank and pulled me into the boat arse down and cock up, Barry was killing himself laughing as I tried to cover up my very shrunken cock and tiny tight balls, I cant ever remember being so embarrassed.
Barry dived back into the water and got my shorts, he threw them back into the boat then climbed back in as I covered my bits ( Don’t ever get in cold water if there is a chance the one you have the hot’s for might get to see your bits )

When Barry got back in the boat he slipped his shorts off took off his boxers and stood pissing over the side of the boat as he wrung the water out of his boxers, as natural as if he was standing fully clothed at a bus stop, even though his cock was obviously cold and water shrunk, it was still bigger than mine, and his pubic hair was very impressive being dark haired he had a thick wiry bush, I just sat open mouthed staring at this wonderful display, my cock rapidly coming back to full hard size. honestly if I had died that moment I would have died a happy happy guy.
Barry pulled his football shorts back on and rowed back to the campsite we laughed and joked about what had happened, but he never mentioned my little cock. Fuck I was so in love with him I would have been happy to stay in that boat forever.

The boat tied up in the mooring, we walked back up the site towards Barry's Caravan he had his oars over his shoulder, with his Grey boxers hanging over the end like a fuckin flag not caring who saw them, as we got to Barry's caravan we met our Jamie, he was with Emma the girl that he had been sucking the face off the night before.
" My Da is Gonnay kill you Captain Pugwash, for going out on a boat."
he shouted to me
" Fuck off"
I replied giving him the spin finger, when he caught up with us he told me I had better go and tell Dad I was back, as he had been down walking along the side of the loch with the dog to see if he could see us, Barry went in to his caravan to get some fresh boxers, our shorts were dry by this time, but now that Dad and Jamie where back I needed to put on a pair myself, I went into see dad, He yakked in my ear about how dangerous the water in the loch was and how I could have been drowned, I don’t think he was that worried about me dying, he was more worried that my mum would have killed him if I had died on his watch, but anyway lecture over I went to my room pulled on a pair of boxers and replaced my shorts, done a quick exit and joined back up with Barry, Jamie and Emma. all 4 of us went to the games room. We messed about with the video machines then had a game of Killer on the pool table.
We got bored after about an hour, by that time we had been joined by most of the people we had been with the night before, and two other guys who were twins, they were both the same age as me 14 and well fuckin sexy, they were identical twins called Craig and Dean, Jesus this caravan lark just kept getting better and better, my hormones were going crazy.
One of the lads had brought a ball, so we all went down to the spare ground and had a bit of a kick about for about an hour,then just lay about soaking up the sun for a while.
Around 4.30 the gang began breaking up to go for dinner, by 5pm there were only me ,Jamie , Barry and one of the twins Dean left sun bathing, Barry announced that he was going to grab a shower get his dinner and would catch us in the games room about 6.30.
" I am gonnay grab a shower myself but with soap this time" I replied.
We all began walking back to our caravans, Fuck I wanted to be in that shower room when Barry was stripping, Jamie decided he to was going for a shower as well, I had no interest in seeing him naked, but could not object to him going for a shower, I stalled for a while pretending I was having a meaningful conversation with dad about dinner as Jamie left for the shower block, I had one eye looking out the window watching for Barry coming out his van, and the other on Dad pretending I was interested in what he was saying, he was going into the village for some Chinese take away and asked us what I wanted, I gave him our order Jamie would just have to have what I was having, just then I caught a glimpse of Barry towel over his shoulder coming out his van, I grabbed my towel and shower gel and was out the door a second later, Barry was already in the shower room and had began stripping as I got in, 3 of the 4 cubicles were being used, Barry had stripped off and I was in the process, he did not give a fuck who saw him once he was bollock, he entered the free cubicle, Just as he went in this old guy about 50 came out one of the other ones, I took the vacated cubicle just as Jamie came out of his, I was only in the shower a few minutes, when Barry came out the one next to mine, I quickly rinced off and joined him at the bench to dry off, well as he dried off his hair, I dried of my legs, taking full advantage of his swaying cock and balls, as he dried vigorously, I swear it was like being in a real life porno, ok no sex was going on but the food for my imagination was plenty, a guy in his mid 20's came out of another cubicle and wow what a fuckin cock he had on him. it was swinging about like a fucking Tarzan rope. My eyes were every where, I was eying up Barry. And the tarzan rope guy, while trying topretend I was drying myself off, trying my hardest not to get a fucking raging hardon from seeing all this cock, so I quickly dressed still half damp as Barry was now dressed and was leaving.
As we walked back to our vans I told Barry we would catch him later, I went into the caravan and straight to our room, I could swear I interrupted Jamie battering one out, he got all that stupid panicky way when I opened the door, and had that embarrassed look on his face, I could have left and let him finish, but why should I, if it had been the other way round he would have teased the life out of me, I just sprayed up with some linx deodorant and got dressed for the night, we both went through to the living area just as dad drew up with the Chinese meal.
As I sat eating my brain was working over time, visualizing the amount of cock I had saw that day, thankfully I had a tray covering my crouch area how sick would that look, a visible hardon while eating with your Dad and Brother, I so needed a wank but could not think of any excuse to disappear for 10 minutes. We ate cleaned up the dishes then sat about talking to Dad for about 20 minutes, he was going to fit the new shower tray while we were out.

We still had some hash left from the bit we had bought back in Glasgow and dad had gave us £5 each before we went out so we were sorted, This would be our last night in the van, we would be going home on the Sunday afternoon as dad had work on the Monday. We spent some time in the games room, Then when the rest of our new friends had gathered we done the same as the night before, we went to the village got some booze and then back to the same spot in the woods to get mad with it, The twins were from England and I struggled to understand their accent, but from what I could make out I liked both of them, they were hot and had the same nature, I could not work out which one was witch but they where used to that, They told us that even their Dad struggles sometimes to work out who is who, they said that he just looks at them raises his eye brows and tries his luck with a name,they have to tell him witch one of the twins they are if he gets it wrong, they told us some of the tricks they play on people, they had a great sense of humor and kept us laughing most of the night, I was now in love with both of them as well as Barry, fuck my poor cock would be getting a right abusing later that night, it was a good night we all got pretty out of our nuts, Jamie fucked off into the woods with Emma then Dean one of the Twins went away with another girl, Anna was sitting on Barry's knee all romantic like, but they never went into the woods or even kissed I don’t think, I went to the tree line for a piss and big Terry followed me to do the same, I got to see his cock a little but to be honest for a guy so big his cock looked smaller than mine, but even though I did not fancy him, If it had been on offer I would have gave him one ha ha.
Any doubt that I had in my mind about being bent, were blown out the window that weekend, I had done some heavy cock watching over that couple of days and fuck the desire to suck on one was taking over my life, I so needed to touch and taste cock.
Dad’s job on the shower was a waste of time, he said that it would take us a week to have a shower the pressure was so weak, so it would be best to just keep using the site showers until he could find out if there was a pump of some sort he could get to increase the pressure,
There is no doubt I over wanked that night, thankfully Jamie fell asleep quite quick, I heard him batter one out then minutes later he was snoring, I would have to keep my socks and boxers well hidden until I got home and make sure I put them in the washing machine before Mum got her hands on them they were well spunked up.
God only knows when I fell asleep but my cock felt as if it was on fire it had been rubbed that much over the previous couple of hours, Sunday Morning I got up early and went straight to the shower room to perv, I got undressed, showered and redressed then I was alone in the shower block, I heard the door opening and decided to go through the process again as if I had just come in for a shower, getting a double dose of cock viewing and I was not disappointed,
although all my prayers that a dirty young pervert, or for that matter any aged pervert would come into the shower room and molest me never happened, I still got to see so many cocks of all shapes and sizes that Iwould not be stuck for fantasies for months.
After breakfast we met up with Barry and the twins and a few of the other lads for a game of football, then after a while it started raining so we went to hang around the games room for most of the morning, it was raining heavily by the time we headed back home to Glasgow about 2pm. Next chapter cumming soon.

Hi guys, This story is a long one over 200 pages long, and will be about 20chapters, I have wrote, revised and rewrote this story a few times over the past couple of years, and my grammar is still terrible. Although it contains a fair bit of teenage gay sex, it is also a story full of emotions, highs, lows, happiness and sadness. I don't know if there will be much interest in reading it, but if you do want to read more then please vote and leave a comment,.
Thanks Ted.

story by: Talesofted

Tags: masturbation young bi-sexual true story gay teen male / teen male boy / boy sex story teen male solo

Author: Talesofted

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