Tales of ted chapter 3 ( gay interest )

sex stories

Hi guys, This story is a long one over 200 pages long, I have wrote,revised and rewrote this story a few times over the past couple of years, and my grammar is still terrible, although it contains a fair bit of teenage gay sex, it is also a story full of emotions,highs, lows,happiness and sadness, This is the first chapter, I don't know if there will be much interest in reading it, but if you do want to read more then please vote and leave a comment,.
Thanks Ted.

Something I should point out to the people reading this story, I write as I speak, I know my grammar is terrible and my spelling not much better, this added to my Glaswegian slang writing, might make it a bit harder for some of you to fully understand. I know links are not allowed but if you add the www. To the links below it will give you an idea of my accent.

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Feck I think I was about 6 or 7 when I realized that I liked guys, playing wrestling with mates I showed the tell tale signs, every time we had a grapple or hold down I sprang a hardon, my wee Peter just jumped to attention, I knew this was wrong, I knew that it should not happen, but it gave me a great feeling inside, so I kept my secret to myself, and wrestled with as many guys as I could as often as I could, It was only a feeling then, I knew it was dirty and wrong, I did not know why I just knew it had to be my secret, even at that age I was getting my cock out, playing you show me yours and I will show mine, I don’t think I knew what sex was or certainly meant at that age, I suppose the truth is I was just a little pervert full stop.
By the time I was 11, I was wanking playing with my Peter like a little monkey, again I did not know it was wanking, I just knew it felt good playing with it and that it was dirty and wrong, but fuck it felt good and I think I became addicted after the very first time.
I have two older brothers, John is 3 years older and Jamie is 18 months older than me, they both shared a room and I had a converted cupboard as a bedroom, when I was twelve and had just started Secondary School I came home from school and went straight to my room to get changed out of my School uniform, I decided to have a little play with Peter as I always did after school, I had started cumming about two months earlier although it was only little spurts it was fucking amazing, So there I am lying on the bed, god only knows who I was thinking about probably some guy in my class, Gary stewart, or one of my older brothers mates, I was stroking away like a right little wanker when John my oldest brother barged into the room, he was 15 at the time and a right pain in the arse, I tried to pull my boxers up but I got caught exposed.
" You little pervert, wanking your wee maggot, Jamie ,Jamie he called out, this wee cunt is wanking in here"
My other brother Jamie came into the room
" who were yea wanking to wee man” Jamie asked

"ah wisnae, a promise he is just making it up"

I was not telling lies, I had been called a wanker many times, I had called people wankers thousands of times, but I did not have a clue what wanking or a wanker was, I probably thought that I was the only guy in the world who played with his Peter.
I knew I should not be doing it, but I never knew that what I was doing had a name, they both teased me, although John was the worse, he just loved being cruel to me, Jamie went along with it probably just to keep on John’s side, they threatened to tell Mum when she got home that I was wanking, unless I tidied up their room as mum had warned them that morning to get it tidied before she came in from work.
I agreed to do it for them. I did not want Mum knowing about my dirty little secret, of course I never stopped playing with Peter but I made sure I put something behind my room door after that so that I got a warning if anyone was coming in.

I was 13 the first time I saw another guy wanking, I was dogging school with one of my class mates, it was a horrible wet day so we went to an old run down deserted Farm house that was due for demolition to take shelter from the rain, We found an old scud book in the house, and sat side by side looking at the naked women in the book, I sprang a hardon and so did my mate, I honestly don’t know who was first to get their cock out, I just remember both of us had our cocks out and began wanking, His eyes were fixed on the magazine mine were fixed on his cock, I was fascinated by it, his was not any bigger than mine but fuck I so wanted to touch it.

Garry shot his load and I came right after him, We put our cocks away wiped our spunk on the wall then set fire to the mag, I left that old house in love, Gary was my best mate and it was not the last time we visited that old house, this was probably the first time I had ever actually thought about touching another guys cock, I could not get the thought out of my head, that night I wanked like crazy, but now I had a clear image in my head, I wanted to wank off another guy I wanted to touch another guys cock.

I was then and still am a mad wanker, at least twice a day every day, from that day on my interest in other guys cocks took over my every thought, I tried hard to think of girls when I wanked, but the wank went on and on forever, then the minute I thought about a guy I would shoot my load within minutes, of course I did not want to think like this, There was nothing about me that showed outwardly that I was a poof, I was not in any way camp, I fought often, I played football, and I was forever in trouble with the school, I got my fair share of girls, I was even convinced a few times that I was in love with girls, but in my head it was always guys that gave me that tingling feeling inside.

When I was 14 my dad bought a caravan (Holiday Trailer ) that was permanently sited beside loch Lomond, about an hours drive from Glasgow, the first weekend we spent there I met a guy who the minute I saw I fell in love with, His name is Barry his parents also owned a caravan on the site, me and my brother Jamie were kicking a ball about outside our caravan, I hit the ball a bit too hard and it went over the fence outside Barry's caravan, he was sitting on the porch and handed the ball back to me, we sort of started chatting, he asked if we were renting or if we had we bought a caravan,.
Some people rent out their caravans as holiday lets when they are not using them to help pay the site fees, I told him that my dad had just bought it and that this was the first time we had been down, He warned us that the site manager would complain if we played ball games near the caravans, and told me that the best place was the spare ground further down the park, He offered to show us where to play so the three of us Me, Jamie and Barry went down to the play area for a kick about, Barry was 15 at that time the same age as our Jamie, he came from Dundee another city in Scotland probably about 60 miles from Glasgow, Barry was about 5ft 11ins tall, skinny with longish black hair that hung over his face, I would say good looking, he seamed a happy guy, who very easy going, and in my eyes as sexy as fuck, We messed about with the ball for a little while then he had to go back to his Caravan for his dinner, before he left we agreed to meet up again that evening at 6.30 and he would take us to the games room and introduce us to his weekend friends, the kids of the other families who spent most of their weekends on the camp site, I was sorry to see him go, fuck I so wanted to be with him, I could hardly take my eyes off him as he walked towards his Caravan, that’s just the way I go it is like instant lust.

Barry went to get fed, Me and my brother Jamie went back to our Caravan to get some food, after we had been fed, we both changed into our tracksuits, we had been wearing shorts and tee shirts during the day, Just over an hour later we were ready to go (Probably the longest hour of my life at that time)
Jamie wanted to go straight to the games room but I convinced him to wait on Barry coming out of his Caravan, Jamie suggested that Barry might already be in the games room, but I knew he wasn’t I had been watching out the window of our van almost every second since we got back inside, The slightest shadow passing outside caught my attention just incase my Barry went past,
Fuck talk about love at first sight or is that lust? we did not have long to wait Barry came out of his caravan and god he looked stunning, his dark hair still wet he had on a light blue La’coste tracksuit and white Nike trainers, he was my vision of a sex God, as he walked towards us his cheeky grin acknowledging that he had saw us, although I am not sure how I noticed it as my eyes were fixed on his lower body checking for any sign of swing in the bulge department of his trackies, and I was not disapointed I saw what I was looking for there was enough on view to put a smile on my face and a stiffy in my boxers.

The games room was probably only about 40 meters from our Caravan, as soon as we walked in Barry went to a black board and put our names up for pool, there were only two pool tables in the room and the rules were that the winner stayed on, there was maybe 5 or 6 names up already waiting for a game.
There were a few other teenagers already in the games room, and Barry seamed to know most of them, he introduced us to the ones he knew they all seamed ok people, although one girl called Anna nearly got pushed on her arse when she put her arms around my Barry's waist and planted a kiss on his cheek, Grrr I was not happy about that. ( God looking back I wonder if i made it obvious)

It was clear straight away that there was a kind of snobbery on the site, this was a group of kids who's parents owned a caravan, they had their own wee gang and renters were not welcome, we hung around the games room playing video games and table tennis until we got our game of pool,
shit when Barry was on the table I was transfixed my eyes were striping him naked and molesting him in my head, at one point he lifted his knee up on to the table to get a better shot on the ball this pulled his trackies tight and I was sure I could see the shape of his cock through the tight thin material, I had to divert my attention before I sprung another hardon.

About 8pm we left the games room to walk in to the local village, it was about a 3 mile walk but it was the only place you could buy some carry out alcohol, Me and Jamie had clubbed together to buy half an ounce of hash ( Solid cannabis) before we had came down to the caravan, So before we set off on the trek to the village we had went behind the games room and built a couple of joints to smoke on the way, the fact that we had hash seemed to score us extra points with the gang, as although most of them smoked it we were the only ones who had any.

When we got to the village it was suggested that we all club our money together to buy the alcohol, rather than each of us trying to get served with a small amount, There were 9 of us 6 guys and 3 girls ranging in age from about 14 to 17 years old, The oldest guy in the Company was a guy called Terry although he was only 17 years old, he was a massive guy he must have been about 6foot 4 inches tall, a big heavy guy and looked older than he was. but he was a bit of a numb nut to be honest, it was obvious that although he was the oldest he was the pick on boy of the gang, we all chipped in some cash to the kitty and told Terry to buy a pack of cigarettes, then as much Lager and cider as he could get for the money, one of the girls Emma went into the shop with Terry, they came out about 10 minutes later with 3 bulging carrier bags of drink.
We all then headed down to the beach and walked back along towards the camp site until we reached a wooded area probably about a mile away from the Site, It was obvious from the litter that this was a regular drinking den that had been used many times before, the bags unpacked there were 24 cans of lager and 4 litres of cider, and some plastic cups to drink from, it was a proper little party,

My brother Jamie built a few joints as we sat chatting and drinking, to be honest and not to sound big headed I would say that Me and Jamie were probably a bit rougher, than most of these guys were used to hanging around with, most of the gang were what I would describe as Snobs, middle class ,nice house, nice car, families from nice areas, we came from a council housing scheme (A housing estate owned by the government and the houses rented out to the tenants at affordable rents) it was obvious that we were a bit more rough and tumble, I think most of the gang were a bit wary of us, probably even a bit impressed with our exaggerated stories of fighting and theft and made up sexual exploits.

All in all it was a pretty good night, the drink and drugs relaxing everyone we were all in good spirits, I was sat beside Barry infact we were sat on the same rock our bodies touching, every time he moved he sent shock waves of lust through me, at one point I went into the trees for a piss and Barry came to join me, we both stood there talking and pissing side by side, I glanced at his cock although his hand was covering most of it, I got to see a little bit I stole a few swatches at it enough to get me a semi,
as he shook away the dregs, holding his cock from the base I got to see almost his full cock for about 2 seconds.
I wanted him so bad and i am sure that if I had known him better I would have offered to shake it dry for him, of course it would have been said in a joking manner just to test his reaction, but it was too early in our friendship to be so forward, I was scared I might scare him away.

When we got back to the main group, our Jamie was sucking the face off the girl Emma who had went into the Shop with Terry, and Anna the girl who had kissed Barry in the games room was Standing against a tree being kissed by another guy Called Rob,
I was delighted to see this, I thought that maybe her and Barry might have been going out with each other, now that I knew she did not have claim to him I could cancel my plans to take a hit out on her.

By about 11pm the drink was all finished, although none of us were drunk to the point of falling down we were all a bit merry, we headed back towards the camp site, I acted a little drunker than I was in a ploy to get closer to Barry, I put my arm around his shoulder hugging him close to me as we walked telling him what a great guy he was, and how I was glad we had met him,
"No problem mate Good Guys Together eh "
he replied as he put his arm around my shoulder and we staggered back to the site the best of buds, my cock growing stronger and longer with every step.

Our Caravan had one double room and two singles with a sofa bed in the living area, Dad had the double, Me and Jamie had a single. I was desperate to get to bed not that I was tired, I just had a head full of Barry and needed some relief fast, Jamie sat with Dad watching TV. thankfully the beds in the caravan were fixed beds, so I did not have to worry about bed squeak as the images of Barry naked with a raging hardon flowed through my head, within minutes of being in my bed, I had him stripped naked in my mind, I could almost feel his soft warm skin against mine, our rock hard cocks bouncing off each others, my hand worked my cock furiously, I am sure I let out a groan loud enough to drown out the noise from the TV in the next room, as I let my load go all over my stomach, I lay for a minute to get my breath back then scooped up a little of my squeeby with my finger and tasted it, dreaming that it was Barry's, satisfied I searched in the dark for my socks to clean up what was left of my mess, I fell asleep satisfied and happy.

I was up pretty early the following morning it must have been about 8.30 am. although our caravan had a built in shower the tray was leaking and Dad had removed it and was going in to the nearest town to buy a new one that day, so we had to use the campsite showers until it was fixed, I pulled on the clothes that I had been wearing the night before, stuck on my Flip Flops, grabbed a pair of boxers and socks from my bag, and a towel from the bathroom and headed for a shower, Fuck I m so glad that I did, the first sight I saw when I walked in the door was a cock, this man who I would say was about 30 years old had his towel over his head and face drying his hair and these big fucking hairy balls and cock were bouncing about as he dried himself in front of the bench that had his clothes on it, I froze to the spot my mouth agape as my cock sprung to life, Just as the guy removed the towel from his head, he then lifted his foot up on to the bench to dry his feet and legs I swear his big hairy arse was only inches from me, my cock was rock hard by this time, I had never expected to see anything like this on the caravan site.

The shower room had four cubicles without doors, or anywhere to get changed, you had to strip off lay your clothes on a bench and hooks fixed to the wall about 5 feet from the showers, then go into the shower cubicles.
I turned my back to the man and undressed slowly hoping my hardon would go away, or that the man would dress and go away before I was naked, Until then I thought that I had a big cock with plenty of hair around my balls, but seeing that man's cock and balls showed me that I had a lot of growing to do, I counted to three in my head whipped off my boxers and swiftly got in an empty shower cubicle, then realised I had not brought any soap or shampoo I felt like a right plonker, I washed down as best I could with just water, all in all I was in the shower about 3 or 4 minutes, I got out and began drying myself off when another guy came out of one of the other cubicles, he was probably about 18 years old, I never actually got to see his cock but got a right good look at his arse and dangling balls, half dry I pulled on my clean boxers and trackies as fast as I could, I did not want him to see my little Peter growing hard again, fuck I had saw more real living cock in ten minutes than I had in my whole life.

I was not impressed when Dad had said he had bought a caravan as a weekend getaway, I was forced to go down that first weekend because it was Mum’s stay over weekend at the care home she worked in, and as dad was going me and Jamie never got the option to stay home, but now I was delighted that I had came, I had met Barry and then saw two naked man bodies, fuck I could have spent the whole weekend in the shower room alone.

When I got back to the caravan Dad was cooking breakfast and Jamie was lying on the sofa in just his boxers watching TV, .he asked what the showers were like, I told him that I had forgot to take soap and shampoo and that there were no changing rooms he laughed at me saying
“ya wee dick your scared of soap any way”.

We had breakfast then dad was going into town to get the new shower base,he asked if we wanted to go with him I said no, but Jamie went with him. Just as they were leaving Barry came out of his caravan, I walked towards him he told me he was going to the camp shop so I walked with him. I told him about going into the shower without soap he laughed;
"fuck I have done that loads of times, the shower in our van is crap the water has no pressure so I use the camp showers most of the time, but keep your flip flops on in the shower or you will get foot sores, there are some right dirty cunts use them"

I so wanted to ask what time he showered at, but that would have been far to pervy, but at least I knew he used them often, I now had a new mission to shower at the same time as my Barry.

story by: Talesofted

Tags: masturbation bi-sexual true story gay boy / boy sex story

Author: Talesofted

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