Taking My Sister Part 2
Three years had passed since me and my sister Melanie had started our incestual relationship in the bathtub of our home at the tender age of seven. Now we were both ten and after that episode not a lot had happened between us, sexually or otherwise. School had just restarted after the summer and we were both in 5th Grade of Junior High. Our school was a hell-holeish cesspool of scum located about five miles from our home and called Shermerson Junior High.
I hated the school with a raw burning passion ever since my sister, Hannah, had told me of her many horrific and very few good experiences there. Of course not all her experiences were given as I would soon find out as I scarpered through the halls of Shermerson to get to my first class which was Math… I slipped as I ran to the door and fell through the doorway of M004 with Mr. Jameson and the class of fresh-faced ten year olds watching me. The cool kids up the back started sniggering at me while the emo’s in the middle looked down trying not to laugh in case I might hurt them later.
“You must be Matt,” Mr. Jameson, “Take a seat so we can finally start.”
“Yes Sir, sorry.” I murmured as I took a seat off to the right hand side away from his desk behind a very cute little blonde haired girl named Claire.
Claire was almost eleven and the oldest in my math class, with long flowing blonde hair going slowly dirty-blonde and a very small lithe frame with a very nice little bubble butt and little mosquito bites on her chest which would obviously grow into huge, beautiful, bouncy tits that all the boys would love. She had a very cute face with high cheekbones and bright blue eyes that shone like little emeralds when the light caught them. Claire wasn’t a cool kid but she desperately wanted to be one of them. But, as she turned and said to me the cool kids up the back started talking in low voices and I was sure I heard, “What a little freak talking to that guy”, and “Scummy little slut”. I knew she would never get to be a cool kid now. I said hi back to Claire as Mr. Jameson told us all to be quiet and started the lesson. We were doing algebra which was rather simple to me, (Not being bigheaded but I am rather smart) so I tuned out for most of the lesson.
After we had finished I went through the day with almost no events happening other than being extremely bored and witnessing a small fight in the corridor outside the lunch hall. After the day was done I got on my bus to go home and sat next to my friend Bobby who wasn’t in any of my classes which made me mad seeing as he was the only real friend I had at Shermerson.
“So, how’d you find the first day man?” Bobby said as I sat next to him throwing my bag down in front of my feet in exasperation.
“Meh, school is school ain’t it…? I tripped up through the door of my math class; it was really embarrassing as you would guess eh?”
“Damn, unlucky man, my day was ok I suppose, this girl in my science class, Beth keeps talking to me, quite annoying to be honest.”
“Bet she wants you Bobby,” I said with a sly smile and a wink, “She wants to feel your little stubby fingers slide into her and all that.”
“Shut up!” He exclaimed. We both started laughing uncontrollably.
I got off the bus about twenty minutes later, Bobby stayed on, “See ya tomorrow.” He shouted after me. I waved at him as I walked the five minutes to my front door from the bus stop. I opened my front door and shouted that I was home. No reply. odd,” I thought, usually back from work by now.”
I walked slowly up the stairs, jumping over the creaking one at the top when I heard a soft noise that I recognised from somewhere before. It was coming from my mom’s room. I crept towards the door to my mom’s room and carefully pushed the door open a tiny bit. I recoiled in shock at what I saw; my mom was riding on top of a very muscular black man that I had never seen before. Her head was thrown back in ecstasy and her hair flew around randomly while her big DD tits gyrated around in big continuous circles. My dick instantly sprang up as I watched this black man, with his nine inch cock penetrating my mom’s neatly trimmed pussy hard and fast. After a minute or two the man pulled his long rod out of my mom’s snatch and buried it into her wide asshole. My mom squealed in delight. It was only now I realised there was loud music playing. Jimi Foxy Lady’ which is probably why my mom hadn’t heard me when I shouted. I backed away slowly with a throbbing member threatening to split my jeans when I heard the front door open. My sister was home.
Melanie had aged rather well since we were seven. Her dark hair had gotten lighter due to the sun, her breasts had swollen into a small but noticeable A cup, and her ass was still as perfect as ever. Her legs had gotten longer and more shapely, and she had grown to 4 ‘9. I myself had shot up to 4 ’11, almost a five footer. My hair had grown longer and had also gone darker, I preferred to keep, it slightly spiky on top, with a minor fringe that usually went cow- licky. I had bulked up quite a bit, my muscle mass overtaking my puppy fat easily, I was happy with my body and looks at any rate.
I stumbled to a stop at the top of the stairs trying to get my raging boner to disappear before Melanie came up the stairs. She was up sooner than I expected… She glanced at me for the briefest of seconds as she walked past, her eyes lingering on my erection as her mouth formed a small ‘o’ shape in surprise and her eyes glazed over.
“Hi Matt,” she stammered out, “How are you?”
“I’m okay Melanie thanks,” I replied as I struggled to hide mi boner from my sister. Melanie stopped looking and kept walking though. She walked into her room but left the door open slightly. I stood there for a few minutes and waited but my cock wouldn’t deflate. After another few minutes Melanie re-emerged with one difference; She was naked. She walked right past me to the bathroom without even attempting to cover herself and glanced up at me with lust in her eyes.
I could tell something was seriously up as I watched that pert little ass bounce away from me as saliva dripped out of the corner of my mouth and my dick strained even harder until it was painful.
The door to the bathroom was still open but I couldn’t move. Eventually I moved backwards into Melanie’s room up to her cupboard. I knew for a fact I could see through the slats without any bother so I opened the door gently and jumped in and sat in wait for my beautiful little sister whom I had finger fucked all those years ago to get out the shower and come into her room.
story by: vandalism27
Tags: young voyeurism incest fantasm sex story
Author: vandalism27
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