My wife Jasmine knew that I was a trannie. She was OK with it when I first told her and even helped me with make-up, clothes, deportment etc. However, as with all these things, I[…]
And the world goes dark (pt 1)
It's quiet through the streets as Maggie makes her way home, holding her purse to her chest and walking quickly. She hopes the silence is on her side, that no one is lurking as she[…]
Tom tongues trout tasing taint
Tom tenderly tongue tickled Trish’s taut tender tense tan trout tasting taint tentatively tracing a trail towards Trish’s twilight tawny toned twat whist Trish tenaciously tongue tickle teased Tom’s tight tense tender testicles. “I have[…]
With death comes love
So there Alex laid, Broken by a single hit, His body twisted in ways no body should, Too late did Lily realise why Alex had pushed her away from him, Too late did she realise[…]
First time for both of us
this is story of Jeet from Gujarat, India I to decide to share one of my experience with my neighbor Girl with you all. Let me describe myself. I’m so handsome but a normal one.[…]
The trouble with chastity
Once upon a time, in a kingdom called Coitusland, there lived a beautiful princess named Chastity. Chastity was the most beautiful girl in the land. She had long, red hair, sparkling green eyes, and full[…]
Bob's tale
I met Bob on a Greyhound bus when I used to go visit my family in Springfield several years ago. I was newly divorced and didn't have a car, so Greyhound was a standard procedure[…]
House sitting in florida
I was at a very down point in my life. My marriage of 15 years had just ended in divorce and my ex-wife had gotten half of my military retirement pay. The divorce proceedings had[…]
Under the beams of the mointor !!
It all began on the bus , I was asking the driver are we close to the library when I saw a ‘yes’ face on this female figure interrupted by the driver answer: ‘next stop’[…]
Mr. ryles
I've always been interested in men who were older than me. From the age I began considering sex, I had been lusting after men in their twenties and thirties. So, naturally, when I met my[…]
Forward, intro, and chapter one
Forward and Disclaimer: These chapters are an honest depiction of my life and the things that I have experienced. I am writing them as a way to share and bond with others that may have[…]
William and ann 7
William and Ann Chapter 7 Larry was in the kitchen making a grilled cheese sandwich as William and Ann returned from their outing. He walked over to the front door as they entered. His face[…]
My sisters part 2
Mom was back. "Shit." I hissed. I looked at my sisters. "Get it together! Pick everything up!" I ordered them, then I headed outside, hoping to stall Mom long enough for Ashley and Riley to[…]
Middle america
All characters in this story are 18+ Any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. My name is Jack and I was born in a small town in Kansas. My dad owned and ran his own store[…]
Lloyd's angel
Lloyd's Angel by Virtual Scott October 2010 It was shaping up to be another busy day. The remote vibrated discreetly in my pocket and I headed for the mall entrance. "On it," my partner's voice[…]
College girl
Ellen reluctantly arranged for Abby Monsolillo to attend my party in Austin at the Omni Barton Creek Resort & Spa. The evening of the party Abby is picked up by a black stretch limo. She[…]