Grange hall 2

Grange Hall Grange Hall, the ancestral home of Earl Brudenell is a fine example of a late 16th century country estate, set in magnificent gardens, designed by Capability Brown, nestling six miles from Stamford, in[…]

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Lee, our friend

Part 1: A near true story !!!!! My lady likes — actually loves big cocks. She can accommodate most any cock existing since her surgeon provided her a "very, very nice play pen", in fact[…]

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Black male

Marie carefully checked her dark hair and smoothed her night gown before reaching reaching for the front door knob and opening the door!!! asked the tall black man with a dazzling white smile, "I'm James[…]

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Finally mine

(FICTIONAL)I had my girlfriend for a while at the time. She was 20, and I was 18. We had been going out for 7 months but never done anything more than a kiss. A few[…]

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