School daze chapter 5

School Daze chapter 5 Richard and Linda sat across from each other in Mimi's restaurant sipping their coffee. They were both smiling, recalling how they had spent their morning. Every time Richard yawned, Linda would[…]

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Doing something bad

I met Natalie over the summer at my niece Jessica’s soccer game; she was playing forward while Jess was on defense. Our meeting was cordial consisting of Jess introducing us and us chatting for a[…]

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Heavens sense

Heavens Sense When I look into your eyes, I see so deep into your soul, I get so excited, It raises my pole. When I am near you, And I smell your scent, You smell[…]

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Danger close

I was young at 23, but Laura was only 18. We were in Germany, at her house, watching the Super Bowl. When you are in the military and stationed in Central Europe the Super Bowl[…]

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My first lay

My First Pussy Invasion I probably was like any other fourteen year old, when I was growing up. Seemingly, always having to fight off a hard-on. Maybe it was hormones, maybe it was because I[…]

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Family sex 2

Crissy lay quietly in bed, the curtains on the window parted, the moon lighting the room in erotic shadows. Her legs were spread, the sheet kicked off her slim body. she purred, rubbing her hands[…]

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Natural rhythm

Brodie couldn’t dance worth a lick. Most people found this strange. Brodie had been playing in bands since he was sixteen and was one of the best drummers in town. The man knew how to[…]

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