The trucker

A trucker who had driven his fully loaded rig to the top of a steep hill and was just starting down the equally steep other side when he noticed a man and a woman lying[…]

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Kristi's family 4

Chapter Four When they arrived at his bedroom, Roger walked in first. He first noticed that Bob was sitting in his recliner, apparently resting. Looking at the bed, he saw that Erin was kneeling on[…]

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Asian silk

Jenilee is a tall strikenly beautiful Chinese super model and fashion designer seeking funding to take her fashion house international. My investment advisors recommended investing in her fashion house. Jenilee waited in my luxurious penthouse,[…]

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E and d

E had always watched D, sitting in class next to him, exchanging shy glances from one to the other. She would brush her knee against his leg, or stroking his hand under the table. D[…]

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