
Garret was my roommate of three years, a good friend and one heck of a party person. The only down side, the frequency at which he would stumble through the door at the wee hours[…]

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The ad #2

Tommy had placed the ad about a week ago and today he received his first reply. His ad read: "Wanted, older ladies, preferably over 55, to pose in erotic photo sessions, good $$$, looks not[…]

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Pixie lust part two

He smiled. “Well now, demanding aren’t we?” He teased. “Just remember that I am here for you and not here to order you around, though some others may think of Drow that way.” “I did[…]

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Tina part 2

On Sunday morning, when I woke up, I realised that Tina was no longer in my bed. A moment later I recognised the smell of cooking bacon so after a quick visit to the loo[…]

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Daz meets adam

THIS STORY HAS BEEN WRITTEN FOR ONE OF MY READERS I HOPE BOTH HIM AND YOU ENJOY IT The following day Daz met up with Scott at school, both boys chatted away as normal neither[…]

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