Fax and fantasy: chapter 3

Chapter 3 Ever since Jo started getting her brother to notice her sexually, and leaving dirty panties for him to use, her desire for him had been growing exponentially. Whenever something really dirty happened, Jo[…]

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Xmas fun

It is Sunday 24th of December. You are going for a few drinks with the girls from your work. You tell me you will come to my place after you have been out. three of[…]

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High school part 5

“Is STEIN still running with VICKI?” I asked her, and Anthony shushed me. The entire movie, all I could think about was Pat lying behind me. How would I explain this to my family? How[…]

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Dark serenity #2

Today was going to be a long day. Actually, every day is a long day when you are constantly looking over your shoulder for a possible threat of being killed. Ever since the day she[…]

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