
Maribel by Gail Holmes I remember the time only to well: it was two days after my birthday, a Sunday morning; on Sundays we never dressed before breakfast just walked around in our night gowns,[…]

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Snap shot pt 1

It was wrong, she knew it was even while she planned it. Married for over seven years Ritty had never been completely satisfied. It didn’t help that Jake stayed out of town most of those[…]

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Greek vs. italian

A Greek and Italian were arguing over who had the superior culture. The Greek says, "We have the Parthenon." Arching his eyebrows, the Italian replies, "We have the Coliseum." The Greek retorts, "We Greeks gave[…]

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Ex-sister inlaw

Amber looked out the window of her bedroom and worried. It was pouring outside and she knew her car would not get her all the way to work and back. In fact, she took that[…]

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