The past three days Skyler has managed not to run into the SEAL when she went on her morning runs, when pulling out of her parking spot she’d sometimes see him. Seeing him made her[…]
Pink with seven dents
What's pink and has seven dents? Ans: Snow White's hymen. story by: The Porn Joker
Two hillbillies find sheep
Two Hillbillies were hunting with no luck. Then one of them saw a sheep with its head caught in a fence. One hillbilly looks at the other and says, "Let's have sex with the sheep."[…]
Discoveries with mack
I know this sounds a little cliche on my part, but here it goes. I’ve known I was gay for a long time, probably back before I even knew what it meant. I guess I[…]
The office junior – part 8
My world fell away from my feet. I stumbled back onto the sofa and stared at Emma's message. Last night in a drunken haze of lust I thought I was fucking Becky. I thought I[…]
Oh what a night
This evening was getting very interesting I had some time away from home and decided to spend it with a friend of a few years. Marcie was a bar tender/go-go dancer at a beer bar[…]
Dana knew she needed to get off. As the shuttle train neared her stop and she realized that soon she’d have to stop stealing glances at the hot scantily clad blonde that that had been[…]
Caught by sis – part 1
I had been thinking about it all day, at least ever since gym class in school. You see there is this boy named Josh. Josh is a good friend and a really good-looking dude. My[…]
After the medication.
The headaches began when I was younger. I had been told to take my medication daily, but as I grew up I began taking them less and less. I had stopped taking any of my[…]
Young boys take walk in woods
Three young boys are sitting on a bench in the park. A little girl walks up and asks if the first little boy wants to go walking in the woods. He replies, yes, they take[…]
Pinocchio discovers he's wood
How did Pinocchio find out he was made of wood? Ans: His hand caught fire. story by: The Porn Joker
First get together
After settling in to where we decide to have our gathering. We lay a blanket down to sit and snuggle and tease each other a little. Picture me straddling you and taking my hand and[…]
Jayneys hotel lounge
[i] Jayney my sis ran a lounge in the local hotel. She had been a chambermaid for the hotel first but after the lounge manger saw her he knew he could attrct a lot more[…]
Three is not a crowd
Early one evening I drove over to my friends house to return a couple of DVDs I'd borrowed. He lived in a well sized house with three of his friends who all played in a[…]
Me and my friend get together again
Hi, it's Chris and Steven again, and we're going to start up from where we left off the last time. Be sure to read 'First gay experience with my friend' first if you haven't done[…]
Child of the storm
Even though I knew my hair was a mess and I smelled very bad, I ran forward and embraced my father. The rest of the refugees getting off the bus were in a similar state[…]