The prophecy ch. 1

“Life is boring,” was the constant thought that went through Luke’s mind. Although what else would run through a seventeen year old high school guy’s head while he sat in English class. The teacher was[…]

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Something new

“You ready,” Debbie asked her friend Maureen as she stopped by her best friend’s desk, “I can’t wait another minute, I’m just about ready to burst!?!” “Me too,” Mo replied while putting the finishing touches[…]

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Pov 1

I would slowly walk up to your door, you being unaware of my presence, were sitting in site of me through your window. I saw you and I felt my heart race with anticipation. 'I'm[…]

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Amanda & ben

Ben climbed out of the shower, water dripping off his muscular tanned body. He reached for a towel and began drying himself as he walked into the bedroom. Amanda, his girlfriend, was dressing in front[…]

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Speeding ticket

"Dispatch, this is 27." "This is dispatch. Hey, Johnson, you can loosen up on the formality. You're not in the big city now, just a sheriff's department in a big rural county, a bunch of[…]

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Miss blue dress

That dress slashed to the thigh, I will trace it with my tongue. The belt that cinches it at the waist Shall become a ring of kisses. Those hips will cut me I know, If[…]

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My decision

The offer has been there. Thrown out like bait on the end of a hook. Just dangling in front of me. Every so often as I drift by the suggestion, you move the line to[…]

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