A happy ending

Jack stood in his driveway feeling very emotional. Tears were rolling down his eyes for this had been a day he was both anticipating and dreading. He looked over at his little girl standing next[…]

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The prince part 3

Shrouded by the night Bryce sat in his wooden bathtub as Fenton scrubbed him down. There had been an awkward silence between them since the incident in the training grounds. "Thank you my prince, for[…]

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Ester, helen, and rose

Ester, Helen, and Rose I went to my local home improvement store/warehouse to return something. I was in line behind a short guy, waiting. Behind us I saw this woman, a Hispanic beauty, long black[…]

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Let me be damned

If I be damned, let me be damned. Just let him be damned with me. Let my soul fall into never endering darkness. Just let him fall with me. Let my entirety be consumed with[…]

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Sneaking a look

. For years I fantasized about fucking my beautiful aunt Mindy. She was so sexy to me, and was always friendly. We were only 4 years apart in age. When we were younger, she would[…]

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Broken glass

There was a flash of lightning and a loud burst of thunder shortly after. Maci turned on the news; it was nothing to be worried about, just a small thunderstorm. She got up and turned[…]

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