**Please excuse the misleading of the themes, all the stories in the series have the same themes** I never really thought much about myself till I met a boy named David. My name is Kyle[…]
Young shahida's urges
Today I m going to tell u the real story about my friend Shahida in her own words. I was the only sibling of my parents.My father got married to my mother who was a[…]
Second meeting and acceptance (sequel to turned for the first time)
My name is Dan. In the story I’m about to tell you, I was 20 years old: about 3 months after the time of the previous story. I still considered myself straight. Although I also[…]
New job , new start, not for fiona 9
New job, new start: not for Fiona 8 Sorting out Fiona's terms and conditions: As Fiona eased herself into a figure hugging pencil skirt and tight white blouse in the bedroom she had little clue[…]
Ty and charlie
A.N. All the events are a first for me and this story is unfolding right now so if you like it, rate it up, and I will post more about what happens. Just a heads[…]
Woman with doctor's appointment
One night, as a couple lays down for bed, the husband gently taps his wife on the shoulder and starts rubbing her arm. The wife turns over and says: "I'm sorry honey, I've got a[…]
Warming her up – ch 1
This is my first story to post. I've written erotica before, but not of this nature. This is a fictional story but one that a lot of guys have probably thought about. You could tell[…]
Power of the mind
Andrew was 16 and ever since he started going through puberty he's had a power over people. When they are asleep he can take their consiousness from their body into his own mind. To them[…]
Town fun
Hi, my name is Jamie. I live in a small town in the middle of no where. We have a school and there is a city near by but not very big. I have my[…]
May i please join in?
Laura had asked me last week if it would be okay to bring a male co-worker to our house for a dinner visit. They'd been working on a project together and she wanted me to[…]
Hot box
This is a kind of preamble to a story line I have been thinking about. It is loosely based on some real people I knew back in college and some of their exploits. If you[…]
Annie loves her daddy, part-4 (final)
"Annie Loves Her Daddy, Part-4" (Final) Oh Honey! I have a sexy and beautiful red see-through nightie for you. One that I bought for this special occasion. All for my daddy & daughter Sweet Sixteen'[…]
Lisa at carson's
There are times that I look back on my dating life and smile when I think of one of my overly sexual girlfriends. There are some perks to come with that kind of sex drive.[…]
A risky night out
I tap my foot nervously on the hardwood floor of the apartment I share with my roommate and her boyfriend and my girlfriend. A jingle of keys outside of the door makes me stand up.[…]
Donna, the daughter in law.
In the days that followed, Donna was strangely quiet. She and Bob came by for dinner and a visit but she smiled demurely and played the loving daughter-in-law. I was getting more than curious. I[…]
The Beginning and the End
I could see the world burning around me and all I cared about was the pleasure Cassidy’s mouth was bringing me. Eventually I pulled her head off me. Her face was red and covered in[…]