My dream house

This is my first story so i hope you all like it please leave comments. The day started like any other i woke up from my sleep walked to the kitchen and made my self[…]

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The i-room iii

And so the debate continues as to what and who I am. Many consider me a madman, a debauched villain or a new form of evil. Mayhap I am, although I embrace the fact that[…]

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A chance for sex

It all started with meeting Delialah. I was just sitting there in a diner around town, eating lunch and doing nothing spectacular. The afternoon wasn't looking to be anything memorable, I was probably just going[…]

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Damn I must be strange and if you think so leave a see I really enjoy and also get off seeing my wife enjoy herself sexually and her also being fucked by other men. It[…]

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Grey monday

A grey Monday morning. I'm sat – no, I'm slumped – behind the desk in my office. I look wearily at the clock. Only 10 o'clock – far too early to slip out for a[…]

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It pays to advertise! 2

I recently placed an advertisement in certain magazines (and on the Internet of course) asking women to share their sexual fantasies with me and possibly see them woven into erotic fiction. I had no idea[…]

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Webmeets diary ch. 07

Note to the reader: In this diary I will tell the true stories of my sexual encounters that have come about thanks to the internet. Some more precise details such as names and places will[…]

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Gertie pays her way

Gertie was a naive gal. She certainly didn't know how to choose her boyfriends very well. Just like her current boyfriend Curt, they all had abused her in one way or another. Being this kind[…]

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