Falling ch. 04

Chapter 4, In which I get the girl — and the guy If I got a signature to match the verbal commitment I'd just obtained, the commission alone would more than double my total compensation[…]

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Collecting a debt

Gambling debts mounting James was still driving his BMW to work and his wife still had a Benz. I couldn’t believe it as I sat in the front seat of my Honda Civic Charlie snoozing[…]

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Highway blowjob

The semester had ended, me and my girl friend was on our way home from school. It was about a four hour drive so we were just getting rolling on the highway, when Rose(my girlfriend)[…]

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Sweet sarah

Hey I’m Evan and as a young man I have always thought about how it would be to have sex with each of the girls in my grade. I have thought about having sex with[…]

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Joan 2

When I opened the door, my worst fears were realized. There stood the pert little blonde check out girl from the K mart, and I didn't like the expression on her face at all. "Well,[…]

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Friend's family

“Oh, here comes my mom now,” said Matt as a blue mini-van rolled up to the curb outside the high school. “How was the meeting?” asked Matt’s mom. She was a 40-year-old mother at 5’9”[…]

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