Mandy – part 2

Amanda awoke early it was still dark outside. She turned and looked at her clock and saw that it was five AM but she was wide-awake and wanted to fuck. She still had Timmy's cock[…]

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Wine tasting

Jane and I had been lovers for two years then we broke up. It has been five years since our breakup I have seen Jane around Dallas over that time. Jane called Friday afternoon asking[…]

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The language barrier

The Language Barrier She stepped out onto the street, the door of the dance club closing immediately behind her. She looked each way to get her bearings and started down the street to her right,[…]

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Lube in the subway

The lights flickered, as the piercing ring of steel grinding on steel resonated through the heads of 80 people simultaneously. The mass of humans then surged forward, each doing whatever necessary to maintain an upright[…]

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Pc repair

Your CD player in your PC is on the blink and a friend of yours asks me to come around to your house to have a look at it. As I arrive your friend is[…]

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