From the night he found out that she was a tgirl, Jim and Jody’s relationship continued to grow. She unofficially moved in, which his roommates were cool with, because Jody was hot—they just didn’t know[…]
The story of ann chapter 3: how i ruined my life before it even started
The Story of Ann Chapter 3: How I Ruined my Life Before it even Started In my last chapter, I told you about receiving a 1963 Chevy pick-up truck when I got my drivers license.[…]
David housesits pt 2
The first thing David noticed as he woke up was how hot and sweaty he was. His chest was compressed by a weight upon it as his body started to wake up and regain feeling.[…]
Camping trip (part 1)
Camping Trip (Part One) Hey Guys:) this is my first time posting a story so don't be to critical. This is the sexual part of my story called Death Gate. It's basically about a girl[…]
A night out turns into something else
The cool air of the spring night blew across Meg’s freshly waxed pussy and ass. This was a new thing for her being that since she started to get public hair she would only keep[…]
Camryn: c07
—– 7 — Four weeks in the hospital was a nightmare. But finally; finally, I got to leave. The first two weeks were so lonely, just me, me and a bunch of adults. The last[…]
Cat girl charity – hidden games
To my readers – the stories of Charity take place in a world based on Dungeons and Dragons style of magic and creatures; come and see the ongoing struggles of the cat-gril called Charity and[…]
Investment opportunity
From time to time I speak with pharmaceutical sales reps who use our library. The other day a Glaxo rep told me of a drug that her company has under development. This drug sounds so[…]
Blackmail at uncle money bags
it was a weekend in july and there was a heat wave, it had to have been at least 100. My parents are seperated so my dad told my sister addy and i we could[…]
Jonny joke… not having a crack at christians
the teacher turns to the class and see sally asleep on her desk… she then asked the class "who created the hevens and earth in 7 days?, sally?" jonny sore sally a sleep so to[…]
Sissy the redhead: her first cock pt ii
Sissy the Redhead: Her First Cock Pt. II I couldn’t believe my plan had worked so well. That hot housewife across the street was even more game than I had thought. I had dressed as[…]
Only one road – chapter 13
– XIII – Now I woke up because I was suddenly afraid. For some strange reason I firmly believed that someone has gotten into my apartment and killed Dylan while I was asleep. I sat[…]
What happens when the order of things get messed up? Like things that just aren’t suppose to happen do happen, and it changes everything you ever believed in. That’s exactly what happened with me and[…]
My photogenic mom chapter 1
1 Michael could not believe his luck, a beautiful spring day like this and he got out of school early because the air conditioning system broke. On the other side of the coin, his closest[…]
I know the whole truth
At school, a boy was told by a classmate that most adults are hiding at least one dark secret, and that this makes it very easy to blackmail them by saying, "I know the whole[…]
Tales of the ekids chapter 03
Tales of the eKids: E-man Loves Emmy © 2004 by Andrew Wiggin Part 6 Elle Adkins lay with her eyes closed; her face grimaced as if in pain. Her fingers were slowly caressing her small[…]