Some days after I lost the fight against John…I continued my life just the way it was ever since I moved in to San Diego, California…a boring day on school, doing homework…lots and lots of[…]
Snuff ("the pass," part 2)
"Snuff" (or, "The pass," Part 2) I arrived at Jill’s place at the designated time. I saw Jenn’s car in the street, which was good, as I was not going to confront Jill without her.[…]
The petite math teacher
Ms. Marcy Daniels was a very pretty and sweet woman who I have known for several years. You see, at one time, she was my math teacher back in high school which seems like such[…]
Listening to the apartment. next door
Listening to the Apartment next Door living brought a new form of entertainment to my girlfriend and I. A new girl moved in next door. Starting with the first night, we could hear her moaning[…]
The 120 days of sodom – 29 – part1, the twenty-eighth day
THE TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY 'Twas a wedding day, and the turn of Cupidon and Rosette to be united in holy matrimony, and by still another fateful combination of accidents, both were listed for punishment that evening.[…]
The enslavement of raven
She was just turning twenty: lonely, a little skinny with small breasts and blood red lips lips. She was lonely and forever in search of love. She went to a community college and got average[…]
The little inventor
A little boy and his grandfather are raking leaves in the yard. The little boy finds an earthworm trying to get back into its hole. He says, "Grandpa, I bet I can put that worm[…]
Philp finds love with his step sister to be.
written in the part of the first part, fiction is the theme, i had the idea for this story from a comment I heard this morning while in a store when i was picking up[…]
Revenge! stage 5 – blue
As I sat straddling the cooling, butchered pieces of the late girl's pale figure I knew that despite who that was behind the door I was caught. My next action would have to take place[…]
Truth and lies ii
–There is some truth in every lie. Part II- Cindy Continued Dave managed to stay away from Cindy for about a week. He didn’t talk to her, and she didn’t talk to him. No text[…]
More than just practice
Making it through third period English class would have been impossible for me, except one seat ahead of and one row to the right of me sat the hottest girl in school. Her name was[…]
At the gym
This is a true story and it happened a month back in January, Name of person has been changed. This will also be my first time writing a story so please bear with me if[…]
My first time
I was bored on this Saturday afternoon, and my parents had gone to my sister’s soccer game. I decided to do something I would never normally do, and that’s call my friend Mary Kate. I[…]
My sisters part 2
Mom was back. "Shit." I hissed. I looked at my sisters. "Get it together! Pick everything up!" I ordered them, then I headed outside, hoping to stall Mom long enough for Ashley and Riley to[…]
Cruel intentions pt 2
When Sarah awoke she was sitting on one of the stools in the bar area. She had also been fastened to it so she couldn’t get off it. worry hon. We’re not ganna leave you[…]
Christmas with the family (re-write)
If you would have told me this morning I would be fucking my sister by the end of the day, I would have looked at you like you were crazy. Not that it was a[…]