I stared at him with confusion spreading across my face before I said, “You are a what? Darren gave me a Cheshire cat smile as he replied, “I am a /> I crinkled my eyebrows[…]
Not got a name update!!
*So I'm dead, Yeah that sucks* My first words as a dead person and they're what I choose, What kind of lame idiot am I, I should of said something much better like sweet i'm[…]
The uncle
"Clean your plate, Gil," Uncle Ned admonished his eighteen year old nephew, "we don't want to waste food, there are starving children all over the world who would give anything for your left overs!" "Yes,[…]
The package (what would you do?)
One of the biggest advantages of moving into the condo after my divorce at the age of 45 was the many benefits offered. In addition to the luxury of not having to do menial chores[…]
Playtime — chap. xix — a thursday meal
PLAYTIME – CHAP. XIX – A THURSDAY MEAL Eating supper on Thursday night – their “together meal” night – Mary and John talked of the possibilities for another Saturday night by themselves, or maybe with[…]
I told her! part 2
Molly couldn’t believe she just fucked a complete stranger in the back of his patrol car. She had just wanted to make some money so she could stay in her momma’s house. After momma had[…]
The mom next door
After years of living abroad, I have recently moved back to my hometown of Pittsburgh.The timing could not have been more perfect.After years of working my way up the corporate ladder,my stock options with my[…]
Pay back is a bitch
All Cindy could think about was John hurrying up and getting his a nut off before Donnie Joe got home from school on the bus..A john moved her head up and down his 7-inch cock[…]
Kristy's new owner – ch 01
Kristy's New Owner – ch 01 I never thought I'd be writing this down, never thought I'd be exposing all of our deep, dark secrets to the world but at this point, I have nothing[…]
New life part 3
I awoke the next morning to a bird chirping in the palm tree outside my window. Glancing at the clock radio adjacent to my bed, I realized that it wasn’t even 8AM yet. I usually[…]
The weekend
Jack had just gotten into his front door when it started to rain. It wasn't hard but as soon as he closed the door it came down hard with lightning and thunder to boot. Perfect[…]
Role confusion
The light fog added a moisture to the air. The coolness of the night wrapped around her like a wet towel, sending a shiver up her spine. She was lucky she knew the area so[…]
Her heartbeat quickened as she approached the entrance. Her mind raced with doubts yet her body moved forward. Wild thoughts zipped through her mind as to what kind of place she was walking into….a dark[…]
Misty 1
Misty 1 I can’t believe it, the pain just goes on and on, even when nothing is happening I remain in pain, I don’t know how much more I can take. They have left me[…]
A day at the office
This is just a short story, or a as I call it.. Enjoy A Day at the Office This is a day I've dreamt of. For months, I've watched Allison as she worked from her[…]
Laura and me
She was lying naked in my bed and I couldn’t help but take advantage of that sweet pussy once again. I could smell her and it brought me back to the first time we were[…]