
Hyannis We arrived before midnight. The fairgrounds were well lit. Rather than sleep in Bobby M.’s van once again, I asked if I could set-up tonight. Bobby M. thought I had a good idea. After[…]

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Dear diary 2

Dear Diary 2 ………. Monday Arrived at the office after a routinely dull weekend to find a certain lady not at her desk and remembered that she had told me on Friday that she had[…]

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Sleep over

Spending the night at my friend Dawn’s house was pretty standard weekend fun. Dawn was my best friend since we were 10 and we’d been having sleep overs since then. Dawn’s mom recently moved out[…]

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Jen, porno queen

Well, it was coming up to our anniversary and I was thinking what I could get my hubby for a surprise present, something out of the ordinary. Now we had watched a few porno films[…]

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Double take

Chapter 1 Hayden Pickett was finally starting to believe she could have a happy life again. Almost eighteen, taking a year off between high school and college, she had her first job, her first car,[…]

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Moment by moment…

She closed her eyes again. In her mind she pushed away the memory of the accident and concentrated on his hands. He had large soft hands. They were male hands. Gentle.. tender and hers. She[…]

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