Uses of a teacher

It is a curse of all young teachers, thought Sandra, that they have to do all the shitty work the older hags wouldn’t do. It wasn’t as if she was being paid for doing extra[…]

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Bathroom retreat

Katie and Samantha have been best friends since they were six years old. They have always shared everything including boys. You could say that they were friends with benefits. They didn’t look at it that[…]

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At age 64 chapter 3

AT AGE 64 Chapter III Written by-Draggonfly Originally published on Literotica Published here with permission I hadn’t heard from Bill or John for about four weeks so I called to see how they were doing.[…]

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A quiet interlude

I stand at the foot of the table watching you intently. The silence is wreaking havoc on your already overexcited senses. My eyes travel over your face taking note of the slight parting of your[…]

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Lessons learned

"Come on in, Krista," Mrs. Cox said easily, "Tommy isn't home yet, but he should be here any minute now, can I get you something to drink!?!" "Uh, no thanks, Mrs. Cox, I'm fine, I[…]

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Jolene #1

Jolene felt a burning sensation directly above her left nipple. It was a quick heat followed by a dull throb. It moved across her chest and ended just above her right nipple. She knew better[…]

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A letter to my love

I don't think I've ever told you exactly how I feel when you make love to me. Kissing you sends shivers down my spine. Your lips pressing mine, our tongues lightly touching at first, teasing.[…]

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Tortured thoughts

I thought of you today as I snapped the elastics around my dangling tits as I twisted the tiny bands around my pert nipples as I felt my labia swell and my slit moisten. I[…]

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Ten years ago my wife and I had a 15 year-old South American exchange student come live with us for six months. On several weekends while she was with us, a friend she met from[…]

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