The deal

THE DEAL My name is Dan! I live by myself since my wife died 2 ½ years ago of cancer. We were together since our first year of college! we were in deep love with[…]

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Ester, helen, and rose

Ester, Helen, and Rose I went to my local home improvement store/warehouse to return something. I was in line behind a short guy, waiting. Behind us I saw this woman, a Hispanic beauty, long black[…]

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Bb part 2

BB p2 I write for money – All of my clients return if and when they can. I am super friendly when emailed. /> If you finished reading the story, please, vote positive or negative.[…]

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The dentist is in

"What's next on the agenda, Carol," Dr. Cameron Fixx asked his nurse, "nothing tough I hope!?!" "No such luck," she said with a laugh, "we have a woman in the waiting room with what we[…]

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Such is life 8

Jump ahead to almost an entire year since she I met at the pool. Courtney and I had already celebrated my 22nd birthday, and her 19th birthday. Our friendship had gotten Rock solid, and very[…]

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Forced love

Elyse My skin turned red as the hot water washed over it. It was such a cold day outside. I needed the release of the steam. Jackson knocked on the door and I shut the[…]

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The big sleepover

If you're interested in teenaged bi explorations, read on. This is based on a true story, with names changed and time events compressed to make for a safe and more readable story. Enjoy! We were[…]

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Miss blue dress

That dress slashed to the thigh, I will trace it with my tongue. The belt that cinches it at the waist Shall become a ring of kisses. Those hips will cut me I know, If[…]

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Your voice

I want to hear your voice and all the little things Like when you breathing changes as you listen to me I can control your heart every single beat Take you body and mind to[…]

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She likes to watch

She Likes To Watch Sara Taylor’s parents liked to party, she had always known that. So it was no surprise when her thirteenth birthday turned into their celebration and she was shuffled off to bed.[…]

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