First exam

Nicole was as nervous as a cat in a room full of rockers as she waited for her ten o’clock appointment with Dr. Corbin!!! She paged through three or four magazines without ever really reading[…]

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about ten years ago when I was only 15 years old, I made the choice of running away from home and hitch-hiking across the united states. boy was the world outside of the little one[…]

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My busy daughter

Hello. My name is Dan and my daughter, Anna, is always busy. She works tirelessly at school, works a part time job at the local grocery store, helps me and her mother around the house,[…]

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The challenge

Though she tries to pull away, he draws her close until he can lightly brush the tip of her ear with his lips. Nibbling down the outer edge of her ear he reaches her earlobe[…]

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I plunked down next to you on the couch as you played another one of your video games. I grabbed the game case off the table and glanced at the cover. “Seriously, this is like[…]

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A day shopping

She woke up feeling alive. Her body felt like it had been touched by a magician who knew every part of her body. She thought back to the day before. She wondered how they met,[…]

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