One night while I was about to go to bed I went outside. I did this on a normal bases before bed time. Knowing everybody else was asleep I walked around to the back yard[…]
The valedictorian part five
Part Five The afternoon at the beach was a mixture of awkwardness and excitement. John and David both laid with me. John tried to be affectionate toward me, stealing kisses, even kissing my nipple through[…]
Pennies underwear re edited
Really can’t say I know when it started exactly, and I suppose one could present a number of reasonable theories as to the but I’ve always had a thing for panties. Perhaps it’s best summed[…]
Cumming or going?
My name is Destiny and I am a vampire. Unlike those bullshit stories, I don't need blood to survive, I need cum juices. I am doomed to wander the earth alone for all of eternity,[…]
Druids ordeal – chapter 3
Druids Ordeal – Chapter 3 by E.Y. Toad I awoke this morning on the floor. I must have cried myself to sleep after Kelmane and Ardy left me last night. I could feel tears welling[…]
Blind man in restaurant
A blind man walks into a restaurant and sits down. The waiter, who is also the owner, walks up to the blind man and hands him a menu. "I'm sorry, sir, but I am blind[…]
Sexual awakening
I was a virgin still and only 15 when my life was to change in a massive way after one incredible day. It all started when I was at the local baths and I was[…]
My cousin's cherry
''BYE! And take care you two'', my mom said to me and my cousin NANCY . Well my parents and her parents were going out fot the week to attend a marriage but i and[…]
Spring break 05
Spring Break of The Adventures of John and Holly Spring Break of sophomore year was going to be amazing. This was the year we were doing the whole party in Mexico thing, like you see[…]
The first time
This is the first story i've posted so please give feedback, i might do another if people seem to like this one. Anyway, to the point, this is the story of when i lost my[…]
A slave in the making… pt 2 (edited)
Turning the webcam off and grabbing her towel she headed for the shower. As the hot water poured down her body Samantha thought back to the words her master spoke and the show she provided[…]
Husband uses a sex device on wife (repost)
Husband and wife are about to have sex, the husband turns off the lights and they have sex, this keeps up for a long time, the wife asks ' why do you turn off the[…]
Rape in the woods.
Most of the time I aim a easy going guy that lets most things roll off my back. I aim kind and caring to people because that’s how I want to be treated. But once[…]
Tale of two mothers
“Walter!” Patty brushed her long, wavy blonde hair out of her eyes and glowered angrily at her son’s bedroom door. “Walter, I know what you’re doing in there! I am absolutely sick of listening to[…]
Daddy and son
I thought to myself oh good he's still sleeping, so I can just sneak out of bed this morning…..That means I won't have to give him his morning blowjob… Maybe this Saturday won't be as[…]
Jolene #1
Jolene felt a burning sensation directly above her left nipple. It was a quick heat followed by a dull throb. It moved across her chest and ended just above her right nipple. She knew better[…]