Chapter 8 — "Two friends are better than one" For the first time she appears to be a bit sorry for the condition she finds me in on Saturday morning when she arrives to release[…]
Oh, New Mexico
New Mexico has this marvelous spa/hotel/hot tub complex ” THOUSAND WAVES” in the mountains outside of Santa Fe… high quality, and bueatifully done. Complex is stepped into the side of the mountains and ht has[…]
My boyfriend likes to expose me. part 20
My Boyfriend likes to expose me or perhaps it should be called The exhibitionist in denial by Vanessa Evans Part 20 – Ryan continues to find ways to expose me /> The Charity Shop />[…]
Dominant teacher
After four weeks of this, Derrick Price was about to go mad, or at least that was how he was feeling. Sitting in the front row of his English 212 literature class was Lilith Anne[…]
Blind man in restaurant
A blind man walks into a restaurant and sits down. The waiter, who is also the owner, walks up to the blind man and hands him a menu. "I'm sorry, sir, but I am blind[…]
Six mile high club chapter 4
Six Mile High Club chapter 4 When Jessica finally called him, Michael went into her room. As he passed Ann's room, Darlene was yelling loud for Mac to fuck her harder and faster. The whole[…]
Sex life of tyron and kari
Sex Life of Tyron and Kari From Kari’s Point of View Tyron is such a funny guy. He is the greatest sex partner in the world. His only reason for sex is to give his[…]
Mother nature
Deep in the woods of Tennessee in the midst of its rolling mountains and tall pines lays a small, crystal clear lake. Up a winding pathway north of there is a cozy cabin. It is[…]
What a surprise2
It was early Saturday morning and Steve and Angie were laying next to each other after a night of non-stop sex. Steve looked at his watch – it was 4am. Angie's was still sleeping but[…]
Dressing up for the first time
I was always interested in women's clothing. I don't know what it was but it just made me wonder what it was like to be a girl. I finally gave into my curiosity and wanted[…]
Lucky josh part 5
Josh entered the red room and saw why it was named so, all the furniture was red, the carpet and the bed, only the walls were painted white. Mistress Rose sat on the bed and[…]
A summer's heat
It was a beautiful spring day, in a small town in texas on May 4th 1846. It was a sunday and all the families were making their way to the local church. Samuel trudged along[…]
Sex shop girls
I had been working in savannah G.A for several weeks following the separation from my wife in Scotland, I had settled in very well, enjoyed the job and the generous weekly salary, I was still[…]
T-shirt pt 2
Now pumping your hardness in my tight wet hole fucking me just the way I like it. You have made my pussy so wet I can feel my juices dripping down to my ass. I[…]
Homecoming chapter 3
Chapter Three “Why Can’t I” The urge to mate and to expand my territory had subsided after my second session with Carolyn. I also noticed that it was quickly reaching the end of the school[…]
Only one road – chapter 11
– X – I guess I dozed off without even noticing it because suddenly I was back in our old high school again. It was the first week of January, right after the Christmas break.[…]