A night to remember

The headlights of Kristina’s car cast strange shadows on the walls of the library as she shut the engine off. Once again, she would spend another evening at the computers; another evening of combating the[…]

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FINALLY!! Jake and I finally got to his parent’s house for what I was hoping to be a night of watching eventually some heavy, heavy making out…..that would finally lead to him taking my cherry!![…]

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‘I feel it,’ she whispered, her voice rasping from the ache that was throbbing everywhere, but nowhere more than where his cock pressed through the layers between them. She kept her gaze on his mouth[…]

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Teeny popper.

Last week my neighbour’s daughter came over to my place to see me about something and saw me having sex with my girlfriend by the poolside. I was unaware of this at the time but[…]

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Cougar condo

“This isn't taken is it?” Stephanie said to the woman laying to her right. “Oh no,” was the reply. Stephanie Van Deven put her towel out in the chaise lounge and then laid down on[…]

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Gertie pays her way

Gertie was a naive gal. She certainly didn't know how to choose her boyfriends very well. Just like her current boyfriend Curt, they all had abused her in one way or another. Being this kind[…]

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