The afternoon was almost over. Jax and Tyler were making their final rounds between the two divisions. There were two divisions, the younger ones ages 10-13 were known as the juniors. The older group ages[…]
Emily awakes – book one of three. ch 1 to ch 5
This volume contains Ch. 1 to Ch 5 of 15 chapters in all. Chapter 1 As a professor of history at Wyndham College, Evan Anderson enjoyed teaching the introductory courses to the freshmen and other[…]
A bitch's fall episode d
A bitchs fall episode D If megan had hoped that she'd be let down once the lovemaking was over, she was wrong. Trish had, in half an hour, made her brother come thrice, and was[…]
Tell me a story – part 1
Erica Fry thought long and hard before making up her mind to go inside. Nervously she waited for the receptionist to finish up with a middle aged lady who was then ushered away to what[…]
First time sex story – after my high school prom
Jasmine imagined a rough but erotic first time sex where Chris finds her in a barn feeding horses. He approaches her from behind and wraps his muscular arms around her body, kissing her on the[…]
Virgin farm part 1
Virgin Farm part 1 Authors note: this was written one night before I went to sleep, it contains no hard-core action as it is only a lead up to the next part, please feel free[…]
Spreading seeds chapter 7
Spreading Seeds Chapter 7 – Able and Amelia I awoke in the morning in warm sunshine. Audrey was in my arms. I kissed her before slipping away and thought I’d made a clean get away[…]
My beast intro
Many people may find this disturbing, but I have one question for them; Have you tried it? This is my story of how I was first introduced into the world of bestiality. Growing up in[…]
The house at the end of the street
To be honest, I have never thought of myself as the quintessential "Scarlet woman." God forbid! Brought up, the eldest of four children within a typically strict Catholic Maybe it had something to do with[…]
Finally getting fucked
After my first oral, I knew Iwanted more of him. Ty and I grew closer since the day he invited me to his room and gave me my first oral. Even though we barely saw[…]
Price's party part 2
As I flooded Price’s pussy with my cum, her best friend Jordy was standing just inside the room. Jordy for some reason was still in her bikini, which I found she looked great in it.[…]
Revenge is sweet part 3
Brian stood in the bathroom, his breathing heavy. He couldn’t believe what had just happened. Molly had just seen his cock! The towel had fallen and he stood there naked in front of her. She[…]
Scientific bestiality
My daughter, nine year old Roseanne (Rosie), and I walked through the city park one summer late morning, enjoying the freshness in the air, the smells of the various flowers and trees, and the bushes[…]
Sister finds my toys
[i]I wrote this story a few months ago and posted it to another forum. You may have seen it. If you haven?t then I hope you will take the time to read it now. There[…]
Jj finally gets hers!
I had and still have a dominating older sister who was a real cruel bitch growing up. I never could understand her motives of being so cruel. She made straight A’s in school and had[…]
Fucking mike the sexy farm hand!
Have you ever seen a guy that you just couldn't take your eyes off of. It started when my daddy hired a new farm hand named Mike. He was 21 about 6"1 an extremely cut,[…]