Fbailey story number 687 She Was Something Else I was just sitting at a table in the hotel bar, drinking my beer and watching the game on the big screen television. My team was winning.[…]
Our last camping trip.
To the Xnxx community, I am going to shameless plug more other stories, If you like this one you may like some of the others I have wrote. Please comment, for any feedback just PM[…]
Little girl lost
Here is a young love / incest story I wrote over a year ago. It was well received on another site, so I have copied it here. Tell me your thoughts. Cheers. I have been[…]
Her grotesque
.:} Her Grotesque {:. WARNING SUBJECTS IN THIS STORY INVOLVE: Monsters! Piss! Rape! BDSM! SM! Extremely strenous detailed scenes A disgruntled voice groaned; stirring and moaning in confusion as eyes blinked and shut hard from[…]
One date and im his part 2
The next morning. I woke up and Felt Dexter against me. I smiled and got up without waking him up. I put my panties on and Grabbed his button up shirt and walked downstairs. His[…]
By the seaside
Goldie was sitting on a beach in Florida, attempting to strike up a conversation with the attractive gentleman reading on the blanket beside hers. "Hello, sir," she said, "Do you like movies?" "Yes, I do,"[…]
The house – part 3
Fiction, Romance, Masturbation, Consensual sex, Oral sex, Mind control, Male/female Disclaimer This my first story ever. I got the idea around Valentines day so it may be a bit more romantic and mushy than readers[…]
Becoming a sex slave – the cortez brothers
Becoming a Sex Slave – Part 1 By Alice J. I am writing this story per request by my Master's, the Brothers, Gino and Carlos Cortez. They have requested that their first successful domination of[…]
Boy and girl
Being a "leg man," one of the hottest scenes for me to see is a pair of great shapely legs coming out from under a short skirt, a skirt with a slit, or a towel.[…]
The event
So having both your parents die in a terrible crash when you were a baby, and being sent to live with your aunt and uncle and their four older boys; is not the childhood I[…]
Megan part 3
Megan: Yes Sir, I will be here…. Megan woke up with a start a dark black feeling in her stomach from the vivid dream she had just had. As she opened her eyes she smiled[…]
Aspiring model a nswers job ad
"You don't have to please me sexually, Amberly," the smirking CEO told the voluptuous young blonde who was sitting in the hard wooden chair in front of my desk. "But, if you don't, forget about[…]
Revolutionary inventors
Henry Ford dies and goes to heaven. At the gates, the guy tells Ford, "Well, you've been such a good guy and your invention the car changed the world. As a reward, you can hang[…]
The journey ( a prequel if you will)
After her performance with her dog Turbo, a massive Rottweiler, Honi had been rushed by one of the onlookers, Chloe, who was abuzz with questions. The diminutive redhead with her startling emerald green eyes was[…]
The rabbit died – chapter 2
CHAPTER 2 In the morning, Jeanne and I woke up to the sounds of people stirring, talking, striking their tents, and packing their gear. For a while, we lay there together under our blankets, enjoying[…]
Itiswhatitis … reflections 1
Business is slow these day's. Greed in high places has caused a world wide recession. Were i live it is a mild recession, still, people have stopped projects as they are uncertain about their futures.[…]