Me and adam

It was a long Friday at school, and I was glad to finally be done. It would be good to have a weekend without tests and homework. As I boarded the bus, I thought about[…]

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The sister act part 1

Even to this day I still marvel at the perculiar circumstances in which I lost my virginity. I recap it often, usually when I am finger-fucking myself, and I still contact those involved for a[…]

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Lesson learned

I thought it was my lucky day. Britney Stevens, the prettiest cheerleader at Anderson High, was suddenly showing an interest in me. Perhaps it should have been obvious that something was going on, but girls[…]

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The dream

She slipped into my room so quietly I thought she was a dream. Her daphenous gown billowing in a subtle breeze like some scene from a movie. She smiled as she crossed the room with[…]

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Amy – part 3

Thanks for the previous comments. I think this is getting better, hope you agree. This is the 3rd part of the Amy story as seen largely through Becky's (the oldest daughter) eyes. It may be[…]

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Three teen nymphs

Three Teen Nymphs I thought that my fourteen-year-old daughter was mature for her age until I saw her in the local grocery store with her two best friends. I was down an aisle and she[…]

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