A conversation begins

This is my first published story. Let me know any feedback you feel like! I've deliberately removed quotation marks at times when I feel that reality and the character's imagination is colliding. I trust you[…]

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Trust and disgust

TRUST AND DISGUST by Bobjj123 I’ve felt the sweet taste of revenge for wrongs perpetrated against me and the joy in knowing that it was me that orchestrated it. On the other side, I’ve seen[…]

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"the look"

“ The Look” By Blueheatt A new couple moved in next door. An older man and a younger girl. My girlfriend and I watched, hoping they were cool. They were,….. except for the girl. I[…]

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"How many applications do you think we have now," Dr. Horton asked his research assistant, Doris Brewer!?! "About fifty I'd guess," she replied while scanning the list, "and we have a nice cross section of[…]

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Atv fun

I was surprised when Katie accepted my invitation to go 4 wheeling. As I was unloading the Ranger off the trailer and preparing for the ride I still had my doubts that she was going[…]

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Young waitress

Hannah waited on me at Chedder's, she is a young waitress with a warm innocent smile. I asked her " When does your shift end?" " In a half hour." She replied. " Do you[…]

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