Boy in the Bar 2 – The Party “A couple of the regulars I haven’t seen for a while said you looked after them just great last time they were in the bar. Must ha’[…]
Happy birthday
Kayla had never really shown any signs of interest in me. Yet i had so much attraction to her i dreaded being around her. Having to hide my erection from her proved to be quite[…]
A day to remember
It was a cold, rainy Friday morning. I was at work already, driving to my first pickup. You see, I work for a company that picks up donated goods from peoples homes & business, something[…]
Inside these four walls
"I just want to have sex with you." Nikki whined as she followed me through the library. "Not right now, Nik." "Oh, c'mon!" She sped up her pace so she was pressed behind me while[…]
Lunchtime fun
I was sitting in a packed full Subway eating my lunch when I met Ashley. The restaurant was full and in no time there was no seats to be had anywhere in the restaurant. I[…]
A triceratops' gang-bang (three horns)
I’ve just played a gig with my band in a local club. This is a fairly regular occurrence but our stage show is pretty intense and I love the music so I’m still buzzing with[…]
The nerd – part 3
Chapter 1 We fell asleep holding each other lip to lip. We woke up in exactly the same position, except that Morgan was gently licking my lips, her leg over my hip. “Good morning, she[…]
My intro to real bondage 8 + 9
Chapter 8 — "Two friends are better than one" For the first time she appears to be a bit sorry for the condition she finds me in on Saturday morning when she arrives to release[…]
Waterfall discoveries ( first gay time part 1)
My name is Mike, this is part one of my first gay experience and you get a little of my first strait one too. It took a few days to build up to us actually[…]
Bullied (part 1)
My name is Kora. I have lived in the US since I was 5. My mother abandoned me in North Korea to live with my aunt and uncle when I was 2. I was all[…]
Daytime visitors
This was about three years ago. I was off from work one day and my roommate at the time, Gail, was at work. I was laying around the house, being lazy, sipping wine and had[…]
The pier
Eddie got a raging hard-on just looking at her. At 5'7", she weighed about 130 pounds, and was lucious and firm from head to toe. Her cleavage strained against the pink sun dress she was[…]
Bryan's boat
I think we were both stunned for a few moments as we went about straightening clothes and setting hair back into place. I put my glasses back on, twisted my hair into a hasty bun[…]
The drug girl
I was at a party at my friend Michael’s house a few months ago. A couple of us decided to go to a bedroom upstairs and have a couple of joints. None of us were[…]
Legendary shy ch3 remake
*Legendary Shy Chapter 3 Driving down the road it seemed like it was taking for ever to get to Zach’s, especially when you have 4 angry women in your car. Then I finally saw the[…]
Monica becomes a sub iii – advanced training
Monica wakes up I wake up with a huge smile on my face thinking about yesterday, how much I’ve learned about sex and love, and how much more was to come that I didn’t even[…]