First of all I want to apoligize for my first story I know the grammar and punctuation were really bad, but I wrote it at 3 in the morning and I was super tired so[…]
Inbetween my thighs
You unbutton my pants and slide them down my legs. "oh shit" is what's being said in my head. This is a dream, it can not be reality; That is your head inbetween my thighs,[…]
Laura and me
She was lying naked in my bed and I couldn’t help but take advantage of that sweet pussy once again. I could smell her and it brought me back to the first time we were[…]
The tabatha diaries – ch 7
I walked home from Jo’s house in a bit of a daze. My loins still radiated warmth and happiness from that wonderful, wonderful head job. But my heart was in turmoil and my mind was[…]
Lustful sin & closest kin, part 10
The most frustrating thing about my affair with mom was the huge difference in our sex drives. When she wants it, she is as hot as any woman I’ve known. But her need only grows[…]
Zombies…to save a new man (fixed)
I saw your opinions and your right I had maybe a little too much sex and it made it seemed unreal I’ll try to limit it and see what I can do. Also im not[…]
50 shades of beech mountain–chapter 20
50 Shades of Beech Mountain –Chap 20 As I have stated earlier–BDSM is not for everyone. You may want to skip these “Shades of Beech Mountain" chapters entirely or may choose to read just out[…]
When i became a woman – chap. 18 — we play for daddy
WHEN I BECAME A WOMAN – CHAP. 18 — WE PLAY FOR DADDY Hey Deedee, Daddy was gone again, this time for three days. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. That left Mommy and me together at[…]
Keeping daddies secret
Hi! my name is Damon, i am a single parent and i have one child, her name is Anna. Anna is 19 and i am 34. we live in a secluded part of town, our[…]
It feels so right.
Graham was the perfect guy for me. I love tall guys; he was 6’1”. I love country boys; he drove a lifted Ford F150 and went hunting and fishing all the time. I was rather[…]
Our first time
"I want this song! How do I get it?" I said excitedly. I was over at a friend's house on a beautiful summer night. Waiting on our mutual friend to get off work. Going through[…]
Bizarre! part 3
Ruggles fell asleep next to Wim, who was shaken about the whole issue concerning the mysterious man they had seen before. Ruggles assured him that everything would work out, but it wasn't working. "Come on[…]
Uses of a teacher
It is a curse of all young teachers, thought Sandra, that they have to do all the shitty work the older hags wouldn’t do. It wasn’t as if she was being paid for doing extra[…]
She's bad!
Copyright 2003 FK Publications Her perfect ass resting upon the sofa’s cushion, dark-haired Jane moved the cigarette to her lips and took a puff, her knee high leather stiletto boots stretched out on the livingroom[…]
Guy lost in desert with camel
GUY LOST IN DESERT WITH CAMEL The Arab overslept and found the caravan gone and he was totally alone in the middle of the desert lost. He decided that he would head out on his[…]
The prince part 2
Dining Table Bryce stared at his large plate of food as he thought about what had happened earlier, he didn’t know how to feel, he knew he had enjoyed it, but knew it wasn’t something[…]