My hand run down to her womanhood as my mouth found her nipples. I rolled them around in my mouth and tenderly sucked on each of them. I entered her soft pussy with two fingers[…]
His fantasy come true
Jack was an attractive man. Tall, dark haired, and had bright green eyes for his dark complexion. After his wife died it was never hard for him to find a date, if you could call[…]
Hot summer night
Hot Summer Night Damn it is hot, way too hot for clothes so she stripped down naked and wrapping a sheet around her she went out the patio door to the swing. That was one[…]
Nudists have sex 2
Nudists Have Sex – Part 2 Ron awoke early and sprang out of bed, eager for the events of the day. He couldn’t help but smile at the dramatic difference three years had made. He[…]
A bowl of ice cream
A young boy is in the kitchen about to get some ice cream out of the freezer when his Mom walks in. "Don't eat that ice cream! It'll spoil your appetite", his Mom nags "Dinner[…]
Sandra, part 2
One Tuesday night during the week of mid-terms, my girlfriend, Rena, and I were taking advantage of my roommate being stuck in a long evening lab session to enjoy a nice, leisurely fuck. Rena was[…]
Karen and michelle’s sad story part 1 chapter 7
Karen and Michelle’s Sad Story Part 1 Chapter 7 By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and[…]
Eternal hearts: chapter 1
Hi! this is something I wrote up a year ago involving some vampires in a game me and my girlfriend play. Yea we're nerdy like that. anyways hope it's enjoyed /> It was mid summer,[…]
Sex in a taxi with Jane
I jumped in the back seat and Jane slid in next to me. I told the driver where we were going and we took off. Before I even had the address complete Jane had undone[…]
Subtle seduction
Alison Barnett, or Alley as her friends and family called her, entered the house after school one afternoon in a particularly grumpy mood. One of the girls at her high school was really getting on[…]
Scene on a beach
copyright: Lesley Tara, 2011 I will admit, I was annoyed when you came into view. A few days ago, I found this secluded hollow in the sand dunes, about 100 yards back from the beach,[…]
"911": "some girl is trying to molest me!"
“Some girl is trying to Molest me!” * The boss’s naïve and spoiled daughter finds she’s in a and Tim have two versions of what happened. They somehow decided to tell this interesting story… together.[…]
Office pet
I didn’t expect it to happen the way it did. I mean I’m a quiet person at first glance. He’s not the type of guy that would notice me and I didn’t really notice him.[…]
Jenny by the river
She was just gorgeous; a mop of short curly blond hair, a very cute face with some freckles and pretty blue eyes, long tanned legs, tiny shorts that hugged her bum, and a plain T-shirt[…]
Club fatale, pt. 7
Club Fatale, Pt. 7 Chapter Twelve – Athena “Let me look at that,” I said as I prodded the wound gingerly. “You need a /> Emma had gotten the injury in our last game. “I’ll[…]
School daze chapter 2
SchoolDaze Chapter 2 Linda awoke to the aroma of coffee. She had a dream that a biker gang had taken her forcibly, but thank heaven it was only a dream. She smiled, as her pussy[…]