Pure pleasure

Mmm…. The sight of it makes my mouth drool So tempting, so irresistible I take it in my hand Lick my lips in anticipation Pulling back the cover I gaze at the hard, red head[…]

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Homecoming By Samantha G. At different times in our hurried lives, certain events will happen and shape who we are, as well as what we do. These events help to prepare us for the road[…]

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Hyannis We arrived before midnight. The fairgrounds were well lit. Rather than sleep in Bobby M.’s van once again, I asked if I could set-up tonight. Bobby M. thought I had a good idea. After[…]

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Sister's protector

Author's notes: I'm sure there's another story around here based off the same concept, and I want to set the record straight that this story is not intended to copy another. This was just something[…]

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Filled, ch 3

Scott opened his eyes to see Tiana sleeping peacefully next to him, her head resting comfortably on his arm. The sun streamed across her hair and lit the highlights with golden flames. “What a nice[…]

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