A free ride

Id never really considered myself to be gay, but i knew id be lying if i tried to tell myself that i wasnt dissapointed not to have gone home with Barry. Id never actually had[…]

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Teachers pet 2

The following day, I walked on clouds all day wrapped up in my dreams of what had happened the previous afternoon. When I walked into my last period English class, there were giggles from all[…]

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My busy daughter

Hello. My name is Dan and my daughter, Anna, is always busy. She works tirelessly at school, works a part time job at the local grocery store, helps me and her mother around the house,[…]

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Behind those glasses

So this is my first story. Please comment everything you feel necessary and vote fairly. If you have any questions or comments do not hesitate to post them. THANKS! 😀 Behind Those Glasses Prologue I[…]

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The october surprise

Brooke Woodhead had been working making extra money as a baby sitter every since she'd been in the seventh grade. Smart and responsible, the families she worked for trusted her. Now a senior in high[…]

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Bb part 2

BB p2 I write for money – All of my clients return if and when they can. I am super friendly when emailed. /> If you finished reading the story, please, vote positive or negative.[…]

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Forbbiden pet.

It is a boring afternoon, your partner just walked in after storming out of her shift at work. She’s more like a ghost each and every day, barely even recognizing the fact that you exist,[…]

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At your own risk

My previous attempts at long stories have taught me something: write it all before you post any of it. So this is pretty long. Hope you enjoy. ********* "Mmmmm, I've been looking forward to this."[…]

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Young and old

"Please be seated Mrs. Gordon," Samantha Oliver said, "I've been just been looking over your application and everything seems to be in order!" "From what I can gather from your app," Sam continued, "you wish[…]

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Our boarder

Our Boarder Times were hard, money was tight, and so we invited a boarder into our home. Since money was tight we decided to advertise in the local university paper for a boarder, to help[…]

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The return trip

While parts of this story are taken from real life experiences it is mainly fantasy, and if you happen to have read my previous story "Visitors from abroad", the 1st part could make a little[…]

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