As usual, after a game played against such a terrible football team as the Flippers, the Lighting Bolt cheerleaders were in a great mood. Not only did their team easily win the game, but now,[…]
Ruth (cautionary tale)
Ruth. Ruth had a fantasy. One she had had with her through college years. Even before that. The catalyst had happened in her early teens at a friend’s house. During one of their frequent stopover[…]
Master2 healed.
Mr. Master 2 HEALED. “Very good my Colby, I understand you may not enjoy the taste; yet. But you will, in time I assure you. That was very good for your first blow job. Now[…]
My new life 5: family matters
/> Everyone with OCD and depression experiences them in different ways. Felix’s symptoms in the following chapter are based my experiences with these two disorders. Both the doubt and self blame are obsessions that I[…]
Jolene #1
Jolene felt a burning sensation directly above her left nipple. It was a quick heat followed by a dull throb. It moved across her chest and ended just above her right nipple. She knew better[…]
Dirty jokes reedit:
A guy walks into a sperm donor bank wearing a ski mask and holding a gun. He goes up to the nurse and demands her to open the sperm bank vault. She says "But sir,[…]
Cock kitten
She tells me to strip down and stand in the outside shower stall. I do so without hesitation, folding my clothes neatly and quickly, setting them on the floor inside the door before walking out[…]
Taming the succubus.
Author’s Note: I really don’t know where this story will take me, but hopefully someone will like just as much as I like it Happy reading. Queen Lola felt like shit. She felt like some[…]
Mean chicks 2
It was a small wedding just a few friends and family. We had it in the town hall with the Justice of the Peace. Patricia wore a light beige dress and I was in an[…]
"shower sex"
Shower Sex By Blueheatt him… ____We laid in bed talking naked. She asked me to tell her one of my hot stories. She loved them, and they got her hot. She rated them by hot,[…]
Angie pt 2
Angie (pt2) He looked down at his daughter, passed out, and tried to grasp what she had said before she passed out. Not thinking with a clear mind, he shook her back awake, and asked[…]
Player's trick book chapter 2.
Jeremy's story continues on… read chapter 1 Jeremy strolled in to his office building, casually greeting his staff one by one. His appearance more or less a formality as this company was his solely. He[…]
Seduction of a married heart chapter 1
I could not believe that college was already over. My promise to the man I loved had seemed like one that was so distant in the future. We had known that we would get married[…]
Kayla part 2
Waking up in the morning changed drastically in the past few weeks. I used to wake up with a cloud of silence and loneliness hanging over my head. The girl I used to date left[…]
The awakening, chapters 1 and 2
The Awakening, Chapter 1, Early Years. May 1998. Their first time. It was graduation day for Jennifer and Matt. They were thrilled to be out of high school. They met in the parking lot after[…]
The taming tent
"Jen! Oh Jen, I'm glad you got here in time. In a little while, there wouldn't have been anything left." Jen pulled the flaps of the circus tent closed behind her. "Are the pickings that[…]