Fisting the flippers

As usual, after a game played against such a terrible football team as the Flippers, the Lighting Bolt cheerleaders were in a great mood. Not only did their team easily win the game, but now,[…]

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Master2 healed.

Mr. Master 2 HEALED. “Very good my Colby, I understand you may not enjoy the taste; yet. But you will, in time I assure you. That was very good for your first blow job. Now[…]

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Jolene #1

Jolene felt a burning sensation directly above her left nipple. It was a quick heat followed by a dull throb. It moved across her chest and ended just above her right nipple. She knew better[…]

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Cock kitten

She tells me to strip down and stand in the outside shower stall. I do so without hesitation, folding my clothes neatly and quickly, setting them on the floor inside the door before walking out[…]

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Taming the succubus.

Author’s Note: I really don’t know where this story will take me, but hopefully someone will like just as much as I like it Happy reading. Queen Lola felt like shit. She felt like some[…]

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Mean chicks 2

It was a small wedding just a few friends and family. We had it in the town hall with the Justice of the Peace. Patricia wore a light beige dress and I was in an[…]

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"shower sex"

Shower Sex By Blueheatt him… ____We laid in bed talking naked. She asked me to tell her one of my hot stories. She loved them, and they got her hot. She rated them by hot,[…]

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Angie pt 2

Angie (pt2) He looked down at his daughter, passed out, and tried to grasp what she had said before she passed out. Not thinking with a clear mind, he shook her back awake, and asked[…]

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Kayla part 2

Waking up in the morning changed drastically in the past few weeks. I used to wake up with a cloud of silence and loneliness hanging over my head. The girl I used to date left[…]

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The taming tent

"Jen! Oh Jen, I'm glad you got here in time. In a little while, there wouldn't have been anything left." Jen pulled the flaps of the circus tent closed behind her. "Are the pickings that[…]

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