The interview

The door was opened on the 2nd knock. inquired the man who answered. She felt a sudden shyness creeping in, but sensing he wouldn’t be one to tolerate weakness in any form, cleared her throat,[…]

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The ad

After having read it for the third time, Danny shoved it into the envelope and dropped it through the mail slot. For better or worse it was on it's way now. The "it" was and[…]

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Barely legal austin

Austin. What a fucking tease. Like always, he was on my doorstep, smiling, wearing just a pair of basketball shorts, sweat glistening on his exposed chest. “ Hey Mr. Hunt!” he exclaimed. “ Is Josh[…]

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Friends and lovers

Tracy Robinson had a hard and fast rule: Do NOT, under any circumstances, never, ever, ever fool around with a married man. She’d been married and cheated on and she remembered all too well the[…]

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Chanch meeting

All Characters are 18 Teaching Ann It was worm spring day, Easter weekend would be here tomorrow so I took a vacation day for a longer weekend. I was at my cabin in the Ozark[…]

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The other half of me

THE OTHER HALF OF ME Prologue: Then The labour had been long and difficult. The exhausted nineteen year old young woman lay on her back, sucking in large gasps of breath as she recovered from[…]

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Andrew's temptation

It was a hot summer afternoon when Shelly pulled her car into the driveway; the drive home seemed to take forever as she thought about how exciting the weekend would be. Being one of the[…]

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