The yule log – part 2

Katie arrived Wednesday night. It was great to see her. My youngest sister had taken education even more seriously than I had. She was finishing her masters in the spring and had already been accepted[…]

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The beginning

I looked down when my phone rang and was so surprised to see your number. I was also a little worried. You don’t call me from your house. I was very hesitant to answer as[…]

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Kain sutherns

Think for a moment, of the most important moment that has ever happend to you. Pretty great memory right? Well, it was in the greatest moment of my life, that changed everthing that I had[…]

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Punish me

I knelt there waiting, in the mess of my own arousal. The hot wetness all over my legs still flowed slowly from between my thighs. I whimpered pitifully, neglected waiting for the next assault to[…]

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Sarah & karly pt.1

As a high school senior, I decided to join the newspaper at my school. Before the year actually started, our publishing company held a "Boot Camp" sort of thing and extended an invitation to each[…]

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The rush; part 7

If you haven't read the first six parts of this series, please visit my author page on here and do so. Thanks for reading! Jessica walked along behind her new mistress in silence, contemplating her[…]

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Beauty secret

I heard the water running when I woke up. My eyes slowly opening as I smelled her perfume from the night before on the pillow next to me, the smell of our sweat and sex[…]

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Hymens ch.3

When the call first came in, Lieutenant Johnson was so caught up in his daydream he missed it completely. It was from "Here to Eternity" except Christine Miller and him rolled in the surf, completely[…]

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