The yule log – part 2

Katie arrived Wednesday night. It was great to see her. My youngest sister had taken education even more seriously than I had. She was finishing her masters in the spring and had already been accepted[…]

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Heartbreak hotel

Heartbreak Hotel This story is fiction, all similarities to an actual person or persons is purely coincidental. Like it goes: "Well since my baby left me, i gotta find a new place to dwell, its[…]

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Late for dinner

“102. One Hundred and Two Fucking Degrees.” Allen checked the temperature gauge on his car one more time, then got reluctantly out. Allen was 19 years old, and home for the summer after his first[…]

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This iin not about my sis and I. I watched my sis grow up and we alwals were close.We wrestled and played with each other.When she was 12,she started growing breast,first her nipples grew ,sticking[…]

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Flirting with the sitter

“Hello, Mr. Peterson,” Billy said as the door opened. The Petersons were friends of his parents and when their regular babysitter cancelled, they asked if Billy would be willing to look after their kids. Billy[…]

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The leaf fan

The Leaf Fan Two friends were working and one of them said. "Hey are you going to the hockey game on Saturday night?" "Nah." said the other. "My wife gets mad every time I go."[…]

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Party girl

You’re laying in bed one night when you feel the vibrations of your phone, a message from your friend shines in your face reading. “Hey, there is this party! Wanna come?” You reply saying sure[…]

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Skateboard kid

Skateboard kid As I pulled up to the convience store I noticed a boy of about 14 standing in front of it. He was a typical skate boarder with no shirt, long hair, and camo[…]

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More then just friends

Joseph, Autumn and Emily are friends. Emily and Autumn have been best friends for 7 years. Joseph is Autumn’s Boyfriend for about 2 years. Lately Joseph has been asking Autumn for a three way with[…]

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