We started as friends

We started out as a couple of friends, Who saw each other now and then, Two people hurt many times before, And afraid of getting hurt once more. Slowly we began to share long walks,[…]

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Chrissy & me

My name is Jay. This is an entirely true story of my second experience with incest, which happened during the winter of my 16th year. My first time with incest, which happened only only 6[…]

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Evening walk

Ann has noticed me with my Doberman on evening walks. We set out around the same time and usually nod or smile at each other when we pass. It is my Doberman that caught her[…]

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The tentacle problem

“Coda, I'm sensing a distress signal from sector 51." "Alright Nate, take us there." "Roger that. Computer, set a course to sector 51." Our spaceship lurched, changing directions to head towards our new destination. My[…]

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Unfaithful by Maximillian Excaliber Introduction This is a bit of a departure from what I normally write. I hope you enjoy it. Whether you do or not, please rate the story. Your feedback is always[…]

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