Work fun

Ever since she'd been working for Mr. M, all of six weeks now, she couldn't help thinking about him in the most lascivious ways. And even though he was probably 15 or 20 years her[…]

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Best holiday ever

The cold coke ran across my tongue and down my throat. After the stifling humidity of Manchester International Airport I gulped down the refreshing drink eagerly. I finished the bottle and screwed the lid back[…]

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Pat says: Soooo convenient Nikki says: Well I managed to do a couple of things too Nikki says: You know.. Pat says: Oh? Nikki says: Mhm Nikki says: Got over feeling bad about it being[…]

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Wine tasting

Jane and I had been lovers for two years then we broke up. It has been five years since our breakup I have seen Jane around Dallas over that time. Jane called Friday afternoon asking[…]

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She likes to watch

She Likes To Watch Sara Taylor’s parents liked to party, she had always known that. So it was no surprise when her thirteenth birthday turned into their celebration and she was shuffled off to bed.[…]

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