My First Mastrabation – Part 2 Read the first part of the story if you haven't already! "Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap!" I was in deep shit. I was laying on her bed, covered[…]
Shadows of paradise
Shadows of Paradise By Samantha G. “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you get what you Stones If it was only for one splendidly intimate night, it was well[…]
Wife trained abused and bought back – ch 02
The last year or so has been very productive. I've learned a lot about people and I'd like to tell you about it. I am a little nervous that I will not express myself clearly,[…]
Backstage pass
copyright: Lesley Tara, 2009 I grew up in a medium-sized resort town on the English coast. Every summer, the local theatre would put on a show during the holiday season, with the lead roles taken[…]
Escape for passion
Part 8 Chapter 8A After a quick shower and a few eats, the trio once again found themselves in the playroom downstairs dancing to slow music and getting each other horny again. Kim Lin was[…]
Ryoko's seduction part 1
Imperial Japan was no more than a memory by the time Ryoko was born. World War II had taken the pride and dignity of her people, and she could still remember the echo of the[…]
Can we survive
Can we Survive IV Sondra and Teesha did have there way with me, not that I am complaining. They fit right in with the others and caused no conflict. Tracy was manning our radio when[…]
Family home stay ch. 01
His mother tapped softly at the door and Jim sat up a little. The door opened a crack and her head appeared, framed by the light from behind her. She stepped in, leaving the door[…]
Actress & me(pt 3 trip west)
I watched the plane taxi to the runway, and take off. I left and headed home with tears in my eyes as I was already missing her. I moped around the cottage for the rest[…]
My first sexual experiences part 1
Ok, first of all I'd like to say that this is 100% true, not a fact in here is a lie. Now for an introduction. My name is Ryan, I'm 24 years old, and almost[…]
Teenage hooker
When I was in my early teens, I ran away from home and learned right away that the world could be tough on a 14 year old boy who is out there and all alone.[…]
The restaurant’s glass tables
Fbailey story number 707 The Glass Tables My mother fixed me up with a weekend job. It was to keep me off the streets as much as it was to provide me with spending money.[…]
The intruder
The Intruder – Be Careful What You Wish For Your key turns in the lock and I hear you softly sigh once the door shuts firmly behind you. I watch you from the shadows, you[…]
In the middle of the middle of september
For no particularly fascinating reason I found myself staying with my aunt Renee. In the coming month, I would either move back east or move into the condo my mother was in the process of[…]
Rich boys love 4
harvey laught at me and said i know your no ones property. I put my head back on his chest but i had a question i really wanted to ask him. Harvey? yeah he responded[…]
Mr. ryles
I've always been interested in men who were older than me. From the age I began considering sex, I had been lusting after men in their twenties and thirties. So, naturally, when I met my[…]