Shadows of paradise

Shadows of Paradise By Samantha G. “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you get what you Stones If it was only for one splendidly intimate night, it was well[…]

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Backstage pass

copyright: Lesley Tara, 2009 I grew up in a medium-sized resort town on the English coast. Every summer, the local theatre would put on a show during the holiday season, with the lead roles taken[…]

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Escape for passion

Part 8 Chapter 8A After a quick shower and a few eats, the trio once again found themselves in the playroom downstairs dancing to slow music and getting each other horny again. Kim Lin was[…]

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Can we survive

Can we Survive IV Sondra and Teesha did have there way with me, not that I am complaining. They fit right in with the others and caused no conflict. Tracy was manning our radio when[…]

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The intruder

The Intruder – Be Careful What You Wish For Your key turns in the lock and I hear you softly sigh once the door shuts firmly behind you. I watch you from the shadows, you[…]

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Mr. ryles

I've always been interested in men who were older than me. From the age I began considering sex, I had been lusting after men in their twenties and thirties. So, naturally, when I met my[…]

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