House guest (part 3)

-continued- part (3) The three of them ate dinner while making plans for a nightclub later on. Except for the planning, the talk was fairly quiet during dinner. Even with the quietness, Linda and Melissa[…]

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Older women

Fbailey story number 219 Older Women When I turned sixteen my mother had her hands full with me. Dad was never around and when he was, he was still never around. He was your preverbal[…]

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Weekend fantasy

FRIDAY The fantasy starts early one Friday morning, and would last for the whole weekend, and every thing that you think can happen will and even things you can't even imagine. On Friday morning I[…]

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Two fleas

Two fleas are talking about winter migration and one's freezing its ass of. FLEA1: "I spent the whole trip in a biker's beard." FLEA2: "That's not the way you do it, what you do is[…]

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Bringing in jenny

My girlfriend and I had been discussing for quite some time about inviting a woman into our sex lives for a threesome. We are an extremely sexual couple that met under some interesting conditions. She[…]

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Mountain angel

My story takes place back in the late 80's, when PC's and Digital Cameras still were a rarity, but which I had in my possession, using them for my main hobby: taking photos. This was[…]

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