Fbailey story number 409 Civil War Reenactment When a friend at work tried to recruit me into his Civil War Reenactment Troop, I was intrigued but I wanted to check it out first. He told[…]
How did you know ?
…. WE had just left Maude-s home, from THE party… Booze…, drugs…, and strong coffee all played a part in our respective party lives. … …….By we; I mean the group of us…probably twenty or[…]
When i became a woman, by cassy lee
When I Became A Woman, by Cassy Lee Hi, Diary. Like, I’m only just thirteen last month, and I hope you don’t think I’m naughty or anything, but I am real honest. I got my[…]
One night, one chance
In the fire light she danced as the flame, spinning countlessly into the cold brisk night air. Damien gazed upon her bronze skin and watched her long dark hair flow behind her. He thought of[…]
Big city slut
No one under the age of fourteen has sex in this story. BIG CITY Slut: There is a neighborhood in Big City that has its streets in an alphabetical series of names, in fact more[…]
My life – a foursome at last
My life – A Foursome at last It had been almost a year since I had done anything with Susan or Lynne. Susan and I would occasionally kiss and cuddle but she was making friends[…]
The healing process
“I think I’m getting sick.” /> /> “Why? What are your /> “A little scratch in my throat. My head hurts. I don’t like where this is headed.” “No, me neither. OK, I have the[…]
Up north
Up North It was a bloody cold night and there I was standing at the end of the service station waiting. The cheapest way to get up and down the country was to hitchhike. It[…]
My first love – part 2
She let me go, and as the rain had stopped, we started making our way out of the park and towards the party. Unfortunately, words cannot describe the joy that was going through my mind[…]
The clock
Frank often suspected his wife was masturbating in the shower; she was just TOO happy sometimes, while drying off and getting her clothes on. Well, after today he'd know for sure. He had bought a[…]
Having fun at an xxx adult theater
This story is rather short but it covers a little background and everything that took place in the short span of time when it happened so there wouldn’t be any more to tell unless I[…]
Virgin fantasy arrives
This is a true encounter of which I was totally amazed that it happened the way it did.I am someone who would only cross the line in my marriage when the opportunity presents it's self[…]
The canoe trip
The Canoe Trip Chris paddled at a slow stead pace. The canoe slipped through the water with only the slightest whisper of it's passing. He and Jessie slid through the backwaters silently watching the world[…]
Jessica's tale: part i
Jessica's Tale. Part I By Gilt Yardbird A young girl gets drunk on a night out. This is my very first story so please be kind and dont let it put you off reading. When[…]
A walk on the wild side
I had walked out into the woods a million times with my dog, just walking looking at the water in the creek, listening to the birds just anything I could do to be away from[…]
Carlos and derrick
Carlos and Derrick I met Derrick on the first day of school. I was the new kid at a small Christian school where the entire student body was in 3 rooms on the top floor[…]