Part Two Chapter Eight ————- Julie woke up in pain in two areas, she was lying on her side and Harry had laid his arm on her shoulder and pushed her over to where her[…]
Naughty talk
let me see if I've got it all down," Linda said as she finished filling entering the order data into her computer terminal, "that's two hundred of the XT40's, sixty of the ZX35's and forty[…]
Truck drivers and the lie
Recently I was driving on the long island expressway and was stuck in a massive traffic jam.I was wearing a short loose dress and had my right hand on my leg.I began to notice that[…]
Lisa (jessica) – chapter 6 – changes
leaving?” Jessica asked in disbelief. “But how?” have to sneak out the back.” Jim was saying as Josh came to look out the window with him. “One of us will have to go out the[…]
Wife & slave
It had been a long week at work, and I couldn’t wait to get home, kick off my shoes, grab a glass of wine, and watch a movie. But when I got home I soon[…]
My neighbor ned
My Neighbor Ned I’m an old guy widowed; living in the same house my wife and I raised our kids in. I have great neighbors some who have lived here as long or longer then[…]
Flying high
We laugh together as we run into the air-conditioned airport terminal from the muggy heat outside. The effect was miraculous on you as I glanced at you once we were inside. Aside from raising your[…]
The torque round
Hannah always had a hard time getting into the clubs. Even though she was 21, she looked 19, if not younger. Sometimes it was tough to convince them even after seeing her valid ID. Tonight[…]
Vera was measuring a quarter cup of laundry detergent to add to her Monday morning load of wash when the phone rang! she answered while cradling the phone between her shoulder and ear, "who's calling[…]
Tim, the teenager part x
Note: ——I am NOT the author! There are several authors actually, I’m not so certain that any one of them is the creator, but I know it’s not me. I am simply sharing this lovely[…]
The champion's companion 16
“So,” Marcos said turning back to Queen di Sellis and looking around the women assembled. “Who do you think I should kill to set the balance back?” The Queen beamed and leapt into him hugging[…]
Me and my best friend
Me and my best friend, Darren, had known each other forever. We were always open with each other about everything, and when I say everything… Even when we were little, we used to compare the[…]
Urinal challenge for guys
Take the first annual, Choose-A-Urinal Challenge! Men should ace this test (or suffer the wrath of men everywhere)… women are on their own. But, there IS a code of the rest room that MUST be[…]
Orton plantation in north carolina
When I die, I wish to comeback as one of her tears. What man would be so lucky as to have been conceived in her heart, born in her eyes, live on her cheeks, and[…]
My niece mary jane , part 4 returning home
Finally I realized that my wife was crying out in excitement, going on and on about just how wonderful the moment had been, how it could not have been better if she had planned it[…]
David, my lover
I was always a shy girl, never having much luck with boyfriends. They were either too pushy, making me feel uneasy, and turned off, or not bold enough. Meaning, of course, that at 24, I[…]